Alternate Perceptions Magazine, February 2025
UFOs and Entity Encounters through the lens of Interdimensional Physics
by: Thomas M. Ferrario

This is a rough portrayal of what I had seen as a boy, and how my experience happened. The most dominant feature I remember to this day was the large glowing almond shaped Amber eyes looking back at me. I know now this is what I was meant to see.
My interest in unexplained events and entities along with UFOs started at a young age due to experiences my grandmother told me she had had with so-called little people, and I believe this to be the case with my mother also although I could never get her to speak about that. Then when I was seven years old, I had a sighting out my bedroom window of what is known as a reptilian type of creature which I know now wasn't anything of the kind through my research. In the small town I grew up in I became known for someone that would listen to the wildest stories of lights in the sky and cryptids. I would have individuals come and tell me reports of strangeness and sightings that they would not even share with their own family. I learned through my own research that ridicule is not any part of the scientific process and this drove me to pick up on the field of Physical Trace analysis. I wanted to find a piece of The Craft or some sort of physical evidence that no one could dispute of its authenticity. Years later I would make a call on a Sunday morning to Walt Andrus, one of the co-founders of MUFON. He convinced me to contact Bruce Widaman, the state director for the Mutual UFO Network in Missouri. Bruce made me a section director and then many years later the assistant state director to him and we formed a lifelong friendship that remained up till his passing on June 21st, 2022. Bruce introduced me to a gentleman named Ted Phillips who worked with Dr. J Allen Hynek of Project Blue Book. Ted did all Dr Hynek's physical Trace research and analysis in the field which I always felt was my specialty too. Ted and I formed a lifelong bond and friendship that I couldn't have imagined in a million years. He introduced me to people such as Jacques Vallee, Stanton T. Friedman, Douglas Trumbull, the special effects wizard of Close Encounters of the Third Kind and many more individuals that I never could have dreamed of working with much less get to meet.
Ted Phillips was approached by a being made out of light on his last year at active Marley Woods site. I was not with him at that time. Rodney Dillard was and I'm still working on getting Rodney's interview released from UFO Witness that they did on our show that they didn't air for whatever reason. Rodney said that being of light approached Ted, walked through a four-strand barb wire fence, made a gesture at Ted as if he wanted to approach him and then it was described that the being of light dissipated unexpectedly but it did give Ted the feeling of reassurance that it was not there to harm him. One other little fact I must relay is that Bruce Widaman, who was the first state director of MUFON, lived not too far from me and had an abduction experience about the same time frame as I had mine. However, we did not know each other till many years later.
Then one day Bruce Widaman asked me to take part in a meeting with a representative from the government to be part of a disclosure project that would download information and data to the general public that no one could dispute. After several meetings and promises broken by our contact in the government it was never to occur.
Throughout my life I have had the great pleasure of meeting Theologians who were involved in projects at the Vatican deciphering old manuscripts written in ancient Hebrew, Aramaic, and Coin Greek that directly referenced the bronze discs and plasma like orbs that was so much a main staple in modern Ufology. I was also made aware of the explanation that all these crafts and entities are interdimensional, not interplanetary, which changed my belief structure completely from one of nuts-and-bolts craft as even Ted believed at one time, but to the understanding that these craft and entities all were interdimensional beings and cryptids.
Now I must say at this point that all my mentors in Ufology came to believe this also. As Allen once said, it is much more complex than little guys coming here from Alpha Centauri.
One statement I always remember that Jacques Vallee told me was the UFO phenomenon represents evidence for other dimensions that simply cannot be understood apart from their psychic and symbolic reality, what we see here is not an alien invasion. It is a spiritual system that acts on humans and uses humans.
That statement in itself changed my understanding and my life's work in Ufology for evermore!