Encounters of the Unknown—Alternate Perceptions Magazine, September 2016
A Russian encounter with Space Beauties
by: Albert S. Rosales
Date: Summer 1990; Time: daytime
Vyacheslav X., a research member of a technical department of a local Military Industrial Enterprise, was spending the weekend at a resort complex located several dozen kilometers from the city, enjoying nature and the calmness. On this day, he was resting in a clearing near the forest on the banks of a small river. As he sat on the ground he was suddenly confronted by several humanoid figures standing in the clearing. They were dressed in metallic silver like suits, tight fitting to their bodies; all the humanoids had slender proportional figures, with legs and arms, and all about 1.5-1.8 meters in height. They wore helmets joined with the suits without any visible seams. Their faces were hidden behind darkened visors. One of the humanoids then entered into telepathic communication with the witness, who heard the alien’s voice inside his head, while the others stood and observed the scene. They were positioned in a semicircle, as if protecting the scene. After a short conversation, the humanoid showed the witness what was apparently weaponry. They had narrow pipe-like devices in their hands, and one alien projected one end of the device to the ground and in a moment the grass caught on fire and burned out. There was no visible beam or laser from the device. Despite the obvious alien behavior and appearance of the intruders, Vyacheslav at first thought that he was part of some kind of “experiment” being conducted on him by the Soviet Military Industrial Complex that were testing some type of ultra-modern military technology, connected to mind control and light beam or heat weaponry, and he was just a guinea pig chosen for the test. However, the aliens told him that he had been chosen by them for this contact and promised that he would soon go on a journey with them. Being seized with curiosity he agreed to go. He felt no fear. The next moment, he lost consciousness. Later, he understood that while he had been unconscious he had been transported on board their spacecraft and during the interstellar flight he had been unconscious, like in a state of suspended animation. This was probably done because of the immense speeds. He returned back to his senses in a strange place.
They were flying over the surface of a strange rocky desert, covered with rocks, ravines and deep canyons; he could see everything on the screen or a window. They soon landed and a door opened and they left the craft. The aliens soon drew his attention to several flying insects in the air and asked the witness, “Do you have such insects in your world?” This made him realize that he was indeed in contact with extraterrestrial entities and he was in their world. Stunned he looked around his environs and saw unearthly vegetation, trees which remotely resembled palms but were different, small bushes with leaves like that of a ficus.
They soon approached some kind of lake. Vyacheslav saw that the water was of an unearthly color, very blue, an extremely deep azure. The aliens allowed Vyacheslav to examine his surroundings; he took his shoes off and put one leg into the water, probing the water by touch. The water appeared very cold. He did not see anyone swimming in the lake. The place was very different from middle Russia; it was more tropical with a very high humidity. The moment he had walked outside the spacecraft he had been covered with sweat and his face turned red in color. The next moment the aliens took off their helmets and all the humanoids were indeed very beautiful females, about 1.5 meters in height, with light brown hair, and very correct features. All the female humanoids emanated heat (possibly indicating a heightened biofield or biological energy). All the alien females looked extremely attractive, amazingly beautiful; he had never seen such beauty on Earth. He felt their extreme unearthly attractiveness irradiating a hot energy from their bodies. Apparently they were able to function very well in such a hot environment. The witness was puzzled, not understanding why the aliens had exactly chosen him for the contact and visitation to their planet. He was indeed told that very few earthlings are chose for such a unique contact. Later the witness was returned back to Earth. He couldn’t remember the return flight as well, and returned to his senses lying on the same meadow that he had been taken from.
HC addendum
Source: “UFOs Chronicles of Secret Cases” TV Program aired by
Ren-TV channel Moscow 2004 Type: G