Alternate Perceptions Magazine, February 2025
My Highly Unusual Life
A Metaphysical Perspective
by: Barbara Mango, Ph.D.

From the time I was verbal, I knew I was different. I was an old soul, a different and unusual child. My parents considered me an anomaly. My mother once said to me, “If I didn’t remember giving birth to you, I would never think you were mine. You are so different from the rest of us.” I day-dreamed often. My vivid imagination helped me escape from an abusive, unhappy, childhood. My parents often told me, “You live in your own world—you are always making up stories.” I was deeply upset by my family’s inability or unwillingness to take me seriously. In their view, I overexaggerated and fantasized. According to them, I lacked the ability to live in the ‘real’ world. They laughed at me when I tried to explain my otherworldly occurrences. Thus, I learned to ‘stifle’ myself and not share my extraordinary experiences, which made me feel lonely and even more misunderstood. Yet, I knew the unusual phenomenon was real. In fact, they were realer than ‘real.’ I could see, hear, and communicate with entities that family members could not. I inherently understood other dimensions exist and that consciousness did not ‘reside’ in our physical brain.
My extraordinary experiences began when I was two years old and continue to this day. These include (yet, are not limited to); contact with spirit guides and other NHIBs, precognition, clairvoyance, past-life recall, UAP sightings, an examination aboard a UAP, seeing apparitions, mediumship, poltergeist activity, visits with departed loved ones, and orb sightings. However, the most impactful events occurred when I was between two to ten years of age. These occurrences enormously impacted my worldview and created a deep interest in philosophy and metaphysics. With rare exception, these experiences occurred while in a fully awake, conscious state. All of them have been deeply impactful and awe-inspiring. Several have been transcendent in nature, a few terrifying, yet, all have been profoundly transformational in nature. Five inexplicable experiences occurred in my childhood:Episodic absence seizures experienced when I was two years old.
• Visits with a non-human intelligent being at two years of age
• A brief abduction into a UAP (at four years of age) which included observation and non-invasive experimentation
• Past-life recall at six years of age
• A verified UAP sighting when I was ten years of age
Episodic Absence Seizures
When I was two years old, I was inoculated with the DPT (Diphtheria-Pertussis-Tetanus) vaccine. Shortly afterwards, I began experiencing what my pediatrician believed, were absence seizures. Absence seizures occur due to atypical changes in brain activity. They most commonly occur in young children. Absence seizures cause children to ‘blank or space-out’ and stare into space for approximately fifteen to thirty seconds. When a seizure occurred, I would stare blankly, unresponsive to stimuli or conversation taking place around me. Afterwards, I would suddenly ‘snap out of it’ and be ‘normal’ and responsive again. Absence seizures are diagnosed by neurological and physical exams, a detailed history, blood tests, and an electroencephalogram (EEG), a test that identifies brain patterns associated with these seizures. My parents were extremely worried about me. My pediatrician referred me to a child neurologist for extensive testing. The neurologist explained that an EEG was the ‘gold standard’ of epilepsy diagnoses. He told my parents that although seizures were an extremely uncommon reaction, febrile, rather than absence seizures were associated with DPT vaccines. Childhood febrile seizures cause convulsions with or without a fever. He reassured them that regardless of the seizure type, any abnormal brain activity would appear on the EEG. I was so terrified when the electrodes were adhered to my scalp. I was afraid the results would show I was crazy, or that my brain was wired ‘wrong.’ However, all my exam and EEG results were completely normal. My neurologist was baffled. He had no medical explanation for my seizures-calling them ‘inexplicable.’ Thus, I have always wondered- were they really seizures, or perhaps, otherworldly happenings. Was I having out-of-body experiences? Connecting with alternate dimensions? Communicating with non-human entities? After all, it is highly coincidental that my first extraordinary experience happened almost immediately after my seizures stopped occurring.
