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Interview-Alternate Perceptions Magazine, April 2015

An Interview with Marcela Krystkova, author of Resonance Field Theory

by: Brent Raynes

Marcela Krystkova, the British author of Resonance Field Theory, a 45-page booklet/paper available on Amazon’s Kindle, explores the controversial realm of quantum physics. In this interview, Marcela attempts to explain for us in simplest of terms the complex ideas that have evolved in modern physics, and how a return to Einstein’s best kept secret of aether could help.

Marcela was born in 1966, in what was then Czechoslovakia. After grammar school she studied economics. After university she worked in IT and later as an economist/accountant in an international company. She enjoys all of the sciences, and at grammar school she specialized in chemistry, but physics is her all time favorite.

Brent Raynes: Marcela, please share with our readers a little about yourself and what prompted you to write such a book to explore controversial areas of quantum physics? Some people like doing crosswords or sudoku, I like the puzzle of nature, and quantum mechanics certainly is one big puzzle.

Marcela Krystkova: I never had a problem understanding theory of relativity, but quantum mechanics contained rather too much of very weird stuff. Already as a student of a grammar school I felt the unification of the theory of relativity and the quantum world was not far away. I could feel the solution coming. However, I decided against studying physics, and instead, I became an economist and put physics aside as a hobby.

Now, when I say that physics is my hobby, I do not mean that that is what I do in all my spare time. It means that my ideas about sorting out somehow the “gap” between the theory of relativity and quantum mechanics had not been forgotten, but flare up every now and then.

So over many years, in some sort of “shock waves” of study and work, which were followed by long periods when the subject laid aside just brewing in my subconscious, my view of how our universe might work on the large scale as well on the tiny quantum scale has been developing.

I have had many ideas over time, some which have been completely discarded, and some that underwent many alterations and even huge and repeated redevelopments from scratch. Eventually, a few years ago, a more consistent model started taking shape. And the time came when I thought I should put my thick folder of notes and charts and scraps of papers in order and write a more consistent piece of what I thought remained relevant. So this is what happened and how the “book”, as you call it, or “paper” as I would call it, came into being.

It should be seen as very much a work in progress, and by no means finished and undisputable. I wrote it for me in the first place to put my ideas in order and see where they lead to. I wrote it also for a handful of my nutty friends to give them a better idea of what I was talking about and in what directions my ideas unfold.

Brent Raynes: How do you feel that you figured out how to unify the gravitational field with the electromagnetic field, something that Einstein struggled at doing but failed?

Marcela Krystkova: We need to start with a question what is a field in physics? The answer is field is space in a particular state. Which brings us to another question: What is space? The answer to that is not helpful: Space or space/time continuum is a mathematical model.

But what is space/time in reality? What is the space/time around us made of? What physical properties has it got? Nobody knows.

Einstein discarded the idea of aether with a special theory of relativity, and then his general theory of relativity replaced aether with space/time continuum and subsequent physicists worked it into a mathematical model. Einstein was very much aware that his space/time continuum was in fact a new theory of aether. He saw space/time as a medium which on one hand is influenced by the matter and energy contained in it, and at the same time this medium acts upon matter and energy through communicating its state to it. He realized there had to be a two way communication or interaction between the space/time continuum, and matter or energy.

Unfortunately, by then nobody was interested in discovering the real space/time and everybody was happy with the mathematical model. Einstein was cut off the mainstream developments and ended up a “loner”.

I started exactly where the education process leaves us – the space/time continuum is empty. Nothing. After years of scratching my head trying to understand some of the mysteries of the quantum world, I came to the conclusion that we must be missing something. And if according to the general theory of relativity the space/time continuum can bend, stretch or shrink, I became convinced that this has to be the missing point.

Then I read Einstein’s article “Concerning the Aether” and I was astonished. Here was the best kept secret of physics. Einstein was a believer in a “medium,” an “aether”. His general theory of relativity requires a medium, as much as a theory of electromagnetism does. But nobody in the mainstream science seemed to be concerned with trying to find out what it was.

What is the real space/time, what are its physical properties and how does it work? If we find the answers, we may well find the connecting point between the theory of relativity and quantum physics, an explanation of gravitational force as well as the electromagnetic field. All parts of physics may become united through the discovery of the fabric and working of space/time.

Brent Raynes: What do you hope that your readers will bring away from reading your book?

Marcela Krystkova: I count my theory as an attempt to revive the notion of space/time continuum being something more tangible. I believe that a serious consideration of the space/time continuum could give us more insight into the origins of matter and energy, and provide us with means of unifying the major theories in a consistent way. I believe that space/time is the hidden player in the background. It is the “mother” of matter and energy. All physical phenomena that we observe contain a strong element of interaction with space/time. Space/time is the underlying fabric, the means of communication. Matter or energy communicate to their local environment through interaction with space/time.

I think that space/time is a discrete medium; that our universe has a “granular” structure which is very fine, so we cannot see it, but particles both shape and follow this invisible landscape. We can only detect some of these interactions if they become large and strong enough. Then we may say that there is a gravitational or electromagnetic field.

I believe that now is the time to take another step forward. It is time to abandon the limits we imposed on quantum physics a century ago. We now have the technology, tools and knowledge to study the hidden fabric of space/time.

The reader may well think it is all total nonsense. That is fine by me. What I would hope though that a potential reader may bring away from reading the article is the understanding that you have to keep asking questions. Never take anything for granted, just because someone says so. If you feel there is a discrepancy, an illogicality, then go and try to understand why. Scientists just pretend they know it all. They don’t. And they are bullies. There is much more to be discovered and you don’t need to be a high profile scientist to do so.

Brent Raynes: Any thoughts on effects here that we currently can only classify as "paranormal", like non-local particle entanglement?

Marcela Krystkova: I hope that the reader will retain their common sense when with regards the “magics” of quantum mechanics. Quantum mechanics is the only science that can get away with “paranormal” explanations.

I am not a believer in the so called “paranormal” behaviour of particles. At the beginning of quantum mechanics our knowledge was near zero and observational means were very crude. Scientists got round this problem by imposing certain limits of what can be done or known, and certain rules, which may lead to “magical” and “paranormal” explanations if taken too literally.

I believe that since then we have gathered enough knowledge and the technology has progressed so much, that we could rid ourselves of some of the rules and allow ourselves to see more of the truth we are looking for. Unfortunately, it seems that we do not want to see the obvious, so we fuzz the reality by the way we perform experiments and interpret the results.

And then, people want magic, people want to be thrilled by the “paranormal”. My hopes are that the “paranormal” aspects of quantum physics will be explained one day by better understanding of the space “fabric” and its properties.

But if you want to thrill your readers, then I will give you a conspiracy theory: Whilst the mainstream science has discarded “aether” and keeps blinding the public by flashing “paranormal” quantum phenomena in their eyes, there may be scientists shut away in government high secret labs who work frantically on discovering the properties of the space/time fabric, because when they learn how it works and how to control it, the government will have all the energy they need at their disposal. They will be able to control nuclear fusion and fission, they will travel faster than light, they will move stars, and they may get to the borders of the universe and out of it.

Wednesday, February 12, 2025