• AP Magazine

    An alternative way to explore and explain the mysteries of our world. "Published since 1985, online since 2001."

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Alternate Perceptions Magazine, June 2016

Spinning Vortices of Light, a Bizarre Rolling Wet Mass, and Floating Balls of Light: Unusual UFO Cases from the UK

by: Dr. Greg Little

In my 1994 book Grand Illusions I described two separate‚ ”UFO-like” incidents that took place in the UK in 1991. They are both quite bizarre cases largely unknown in UFO literature. Both cases were reported and detailed in the 1993 issue of the “Journal of Meteorology.” Both cases are similar to various reports cited by Andrew Collins in his 2012 book Lightquest, some of which are described below.

At 11:00 pm on July 21, 1991 David and Elaine Haines were driving from Westbury, Wiltshire to their home in Dorset. After passing through Hill Deverill a flash of light hit the driver’s side window and their attention turned to what they first thought was the reflection of the moon. After a few moments they saw four separate beams of light in the sky. They stopped the car and got out. They heard a distant “whooshing” sound. The beams of light were now close to them and they could distinctly see four separate vortices of spinning white light. As the lights slowly passed overhead they could see that all were spinning clockwise and were throwing off a shiny white beam of light as they spun around. The four vortices appeared to be connected by a weaker central light source, but one of the main objects broke away and moved around the others before returning to the formation. Then, suddenly, all the lights simply disappeared. Upon their return home the Haines called the local police who referred them to the Royal Air Force. The RAF took the report but no additional investigation was done. The Haines interpreted what they saw as some sort of meteorological phenomenon.

On September 29, 1991 at 10:30 pm, Mr. Barrie Brumpton was walking on the “New Road,” a short, 400-yard long stretch in Colden Common, Hampshire. It had been raining earlier in the evening, but by the time Brumpton took his walk, the wind and rain had stopped. Suddenly Brumpton saw a round-topped, somewhat dark but luminous object rolling down the street toward him. The frightening object was described as a “solid mass of mist” estimated to be 23-feet wide and moving at 20-30 miles an hour. It made a sound like pounding rain on concrete that got louder as it approached him. Brumpton related that the rolling mass of mist was quite visible and glowed. He stepped onto his driveway to evade the mass as the object simply rolled by. Then it suddenly changed direction, and vanished.

In his book Lightquest, Andrew Collins described various other UK reports similar to the above accounts. England is a veritable hot spot for odd reports of lights and luminous spheres. At England’s famous Avebury stone circle site, Collins reported on luminous spheres seen by various witnesses in the sacred site. In the mid-2000s we visited Avebury with Collins and walked the site at night. (This isn’t recommended witout having on boots as the area is a sheep pasture.) We observed numerous balls of colored light forming and quickly vanishing, especially as we walked the stone lined causeway toward the circle.. At the Sanctuary site near Avebury, Collins tells the incredible story of a professional filmmaker who shot extensive footage—40 minutes in length—of floating balls in the Kennet Valley. I was allowed to view some of the film and saw exactly what Collins described—milky white globes of light floating around in the valley like satellites in orbit. The objects did not appear to be attached to anything and simply moved slowly around. They had a vague similarity to balloons but didn’t move like them. Collins also details a pillar of light observed in 1991 near Avebury as well as several other multiple witness reports of floating glowing balls of light in the area.

Some of the oddest reports of strange objects and witness experiences from Collins’ book came from Alton Barnes where numerous people have reported bursts of light, floating globes of colored light, and orbs apparently bouncing along the hills and valleys. Collins describes Alton Barnes as a UFO mecca where numerous people go to see anomalies and many have reported being successful. Other reports in the book are of a bizarre worm-like creature seen on a road at a hot spot.

Tuesday, February 11, 2025