Visits with a Non-Human Intelligent Being (Spirit Guide)
I was 2 ½ when I first encountered a non-human intelligent being (who I assumed was) my Spirit Guide. My guide was a tall and striking Native American woman. She had long, jet-black hair, and wore traditional Native American clothing accented with beautiful turquoise jewelry. She told me her name was Liluye (meaning Singing Bird). In native culture, birds represent messengers between the physical and spiritual realms. Interestingly, the name Liluye represents a connection to the spiritual world and the ability to communicate with higher powers. I called her Luly, as Liluye was too difficult for my two-year old self to pronounce. Luly visited me frequently for approximately one year. She would appear frequently and without notice. We would always sit at my ‘little kids table’ in my bedroom. I cannot remember our conversations in full; yet I know they concerned the cosmos, other life forms, and consciousness. She was my spiritual ‘mentor,’ teaching me how to connect with the ‘other side,’ Our conversations were always telepathic. I was only two years old, but I completely understood these profound concepts. Luly was gentle, kind, and loving. I always looked forward to her surprise visits and was extremely sad when she stopped appearing. I assume this was because my spiritual lessons had concluded. Abduction/Observation/Experimentation by Non-Human Intelligent Beings
A few weeks ago I told my husband that I was writing an article for Alternate Perceptions. He said, “Make sure to include the incident in which you were ‘beamed aboard a spaceship’ and examined-the one you told me about when we were dating.” I answered, “What incident?” I had no recollection of this. I asked him to describe the event to me exactly as I had relayed it to him. As he did, the memory came flooding back. My memory of this is limited. I remember it in pieces, and most probably, the most stress-free portions. This event occurred when I was four years old. I have no recollection of how I was brought aboard the UAP or returned home. I recall laying flat on my back atop a metal table. I was looking up at three or four very tall NHIBs. I cannot remember their appearance or facial features. I was in a large, circular room with a domed ceiling. Advanced computer systems encircled the room, above which were windows. I remember the beings telepathically communicating to me, explaining they had ‘chosen’ me to perform genetic observation and non-invasive testing. I was fearful, yet, at the same time, grateful in my four-year-old mind that they were being so ‘nice’ to me. Yet, why did I suppress this memory for twenty-seven years? And why did I suddenly feel extremely anxious after my husband reminded me of my encounter? Looking back, I believe the event was far more traumatic than I remember, and I suppressed any distressing/traumatic portions of this memory.
Trying to substantiate my recollection, I searched the United States Air Force (USAF) archives of declassified UAP sightings. I narrowed my search to 1960-the year of my abduction. In 1960 I was four years old, and living in a suburb of Kansas City, KS. My search revealed a declassified USAF report and subsequent investigation on November 23, 1960, in Kansas City, KS. Three circular discs were observed, each approximately one-hundred feet across. The third disc was approximately one-thousand feet behind the first disc. The USAF determined this was a verified UAP sighting. Does this verify that this particular UAP grouping abducted me? It is impossible to prove, yet it seems highly coincidental. There is another piece to which perhaps substantiates this genetic piece of this ‘puzzle.’
Fast forward fifty-six years later. Several immediate family members had recently passed away from related genetic cancers. Thus, my primary care doctor suggested I undergo genetic testing to determine my chances of developing any of these cancers. The testing center took careful note of my six existing genetic conditions. Surprisingly, my sister, and only sibling, inherited none. My geneticist called several weeks later. The first thing she said to me was, “Are you sure you want to hear the results? Once you hear them you cannot unhear them.” Thankfully, she told me I have a minimal chance of developing genetic cancer. However, her next remark shocked me. “It is statistically impossible for only one sibling to inherit every familial genetic condition. I checked with many of my colleagues because your results are so abnormal. They agreed with my findings-there is no genetic or medical explanation for these results.” Although there is no definitive proof NHIBs altered my genetic make-up, it is certainly an interesting coincidence.
Verified UAP Sighting
March 20, 1966, 12:00pm, Shawnee, Kansas City, KS
Ten years Old
On Sunday, March 20, 1966, a blistering heat wave held greater Kansas City in its grip. For ten consecutive days, record-setting temperatures soared into the eighties. Due to the unusually warm weather and sunny, cloud-free day, my father and I were doing yard work. Out of nowhere, a dark shadow covered our entire lawn. We looked up and saw a massive, cylindrical disc hovering five-hundred feet above us. The craft was matte-silver, approximately two-hundred yards in circumference, with evenly spaced, oval windows encircling it. This low-flying UAP had appeared in broad daylight, making it impossible to make a mistake for anything else. Fearless, and with utter calm, I gazed up at the craft, while its occupants engaged me in a telepathic conversation. The NHIBs relayed to me:
“You have always understood that the universe is unimaginably vast, containing billions of habitable planets and other intelligent life-forms. We ask that you share our mission of peace and concern with the ecology of your planet. We are here to observe you, just as someday, in the near future, you humans will examine moon rocks and lunar soil samples”.
Little did I know that in a few short years (between 1969 and 1972) 842 pounds of lunar rocks, including core samples, pebbles, sand, and dust, would be retrieved from the lunar surface, via six Apollo missions. After hovering several minutes, the UAP noiselessly evaporated into thin air. I recall excitedly telling my father, “I couldn’t hear the UFO approaching or leaving because it moved faster than the speed of sound, and I couldn’t see it appear or disappear because it travelled faster than the speed of light!” In retrospect, it would have been impossible for me to grasp the laws of energy, waves, vibration, or motion. I was ten years old, in fourth grade. Yet, at that moment, I understood the principles of physics effortlessly. It never occurred to me how I knew-I just KNEW. It was not until an eighth-grade science class four years later that I first learned about the basic laws of physics. In this encounter, I received future information regarding lunar samples. I realized that non-human intelligent beings are capable of downloading future information to us-information that lies beyond space, time, and the human scope of ‘knowing.’
