Classic Mysteries—Alternate Perceptions Magazine, October 2024
Memorable Close Encounters with Bigfoot
by: Brent Raynes

“My wife and I had a closeup visual of Bigfoot on our way in 1997 to the Outer Banks in North Carolina,” a New York man, familiar with ufology and the paranormal, shared with me of his unexpected encounter.
“He was within four feet of our car as we drove on a big highway. We were on the right side of the road around 1 a.m. or so. His face and energy were very benevolent, and I telepathically sent a message to him as I was pressed up to the window on the passenger side’s front seat. We had side lights on our big Grand Marquis, and they lit the Bigfoot up and I could see details of his face.”
“I sent a telepathic message to him as we slowly drove by him, ‘Be safe, stay safe, and we love you.’ With the energy I sent out heart felt love to him as well. His eyes followed me too! He even had a slight smile! He looked to be around 8 to 9 feet tall off the side of the road which sloped down towards the woods. We felt he was standing on a slope with maybe a ledge because we could only see from his belly to his head and where he was I had to look up at him too. There was no place to pull off of the road either. There was about two feet of sand on the side of the road and then a slope downwards off of the road. It was a big highway too.” A man in the Midwest shared with me how he didn’t really believe in Bigfoot. But then one winter night he said he encountered a creature that fit that very profile. It was 15-20 degrees below. He was taking a short cut home through back country and was crossing a narrow road that cut through a swamp when a 8 or 9 foot tall reddish gray hair covered creature stepped out of the freezing waters that was 3 or 4 foot deep. He said he almost hit it when it walked up onto the road in front of him. He slammed on his brakes. He was driving a small pick-up.
“I had to back up because it was so tall,” he explained. “I could only see midway up its chest. God, was I scared!” He quickly put his vehicle in reverse, backing up perhaps 10-15 feet. He said the creature was “very muscular” looking.
But in addition to that, he added how the creature had “the most beautiful soothing blue eyes” and how as he looked into those eyes and it starred back into his for about five seconds, it was something he had “never experienced” before. He felt as though the creature had “looked inside me,,,it was a strong feeling.” Then it returned to the freezing swamp waters down to its hips, water that he estimated had 2-3 inches thickness of ice, busting the ice apart with its fists and pressing its way through the swamp until it was out of the way of his headlights.