Reality Checking—Alternate Perceptions Magazine, April 2015

Psi-trailing in animals and human psychic abilities: magnetites and cryptochrome molecules, and whatever X-Factor is!
by: Brent Raynes
Brad and Sherry Steiger, in Real Miracles, Divine Intervention, and Feats of Incredible Survival (2009) document a number of such extraordinary incidents. The authors recounted one of the most famous and little doubt best documented cases of animal “psi-trailing” that involved a collie named Bobbie. It was August 1923, and a Mr. and Mrs. Frank Brazier, restaurant owners from Silverton, Oregon, were on a trip with their collie when they stopped in Wolcott, Indiana, to visit relatives. It was during that visit that Bobbie encountered a pack of unfriendly dogs that ran him into the woods. Mr. Brazier drove around town honking his horn trying to summon Bobbie back, but his collie was a no show. The following day, he and his wife placed an ad in the local newspaper, offering a reward for Bobbie’s return, but the ad drew no responses. They then had to move on to their next destination, which was Bluffton, and then a few days later they were reluctantly forced to return home to Oregon without their dog.
Almost seven months later, the miraculous happened. Bobbie burst into the Brazier’s family home, pushing past Mrs. Brazier and her daughter, dashing up the stairs and leaping onto the bed where Frank Brazier was laying asleep after working the night shift at his restaurant. The dog licked his owner’s face until he awakened and for the remainder of that day would refuse to leave that bedroom, even if food and water were offered for him to do so.
Colonel E. Hofer, president of the Oregon Humane Society, heard about the incident and conducted an extensive investigation. He was able to obtain very impressive testimony in hundreds of letters from men and women who had encountered Bobbie in his treacherous, death-defying 3,000 mile journey across freezing landscapes of snow and ice. Some recalled saving Bobbie from starvation, providing temporary refuge from freezing weather conditions, and even caring for him when the pads of his toes were so worn that the bone was exposed in some places. People were able to make positive identification as Bobbie had certain specific physical traits, like a bobbed tail, a prominent scar over his right eye, mismatched hips, and was missing three front teeth.
As with so many other documented case histories of this nature, the Steiger’s remark how it seems as though these animals somehow can call upon a detailed mental map that allows them to make a seemingly impossible journey. The Swiss psychologist Carl G. Jung, the scientist whose brilliance toyed with the notion of a collective unconsciousness, expressed long ago that in biology there existed “absolute knowledge” for which conventional causal explanations were inadequate. Jung pointed to remarkable and puzzling feats of genetic programming, like how carrier pigeons can find their way over hundreds of miles of terrain, how eels and salmon can navigate thousands of miles of ocean, hundreds of miles of fresh water – back to the very brook from which they had been spawned.
The late South African biologist and noted author Dr. Lyall Watson, described how he once lived for a while on a remote Indonesian island in the Banda Sea. He resided in a fishing village and in that community there was a man who was called a djuru, well-known for his developed ability to plunge his head into the sea water, even in the darkness of night, and listen to those underwater sounds and pin-point locations of fish and identify what they were. He had even once identified an approaching tidal wave a half hour before its arrival.
Being a biologist, Dr. Watson was very keen on observing firsthand the local phenomenon of female marine turtles that would at night and usually on the dark of the moon, come up on the beach from the ocean. When they would first arrive, they would spend about half an hour cautiously looking around and listening, making sure that it was safe, and then once sure that the coast was clear they came ashore. Dr. Watson would have to remain perfectly still underneath the canopy of a nearby tree, so as not to spook them. It was a laborious task as they crawled up onto the beach, and after getting beyond the hightide line, and after first testing several locations, they would eventually discover the appropriate spot to dig a nesting area in the sand. The majority of the turtles that Watson saw were the green Chelonia mydas, with a periodic hawksbill Eretmochelys imbricate that would appear just before dawn. His surveillance continued night after night, but what he really wanted to see was the rare giant leatherback Dermochelyscoriacea. Then one day he happened to mention to the local djuru his desire for seeing this particular sea turtle, to which the djuru promised Watson that he would make one available for him, stating, “I will dream one for you.”
