• AP Magazine

    An alternative way to explore and explain the mysteries of our world. "Published since 1985, online since 2001."

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November 2015

Issue 212

Alternate Perceptions Audio Interviews
Rosemary Ellen Guiley
by: Brent & Chandra

What Is The Oldest North American Mound?—Revised
by: Dr. Greg Little

Archaeo-astronomical Sites in SE Colorado
by: Jeanne Gripp

An Interview with the Paranormal Palace’s Sandy Nichols: Alien abductee, ghost hunter, and founder of the Alien Research Group
by: Brent Raynes

Reality Checking
Wandering Among the Igloos, eyeing strange Symbols, and Whistling for Answers
by: Brent Raynes

Encounters with the Unknown
The Young Woman Whose Consciousness
Left Her Body and Foresaw Her Death
by: Dr. Arthur R. Cushman

Classic Mysteries
A Maine case of Alien Abduction type memories
Investigated and reported by Shirley C. Fickett
by: Brent Raynes

An Interview
Steve Ward:
Keel, Mothman, and One Man’s Ufological Journey
Part Two
by: Brent Raynes

New Book Reviews
by: Brent Raynes

Electronic Letters to the Editor

We’re looking for Articles, Personal Stories, and Letters!


Kepler’s Alien Megastructures and the Cygnus Mystery

The Cygnus Mystery Documentary

Five Best Recent UFO Sightings

The Hunt for St. Louis Mounds

Is Nefertiti Buried in Newly Discovered Secret Chambers?

Zahi Hawass Denies Nefertiti Claims

Newark Earthworks & The Moon

The Andros Platform—Underwater structure

America’s Stonehenge: A Mysterious Hill

A Mind Altering Mysterious Woman

Anthony Peake - The Pineal Portal? Lucia No3, Endogenous DMT and the Third Eye

The Science of the Buddhist Mind

Friday, July 26, 2024