• AP Magazine

    An alternative way to explore and explain the mysteries of our world. "Published since 1985, online since 2001."

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Classic Mysteries—Alternate Perceptions Magazine, August 2024

A reported encounter with three little men in a Washington bean field

by: Compiled by Aileen Garoutte

Near Kent, Washington on August 13, 1965, around 7 a.m., five girls, ages 13 to 18, reported seeing strange beings in a bean field where they were working as pickers. Each girl was interviewed by Phenomena Research and the details coincided exactly.

Early in the morning the girls were let out of their father's car at the opposite end of the field from the other pickers. They started walking towards the others on a gravel road paralleling the bean field when they were approached by three humanoid creatures. The girls did not pay much attention to them until they were side by side (approximately two feet separating them). Then they noticed the "unhuman faces and manner of these beings." Two of the creatures were of the same appearance and one of them looked like a large leprechaun.

The two who were alike had large heads, almost one and a half times larger than ours. On the front of the head was a protrusion and also one on the back. The back protrusion had huge blood veins standing out. The area that should have hair was white as snow with huge pores, such as ours might appear from under the microscope. The face was the same color as someone of Mexican origin. The girls noticed that they had no hair on their face, "not even peach fuzz." They had two large protruding eyes, like a frog. The mouth and nose was normal like ours. One of the girls said that the eyes of one being hypnotized her and she couldn't' look away. They did not notice if they had ears. The clothes were different than any the girls had seen. The pants baggy on the bottom and the sleeves of the shirt like kimono sleeves. The pants appeared to be light tan or blue. The shirt was iridescent material like satin. Over this they wore a vest of purplish-blue which seemed to connect with the pants. The vest was "V" necked and the shirt came up high around the neck. The girls did not observe their hands as they kept them inside the vest near where the shirt and pants met except that sometime during the observation one of the girls noticed they did not have any fingernails. The one who stared at the 18-year-old was holding an old-fashioned pipe in his mouth and there was no smoke.

The third man was about 36 inches tall, and his skin was dark as a suntanned Indian. He appeared to the girls to be all of 100 years old. They said he had deep wrinkles, especially in his cheeks. From the time they noticed these beings he was hopping around in the road and laughing in a high frequency, hysterical cackle. The clothes he wore consisted of gray pants and a gray shirt with buttons like ours. He wore a funny pointed hat with a brim, something like a Stetson with the top pushed up but with the brim coming down hard over the ears, or where there should have been ears. The girls never noticed if any of the creatures had shoes on or what their feet looked like.

As the girls got even on the road with the creatures the one who kept looking at the 18-year-old kept turning his head and watching her as she did him. About that time, she realized they were something unearthly and told the others to run. At that, the creature began emitting a high frequency whine such as the girls had never heard and started chasing them (their gait was the same as ours). The girls ran into the bean rows, still being able to hear the old man's cackling. When they discovered all the bean rows were muddy, they stopped because they didn't want to get mud all over their new shoes. They turned around to see if the creature was still chasing them but all three had disappeared. They listened for some sound of a craft or the old man's cackling but never heard another sound. They waited all day for some sign of them or a craft to leave the area but that was the end of the phenomenon.

A Chinese woman who owned the bean field said the girls had seen ghosts from an abandoned house across the road. The girls disagreed with this.

The girls seemed to be reliable witnesses and were visibly shaken to talk of their experience as it caused them to shudder and have shivering. They also gave their account to the sheriff, and he said for them to keep it confidential. They said he appeared to believe them.

The account in the papers left out important points and was written in such a way as to discredit the girls, which made them unhappy as they were sure of the phenomena that they witnessed.

An interesting side light is that the father of a friend of the girls drove by and saw the girls and some men on the road but never took any noticed of the unusual beings.

Wednesday, February 12, 2025