• AP Magazine

    An alternative way to explore and explain the mysteries of our world. "Published since 1985, online since 2001."

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New Book Reviews

By Brent Raynes

Mysteries of the Ancient Past:
A Graham Hancock Reader
Edited by Glenn Kreisberg

Bear & Company
One Park Street
Rochester, Vermont 05767
2012, 310 pages, US $18.00
ISBN: 978-1-59143-155-8

Reviewed by Brent Raynes

A thought-provoking and fascinating anthology of articles that were commissioned by noted ancient mysteries author Graham Hancock, bestselling author of Fingerprints of the Gods. Read the latest, cutting-edge and compelling new findings that encompass alternative perspectives of science, history, archaeology, and our understanding of human consciousness. Unearthened herein from our ancient past, and interpreted and re-evaluated from unique new modern perspectives of scientific awareness, are revealing and, at times, controversial new insights and evidence that makes clear that we’re likely rediscovering, to a large extent, things that our ancient human ancestors probably possessed a far greater depth of advanced knowledge and understanding of than we have previously realized, relative to many matters of science, philosophy, and spirituality.

All contributors in this dynamic and riveting volume are extremely well-versed and well researched in the areas that they cover. Their names will be recognizable to many readers of alternative literature. Omar Rosales, Joseph Selbie, David Steinmetz, Dr. Manjin Samanta-Laughton, Gregory Sams, Gary A. David, Anthony Peake (who we’ve interviewed twice in this magazine) along with other visionary and pioneering writers who provide us with truly major and significant new insights and information.

Peake, in his chapter, The Case for the Daemon, makes it quite obvious that human consciousness is far more complex and fascinating than academic, mainstream psychology allows for. Beginning with the case of a woman in England, identified only by the initials of AB, we read of how she suddenly began hearing a voice and having precognitive dreams that, ultimately, saved her life. How is this possible? Peake presents compelling evidence that each of us “consist of not one but two semi-independent entities” – in fact, one is even able to foresee the future! While it might sound crazy, Peake digs up a lot of persuasive philosophical, historical, and theological material to support his conclusions.

Other equally insightful and resourceful contributors take us down illuminating pathways of shamanism, Vedic literature and traditions of India, the modern mystery of black holes, the search for Atlantis, the origins and connections of Mithraism, Gnosticism, and Christianity, the ancient serpent/dragon mythology and a possible connection with the star constellation of Draco--plus much, much more. Loaded with thought-provoking information, illustrations and photographs (some in color!), this should be a welcome addition to the library shelf of any alternative minded reader.


Evidence of the Gods:
A Visual Tour of Alien Influence in the Ancient World
By Erich von Daniken

New Page Books
A division of
The Career Press, Inc.
220 West Parkway, Unit 12
Pompton Plains, NJ 07444
2013, 221 pages, US $19.99
ISBN-13: 978-1-60163-247-0

Reviewed by Brent Raynes

Virtually overnight back in 1968, Swiss author Erich von Daniken became a familiar name to people worldwide with the publication of his sensational Chariots of the Gods. Tirelessly he continues to promote his “ancient astronauts” theme, and in his latest book Evidence of the Gods he again offers up even more thought-provoking evidence from ancient sites around the world. In fact, the reader will be dazzled by over 150 full-color photos from many extraordinary sites that are presented throughout this book.

From the American Southwest to the South Pacific, to South America and the Indus Valley, and many others places and points scattered here and there and in between, von Daniken takes us virtually all over the proverbial world map in the pages of this book where he produces evidence and questions for us to thoughtfully consider and ponder.

If you’re an “ancient astronaut” fan or theorist, then this latest Erich von Daniken book should be on your must reading list.


A Time of Change:
Akashic Guidance for Spiritual Transformation
Honest-To-God Series – Book I
By Aingeal Rose O’Grady

Wild Flower Press
An imprint of Granite Publishing
P.O. Box 1429
Columbus, NC 28722
2013, 182 pages, US $16.50

Reviewed by Brent Raynes

Brilliant scientists from Einstein to Max Planck and on into our present day have struggled to understand and define the nature of reality. New buzz words like the “the field” and “the matrix” strive to help our minds wrap themselves around the concept of a complex quantum world wherein everything is interconnected. The author of this book, Aingeal Rose O’Grady, introduces us to the metaphysical concept of the “Akashic field,” which is based upon the word “Akasha”, meaning “ether” in Sanskrit. The field, it is claimed, can be accessed by a sensitive psychic mind, like Edgar Cayce, commonly called the “Akashic Records.” Aingeal claims that she also accessing these “Akashic Records” and has been giving individual client readings for 15 years now.

This is a book of such readings, and it tackles many important areas of life, and what lies ahead in our future, that all of us will be able to identify with and are naturally curious about. Things like food and water, earth changes, issues regarding medicine, suicide, mental illness, and even artificially engineered viruses and extraterrestrials.

While I always strive to keep an open and objective attitude, I’m always cautious and discerning when it comes to psychic material of this nature. Each reader must discerningly wade through these readings thoughtfully and determine for themselves whether or not the thought-provoking material contained in this book adds anything substantial, meaningful and helpful to their lives.

Tuesday, September 17, 2024