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Book Reviews Perceptions Magazine, January 2016

by: Brent Raynes

The Omniverse:
Transdimensional Intelligence, Time Travel, the Afterlife, and the Secret Colony on Mars
By Alfred Lambremont Webre

Inner Traditions
Bear & Company
One Park Street Rochester, Vermont 05767
2015, 224 pages, 6 x 9, US 16.00/Can. $19.50
ISBN: 978-1-59143-215-9


Reviewed by Brent Raynes

This books author, Alfred Lambremont Webre, said to be a graduate of Yale University and Yale Law School and a former Fulbright Scholar, makes some pretty extraordinary claims. He describes ancient beings known as the Archons, who can conduct their activities under the cloak of invisibility, and who feed off negative energy. He explains that our souls are holographic fragments of God, who he also refers to as the Source, and how our souls and the Source are working together to create other planets and galaxies for further soul development.

Described as the founder of Exopolitics, Webre makes other extraordinary claims, including time travel and the existence of a secret Mars colony.

Buckle up my friends, this will be a wild ride to the outer reaches of literary time and space!

America: Nation of the Goddess
The Venus Families and the Founding of the United States
By Alan Butler and Janet Wolter
Foreword by Scott Wolter

Inner Traditions
Bear & Company
One Park Street
Rochester, Vermont 05767
2015, 368 pages, 6 x 9, US $18.95/Can. $22.95
ISBN: 978-1-62055-397-8

Reviewed by Brent Raynes

This book contains American history that we certainly weren’t taught about in school. America: Nation of the Goddess, by noted British author Alan Butler and American writer Janet Wolter, wife of Scott F. Wolter, host of H2’s America Unearthed, delve into what they describe as a secret cabal of influential “Venus” families whose lineage can be traced back to the Eleusinian Mysteries, to a mythological background with the planet Venus, and with themes commonly associated with the Great Goddess of antiquity. The authors claim that by working with the Freemasonry and the National Grange Order of Husbandry, that the Venus families strived to elevate the feminine principles and aspects of religion and society. The authors assert that they also strived to introduce sacred geometry across the early American landscape, citing examples like the design of the Washington Monument and three obelisks in New York City that are seemingly spaced out to resemble Orion’s Belt, with one of them located at St. Paul’s Chapel, described as our nation’s counterpart to Scotland’s mystical Rosslyn Chapel.


Lessons from the 12 Archangels:
Divine Intervention in Daily Life
By Belinda J. Womack

Inner Traditions
Bear & Company
One Park Street
Rochester, Vermont 05767
2015, 224 pages, 6 x 9, US $15.00/Can. $18.00
ISBN: 978-1-59143-223-4

Reviewed by Brent Raynes

The author, Belinda J. Womach, believed in angels as a child up until age 12, when she decided to become a scientist. With a dual master’s degree in microbiology and environmental science all was going well, so to speak, until one day she claims that as she was working in her biology lab she discovered that she was in the presence of the Archangel Gabriel.

Today she is also a spiritual counselor who has channeled her own angelic messages for individuals, couples, and families for a quarter of a century now. In this book, Womach shares various lessons, guided visualizations, and details for daily guidance that is designed to help readers benefit from connecting with the angelic realm.


The Aztec UFO Incident:
The Case, Evidence, and Elaborate Cover-up of One of the Most Perplexing Crashes in History
By Scott Ramsey, Suzanne Ramsey, and Frank Thayer, Ph.D
With a Preface by Stanton T. Friedman

New Page Books
The Career Press, Inc.
12 Parish Drive
Wayne, NJ 07470
2016, 317 pages, 6 x 9, US $17.99
ISBN: 978-1-63265-001-6

Reviewed by Brent Raynes

Back on March 25, 1948, on a remote mesa near Aztec, New Mexico, did oil field workers discover a crashed 100 foot diameter flying saucer? This story, long dismissed as a hoax, originally appeared in the pages of a book entitled Behind the Flying Saucers, by a columnist named Frank Scully. It was a best seller until a journalist named J. P. Cahn came along and claimed that it was a hoax, and so it remained for over three decades, until in 1987, author Scott Ramsey located a living witness to the incident.

And so began years of further research and investigation into this perplexing, challenging matter. Did the U.S. Government indeed recover a crashed saucer back in 1948, that was quickly removed to a secret laboratory for further study and analysis? The authors believe that’s the case and believe that they’ve made the case for vindicating Frank Scully’s book as authentic.

Read and decide for yourself.


Humanoid Encounters:
The Others Amongst Us
By Albert S. Rosales

Create Space Independent Publishing
2015, 296 pages, Paperback US $13.88, Kindle $5.99

Reviewed by Brent Raynes

Researcher, author and an experiencer himself, Albert S. Rosales has compiled hundreds of fascinating high-strangeness UFO/entity cases from 2000 to 2009. The reports are from all parts of the world, the Ukraine, the Philippines, France, India, Israel, Australia, Malaysia, Germany, Argentina, and many more countries, as well as throughout the United States. For anyone interested in close encounter/entity accounts, this book comes highly recommended.


The JFK Assassination Report: 13 Shots
By Leroy Blevins Sr.
Edited by Tony Pratt

2014, 354 pages, Paperback US $69.99, Kindle $9.95
ISBN-13: 978-1499179699
ISBN-10: 1499179693

Reviewed by Brent Raynes

In 2005, this author was asked by an actual eyewitness to John Kennedy’s assassination to conduct his own investigation. After 9 years of examining a massive amount of photograph evidence, pouring through all available and relevant films and pictures that he could locate concerning the tragic events of Dealey Plaza on November 22, 1963, Blevins concluded that he had found proof of a conspiracy and had found some answers to what really had occurred.
This book is a color pictorial of hundreds of revealing photographic images. It’s a unique contribution to the ongoing inquiry and controversy surrounding the many unanswered questions related to this deeply troubling historical incident.

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