Nearly a month had passed, and then early one morning the djuru came to the school where Watson was teaching and told him that he would see one later that day. Watson assumed that he was meaning that the turtle had been caught in a fisherman’s net, but the truth was not so simple.
About mid-afternoon the djuru returned and Watson accompanied him, not to the beach, but instead to a location with a deepwater channel where Watson could look down past coral banks to the smooth floor of a lagoon. He sat up on a raised shelf of rock (something he had done many times before) and once again watched the reef fish darting in and out of the coral’s crevices. Meanwhile, crouching at the water’s edge, the djuru placed both of his hands into the water. Watson reported that the djuru was moving his hands in the water in a way that reminded him of someone playing the piano. After about twenty minutes or longer, Watson noticed a bird swooping down at something out about a hundred yards. Gradually that something began to become a form and gradually took shape. He initially guessed manta ray, then a shark, then maybe a whale, but eventually it came close enough that he realized that it was the sea turtle he had longed to see and that the djuru had promised. It was larger than he had expected! The djuru continued with his hand movements, but added a quiet chant as well. Watson thought that the sea turtle, that was suddenly an estimated 20 feet away, had seen him. Suddenly the creature turned on its side and dove away into the deep. About five times the huge turtle swam up and down the channel in front of them, each time coming a bit closer and each time appearing calmer. Then the turtle surfaced, it’s head a mere three feet from the djuru’s hands. Then she moved her beak up toward him and twice gently nibbled at the djuru’s fingers on his left outstretched hand. Then the sea turtle turned away and straight away headed back out to sea.
Although Dr. Watson admitted that this incredible experience was a mere anecdote that lacked the scientific validity that scientists demanded of such claims, he pointed out that other naturalists have described comparable experiences (but are often reluctant to put them on paper as he did). He added that science, with its lip service given to objectivity, documented evidence and repeatability, could nonetheless be missing something very important here by ignoring such unusual accounts by credible observers.
Watson also recounts in his book Lifetide how Arthur Grimble, a cadet administrative officer of the Gilbert Islands, was visiting Butaritari, when late one afternoon a hereditary porpoise caller in a nearby grass hut cried out to the villagers that they were coming. Grimble joined an estimated thousand of these villagers down at the beach as suddenly porpoises, as far as the eye could see, began to come toward them. But how did the local porpoise caller know several weeks in advance that on that specific day, the villagers there would need to be ready for this specific event.
It has been estimated that one-fifth of our planet’s 10,000 bird species somehow migrate across huge distances and how some of the obstacles these birds face are truly enormous. Examples given are the Demoiselle Cranes that fly over the Himalayan Mountains at altitudes in excess of 20,000 feet, and the Arctic Tern that is said to traverse some 40,000 miles in its pole to pole migration pattern. In very recent years, scientists have been studying how different bird species may not only have magnetites in their beaks to navigate using the earth's magnetic field, but that molecules called cryptochromes may allow birds to actually see those fields! It seems that for this to occur light from the blue-green end of the spectrum is required. There's even a radical pair theory, as it's called, that explains how photons striking the bird's retinas may even become quantum entangled. Cryptochromes are said to be blue light sensitive, regulate circadian rhythms in plants and animals. Scientists have confirmed that the human retina has plenty of cryptochrome and that it is capable of "magnetoception."
Could becoming "entangled" be the key? I've even read where studies revealed how the most important light for resetting the biological clock is the blue light of the spectrum, a process that sounds like a pineal gland function.
Speaking of blue light, Tennessee’s investigative mythologist Brian Henry describes something variously and historically called the Blue Stone, Blue Pearl, or Blue Apple. In his book Oracle of the Illuminati (2003) he wrote: "When kundalini energy becomes active through mantra meditation and rises through the seven chakras many see a subtle blue dot appear and disappear on their mental screen during meditation. ...It takes a Living Master, an Oracle, to link the student with the blue light and the inner sounds that lead the student to the higher states of awareness," which Henry explained could be "out of body."
