• AP Magazine

    An alternative way to explore and explain the mysteries of our world. "Published since 1985, online since 2001."

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Electronic Letters to the Editor

Hi Brent,

It was Gene Steinberg that told me the story, though I remember it vividly, and he remembers it a bit less clearly. Here is the sequence of events, as it was described to me by Gene long ago.

He was with Jim Moseley in New York, and Jim was getting very drunk (as usual). Gene, be it noted, I’ve never seen drunk, stoned or nothin’. So Jim gets the idea of calling a police department at random and reporting a UFO, which he proceeds to do. He calls the Wanaque, NJ cops, and says there are UFOs, and hangs up. Forgetting the whole thing. That night the Wanaque Flap starts and becomes big news for days on end. Jim has no memory of it, but Gene is not a tall tale teller. I brought it up with both of them a couple of times on Gene’s show. Moseley professed no memory of it, Gene said he did, although I don’t think he got or gets the full implications of it; the ufologists entwined with the phenomena.

Allen Greenfield

Editor’s Note: I just had to share this with our readers. I first heard this story from Gene Steinberg’s own talk at a conference in northern Ohio around 1976, which Allen Greenfield was also present at (autographing copies of his wonderful book Saucers and Saucerers!). In our recent correspondence, Allen shared with me what he remembered of this odd tale of UFO synchronicity from years gone-bye.

And, alas, as synchronicity would have it, I’ve just been reading a new book entitled On the Edge of Reality by Colin Andrews and Synthia Andrews (see review in this issue), which explores the missing link to the UFO and paranormal puzzle – and the enigmatic role of human consciousness itself – and it seems to fit in rather well (as well as such things “fit in” within this confusing enigmatic realm) with what Allen just wrote.

Tuesday, October 22, 2024