Alternate Perceptions Magazine, February 2025
The Men Who Wanted to Make Contact
by: Mark McNabb

Mark McNabb

Rob Freeman
“Our mission is making maintaining contact with high ETs (Extraterrestrials), ITs (Intraterrestrials) and ABs (Advanced Beings), in whatever way is safe for all of us, all the while, learning, journaling and documenting our journey, and passing on their message to humankind, to educate the next generation.” - Rob Freeman, UFO World Explorer. I have often confessed that I am not a ufologist or even a bonified documentary Producer, but simply a storyteller who was completely attracted to a contact story that came from my good friend, Rob Freeman. For Rob, it was March of 1966, and this story of two young boys on the rooftop of his parent's home, with a makeshift skywatching kit, hoping to make contact, was what inspired me. My need was to discover and to tell even more important stories. Quite simply, as both Rob and I became more educated through experience we also discovered that … anything is possible. We are forever grateful for the contributions of many in providing so much knowledge, insight and more importantly, present-day experiences to not only us but to those whose stories we could carry forward.
Today, writing this article, is a further reminder of what pushed both Rob and I forward, at a personal level. During those months and years of completely not being secure in every decision that was being made, we still knew that we were privileged to do this work. We recognized that we would need to be ‘creative’ with our decision-making, and that’s what we did. We found a way, and we refused to stop … even when so much of our lives, all around us, made us feel that we might have to. We have a list and it’s a list of more than fifty unexplainable encounters and events that occurred, not just in the sky, but all around us. We felt these as some form of communication. In our hearts, they were messages. We would write them down, and on every expedition, whether we were in a remote field, with the cameras ready to go, or looking out at a cathedral, in the center of Italy, during a storm … and that’s when we would tell each other our stories, and we’d laugh and become so excited, like children, about the experiences we’d been gifted with, in our adult lives. And, in Italy, suddenly, that was when an unexplained light appeared. As though it was winking at us.
Wow, what a cosmic ride. What a true blessing in both of our lifetimes to have seen so much of the world … but more importantly, beyond all of that, being with others, who are now our friends, and to share with them what has touched their heart and has changed their life as well. What do Rob and I feel today, having experienced and encountered so much over these 10 years? Bring on the next 10 … because anything is possible. UFO World Explorer. Encounters: We Are Not Alone