There's also a book called The Initiation, by a Dr. Donald Schnell, who wrote: "Many times I would sit to meditate and I would see a blue dot in the center of my forehead - the location of the third eye...It was from this blue dot that my beloved Swamy Nagananda would appear to me. I didn't know who he was, and wouldn't find him in India for almost a quarter of a century."
Engineer and author Alexander Zikas described to me how he had temporarily developed clairvoyant type abilities after working with American psychic Peter Sugleris. “I noticed that this clairvoyant ability originated from a blue twirling light at the location of the Third Eye,” he explained. For former US Naval scientist Eldon Byrd, when doing telepathy experimentation with Israeli psychic Uri Geller, it was green. “When he was sending me a picture or a letter (of the alphabet) it always turned out to be green,” Bryd explained to me. “When my wife and I were doing it the images in my mind were mostly green when I would receive. Now when I was sending I was sending in full color, but the reception seemed to be an outline of an object or a scene in green.” Uri Geller confirmed to me, “When I receive images they are usually green on an imaginary screen.”
Remember that the entangled cryptochrome would presumably involve the blue-green portion of the spectrum. Are these people, with their spiritual disciplines or psychic talents, quantum entangled thanks to the cryptochrome molecules in the retinas of their eyes? Can humans develop awareness of these fields? Elmer Green of the Menninger Foundation once reported that Tibetan yogis taught clairvoyance to some students by having them sit on a glass plate while in meditation facing the north in a dark, windowless room, while a bar magnet was hanging over their heads, with its north pole pointed upwards to the zenith. It was reported in one study under an Indian biophysicist named Sarada Subrahmanyam that human EEG patterns differed depending on the direction the subject was facing in relation to the earth’s magnetic field. However, curiously enough, his team reportedly found no effects if the subject was a yogi!
It is reported that as little as half a gauss in a magnetic field, oriented where it adds or subtracts from the earth’s own magnetic field, can increase or decrease pineal melatonin and serotonin levels.
From Mothman Land to Holland: Whatever happened to Dan Drasin?!
I recently had the very good fortune of coming into contact with California filmmaker Daniel Drasin, who years ago accompanied the legendary John Keel to Mothman hotspots in West Virginia back in 1967, with the purpose of doing a documentary film. Ever since I first read Keel’s The Mothman Prophecies, which described Dan’s travels with him to those exciting sites at that historic time, I wished that there were some way that I could connect with Dan Drasin. I thought how wonderfully informative and insightful such a contact might prove. Well, thanks to crop circle researcher Nancy Talbott, that dream has become a reality. Just a few days ago I was reviewing one of her latest updates, and learned of how Dan Drasin had visited and tested the remarkable psychic photography abilities of Holland’s medium Robbert van den Broeke.
Dan is putting together an awesome documentary called Calling Earth. It is still in progress, but already you can view a July 2014 version that is one hour and 15 minutes in length. It gives a bold and profoundly comprehensive global and historical overview of the ITC/EVP phenomenon that includes interviews with such leading pioneers in the field as Dr. Ernst Senkowski, Sarah Estep, Lisa and Tom Butler, Paolo Presi, Judith Chisholm, Klaus Schreiber, and Alexander MacRae, with many remarkable samples of ITC/EVP recordings. And, of course, the last few minutes of the documentary are of Dan’s visit with Robbert van den Broeke.
To view, go to: Here
Recommended references:
1. Lifetide: The Biology of the Unconscious (1979), by Lyall Watson. Simon & Schuster, New York, NY. ISBN: 0-553-13470-1. 2. Real Miracles, Divine Intervention, and Feats of Incredible Survival (2009), by Brad Steiger and Sherry Hansen Steiger. Visible Ink, Detroit, MI. ISBN: 978-1-57859-214-2.
3. The Body Electric: Electromagnetism and the Foundation of Life (1985), by Robert O. Becker, M.D., and Gary Seldon. William Morrow & Co., Inc., New York, NY. ISBN: 0-688-06971-1.
4. Strange Electromagnetic Dimensions: The Science of the Unexplainable (2015) by Louis Proud. Career Press, Pompton Plains, NJ. ISBN: 978-1-60163-327-9.