• AP Magazine

    An alternative way to explore and explain the mysteries of our world. "Published since 1985, online since 2001."

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Alternate Perceptions Magazine, July 2015

Man From Mars

by: Dr. Greg Little

While perusing hundreds of UFO and contactee books at the A.R.E. library while gathering material for a new book, I came across a rather interesting contactee book. I had seen it in the A.R.E. library before, but never really took the time to go through it. The title is “Flying Saucer From Mars” and it was published in 1954. The author was Cedric Allingham, who was described as a writer, amateur astronomer, retired military, and traveler born in 1922. In 1954 Allingham claims that while walking along a beach in the UK a flying saucer landed, a door on the side of the saucer slid open, and a man jumped down. The man talked to Allingham but soon had to leave. The man said he was from Mars and had just visited Venus and the moon. But he had to go. Allingham pulled out his camera and snapped several photos of the saucer and one photo of the man as he walked away. The photo of the Martian is above. His photos of the saucer look a lot like the cover of the book. That’s about everything in the book regarding the visitation from Mars. There is a lot of discussion about the contactee George Adamski in it, but not much else.

The Martian looks a lot like an old friend of mine named Jim. Jim was slim, always wore blue jeans with a long sleeve shirt, and had a wallet on a chain in his back pocket. But I don’t think this was Jim. Still, I wonder. I haven’t seen Jim in some time.

The author of the 1954 book, Cedric Allingham, was reportedly hard to track down over the many years after the book was published. A lot of copies were sold in various countries, but Allingham remained elusive. Perhaps that was because he really didn’t exist. The actual author has probably been identified, but who knows? If you are interested in looking at this strange tale, here are a couple links:

Link 1

Link 2

Looking For A Needle in A Haystack of Needles

Years ago August “Augie” C. Roberts reviewed one of my early books on UFOs and paranormal topics and related that the topic was like a jig-saw puzzle so vast that no matter where you stood you couldn’t ever see the entire picture. You could essentially trap yourself by focusing on just one small area of the puzzle. He was commenting on a section where I wrote that the field of ufology was like looking for a needle in a haystack of needles. The needles will send researchers to a lot of dead ends. For example, if you think that all UFO reports are space ships from other planets or worlds, you’ve been trapped by beliefs. You will focus on reports that support your beliefs. If you think that all UFO reports are fakes, you are just as trapped. One big problem is that more and more needles are being tossed onto the haystack all the time. All of us know that hoaxes, mental aberrations, misrepresentations, misidentifications, weather phenomena, and unfamiliarity with aircraft create UFO reports. Still, everyone who has spent real effort in investigating the topic knows that something is there. As Carl Jung wrote, “something is seen, one doesn’t know what.” But just about no one in ufology grasps the psychological effect of the mass of bogus reports and the countless reports of misrepresentations tossed into the mix—like more and more needles endlessly tossed onto a pile of needles. You can get impressed by the millions of needles. In his book “Contactees,” Nick Redfern did an admirable job in summarizing most of the early UFO/Flying Saucer Contactees. I highly recommend that book. But we are still left with the task of sorting through the needles. The contactees certainly made a deep and lasting impression on ufology. But most of them (who knows how many?) were spinning a tale. Those tales sold and had a vast audience. They still do.

If you are out there Jim, give me a call. If you are in that saucer, drop by for a visit.

Friday, January 24, 2025