Alternate Perceptions Magazine, September 2016
The ETs of Evolution
We humans create our human reality. I feel that our evolving human perception not only experiences but creates at least some of the strange forms and ET craft which we see in our skies.
Greek philosopher Nikos Kazantzakis wrote “Zorba the Greek” and “The Last Temptation of Christ” and was the inspiration behind Anthony Quinn’s award-winning performance in the film, “Zorba the Greek.” Perhaps “Zorba the Human” would have been a better title. I have no idea if Mr. Kazantzakis believed in life from other worlds and UFOs, but his thoughts are a poetic, artistic version of what quantum physics tells us about our creation of this reality.
We don’t think often about our own evolution and what it really means: What does the mental and spiritual process of evolution look and feel like? How does collective consciousness actually expand? Where is the evidence that this evolution-process even exists in each of us as members of the species?
“Everything we call real is made of things that cannot be regarded as real.” – Niels Bohr
Might the evidence be in those UFOs we keep sighting? Are at least some UFO occupants created by Homo sapiens’ vast, insatiable need to evolve? Or, a variation: Are UFO occupants being created by the process of evolution itself? Are UFO occupants falling out of the evolutionary egg? Evolution is a mysterious force which is a blend of science and spirit.
Consider the fact that the universe itself keeps growing as we, the human species, continue to evolve. A few hundred years ago, Earth was flat and the Sun revolved around Earth. For all intents and purposes, this was true. Futurists were punished if they dared to guess that the world was round. Society and laws reflected that the Sun revolved around the Earth.
Today, just when we learn that there are 100 billion stars in 100 billion galaxies, it turns out our expanding science has discovered 200 billion stars in 200 billion galaxies. But wait! It was just announced the Milky Way might have 400 billion stars with as many planets! Our science constantly expands the universe and so does our spirit.
Whether evolution allows a species to perceive more of the cosmos, or the species actually creates “more” within the cosmos, who knows? “Imagination is more important than knowledge.” - Albert Einstein
It seems the natural world has this prime directive: Evolve or Die! However, humans are strange because of our advanced intellectual and spiritual needs. The animal world has wonderful intelligence and spirituality too, but it is in balance. Humans are restless, aggressive beings that seem out of balance with their own planet but at the same time, have amazing abilities and potential which other Earth species do not.
We arrived at this state of imbalance coupled with intelligence after many hominid species disappeared; one line of evolution was the most vigorous and aggressive, becoming Homo sapiens. We do not know what our people-ape ancestors began to perceive once the pressure of evolution set in.
It is not just the modern human who sees an image generated by his evolving mind and brings it into his reality. We have only been on Earth for a heartbeat and so the process of evolution, the next step, had begun as soon as we emerged as a species. I believe an ever-expanding, more complicated perception was and is “available” within the electromagnetic morphic field. If our collective consciousness stretches beyond our minds and into the cosmic morphic field, then there is always a more advanced version to be “uploaded” (a new evolutionary update).
“If quantum physics hasn’t shocked you, you have not understood it yet.” – Niels Bohr
Earlier humans did not yet dream of computers and rockets to the moon, thus they did not bring them into being. However, they did dream of being warm and being able to cook raw meat and so, it was discovered that fire could be harnessed. Our ancestors dreamed and thought what they needed next to survive, and it happened.
What we urgently need next is to know that we are not alone in the universe and that there are more advanced beings than ourselves. Our species needs this humbling knowledge desperately these days.
And evolution involves work! It involves stretching and stretching your neck over thousands of years if you are a giraffe. Thus it is not handed to us today on a silver platter; we have to work for it. UFO occupants remain partially hidden, almost not interfering at all; they are only available in glimmering objects hovering in the night sky.
The UFO occupants are making us reach now, this is how evolution happens.
But does our collective consciousness actually create UFO occupants and their craft? This is much too simple because I do believe there are beings visiting us (and always have), from actual sources such as other planets and dimensions. Perhaps in the strictest sense, we do create all we perceive but I am not championing that extreme view; I am simply stating: Some of the ETs and UFOs we are experiencing, might have arrived because we are in the process of “uploading” an expanded consciousness. Therefore, we perceive more of the universe. This premise is solidly in line with quantum physics theories.
Yes, UFOs were seen by humans in the past also, but evolution is a process which starts as soon as the species appears on Earth. “No problem can be solved from the same level that created it.” - Einstein
Your cat walks all over your computer keyboard. This is frustrating because not only you are trying to type, but cat hairs are not good for the keyboard. But does the cat really perceive your keyboard at all? Your cat knows there is space there to walk with a slight up-rise from the desk itself. She does note that the human spends a lot of time pounding this space with human-fingers which should be petting cat. For thousands of years, we have perceived more than just the starry skies. There is more to be known both scientific and spiritual, but we did not have the knowledge to comprehend fully. However, I believe we are now near the cusp of our evolution; good-bye to Homo sapiens and hello to our new species. The universe is growing too and it is no coincidence! There had to be The Moment when Grandfather Hominid’s collective consciousness became Homo sapiens’ collective consciousness. The force of evolution favored the new human form.
This process will happen to Homo sapiens too. It is happening even now. Someone might say, “Well, it is a physical thing, this evolution. Early hominids slowly grew a larger frontal lobe, slowly lost the physical hair, and so forth.
However, what makes us human? What makes a wolf – a wolf? What makes a blue jay – a blue jay? Yes, there are physical characteristics but each species has a “hum” (a collective consciousness), which cannot be completely defined or fully encapsulated by looking at the physical structure of the life-form.
Earlier hominids behaved, felt, and thought, differently than Homo sapiens. What it meant to be them was different than what it means to be us.
There will come a day when Homo sapiens phases out and the next step in evolution dominates the collective consciousness. This new species will be flying into alien dimensions of which we now dream. Sound familiar?
I am positive that human evolution has something to do with some of the UFOs we are seeing. I believe this fact is a good reason not to be mindlessly afraid of them. What if we not only are beginning to perceive their reality, what if we are actually creating their reality? In a basic way, we are creating the mind and spirit of the species which comes after us. If our minds are evolving into their minds, then are we creating creatures born out of constant fear, greed, war, and careless destruction of the home world?
Fly on, Future Humans, be gentle, peaceful, intelligent, and just.