Neither my father nor I ever doubted the validity of this sighting. The incident was reported in the Kansas City Star newspaper. However, I wanted hard evidence. I searched for years to no avail. Decades later, I found the confirmation I had long sought in the Project Blue Book (PBB) archives. PBB contains declassified Air Force investigations analyzing UAP-related cases/data. Combing for days through the voluminous archives, I was finally able to find verification of my childhood sighting. (Nara-PBB1-364, Roll 1, March 1-22, 1966 sightings). The subsequent USAF investigation determined it was the ‘real deal.’ Past-Life Recall (PLR), 1962, Six Years Old, First Grade
I contracted bronchitis in first grade. This quickly developed into unrelenting, walking pneumonia. My pediatrician prescribed antibiotic after antibiotic-to no avail. No medical intervention alleviated my symptoms. I missed forty-eight days of school and was fed up with being sick. The principal called my parents in for a meeting. My parents were told I would be held back by a grade if I missed four more days of school. This news terrified me. In my mind, only losers were held back. That night I had an exceedingly lucid, realer-than-real.’ dream. I knew I was experiencing my most recent past life.
This particular life took place in the early 1950s. I was a wealthy, British socialite named Victoria Spencer (My father’s name was Wiliam-my older sister and only sibling was named Jane). I had a two-pack-a-day smoking habit, drank heavily, and partied incessantly. My physician had just delivered devasting news to me earlier that day: I was diagnosed with incurable lung cancer due to my years of heavy smoking. To this day, I remember every single detail of that recall. The images in my dream were so clear, life-like, and intensely vivid, I knew I was reliving the day I was diagnosed. In ‘real’ life I was a six-year- old first-grader. I had no knowledge of British manor homes nor hair/dress styles of the aristocratic class of that era. I had no conception of adult feelings of grief, the enormous fear of impending death, nor deep and profound sorrow. Yet, I deeply experienced Victoria’s emotions as if they were mine. Additionally, I physically suffered Victoria’s shortness of breath, chest pain, cough, and extreme fatigue. My past life vision was vastly different from normal visual perception; I possessed multi-directional, spherical, three-dimensional vision. I could see forward, right, left, above, and below simultaneously. I was observing Victoria from above, yet, at the same time, I was able to ‘jump into her body,’ seeing the pastoral scene from her window through her eyes. I ‘traveled’ outdoors, gazing at Victoria’s beautiful and elegant manor home before the dream ended. The emotional intensity of the scene combined with multi-sensory capabilities was frightening and completely overwhelming to my six- year- old self. For the first time in forty-eight days, I awoke the next morning feeling completely healthy and healed. I was pneumonia free, my lungs were clear. My mother rushed me to my pediatrician, who, with a shocked expression, stated; “Barbara’s total recovery, literally overnight, is medically inexplicable.” Although my parents were baffled by this news, the explanation for my recovery was obvious to me. Recollection of my previous death from lung cancer had spontaneously healed my pneumonia. I had finally released the physical trauma embedded in my etheric body. The etheric body is imprinted with subtle traces of past-life physical trauma, including disease, wounds, and chronic illness. Once the energetic source our current suffering is identified, symptoms may be greatly reduced, if not completely eliminated.
Decades later, I tried to authenticate Victoria’s life. I recalled that as a young child Victoria lived in Derbyshire, UK. I located William, Victoria, and Jane Spencer in the 1905 Derbyshire, UK census. I was determined to locate the home Victoria lived in. I spent days scouring English Manor homes in/near Derbyshire. Unable to locate it, I increased my search radius to Gloucestershire. For some inexplicable reason, that area felt extremely familiar to me. After an exhaustive search, I found it-located in Cirencester, Gloucestershire, UK. I became extremely emotional as I stared at this familiar sight. The home, yard, and gardens were exactly as I remembered. I felt gratified and validated. Metaphysical Perspective
Metaphysics is derived from two Greek words; Meta, (beyond) and physika (physical). It is a branch of philosophy that studies the ideas and realities that exist outside of human sense perception. It explores concepts such as the nature of time, space, and possibility. Metaphysics asks the BIG questions, such as “What is consciousness?”, “What is the meaning of life?” “What is our place in the universe?” and “ What is the relationship between our conscious experience (mind) and our physical brain?” From a very young age I have been fascinated by these concepts. As a life-long experiencer, I have drawn my own conclusions, many of which are supported by cutting-edge research. Consciousness is not limited to a specific time/place, or dependent on the brain. Instead, the brain is a receiver, rather than a ‘container’ of consciousness.
Several of my experiences are supportive of this theory:
• Telepathic communication with non-human intelligent beings
• Receiving downloads of previously unknown information (My spirit guide and communication with 1966 UAP occupants)
• Past-life memories
• Multi-dimensional sensory experiences-beyond human capabilities
I have experienced life-long, atypical, and otherworldly occurrences. I have travelled on wondrous journeys outside of everyday, three-dimensional reality, to realms beyond time and space. All have been ‘realer-than-real,’ life-altering, and utterly transformative. Are extraordinary experiences the consequence of the interconnected, entangled reality we exist in? I unequivocally believe so.