• AP Magazine

    An alternative way to explore and explain the mysteries of our world. "Published since 1985, online since 2001."

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Alternate Perceptions Magazine, August 2024

Growing Older and Change

by: Stan Prachniak, MBA

We experience many types of change as we navigate our lives. The most consistent of the countless changes is age. Each year, almost all of us celebrate becoming one more year older. From the time we are born until the day we cease to exist, our bodies go through many stages of development and decline. As we progress from infancy to adulthood, our body is constantly developing. Then, at some point during our adulthood, things change, development slows or stops, and a decline begins. Throughout these processes, there are some things that are under our control. Each year, our body changes. Sometimes the changes are noticeable and sometimes they are not. In our younger years drastic changes occur, sometimes seemingly overnight. In these formative years it is extremely important that our body gets the nutrition and information that it needs to support healthy development. As we go through these early stages of change, we count on our parents or those who are responsible for us to provide us with what we need. But, there comes a time that we must learn to accept responsibility for who we are, what we do, and who we want to become. This is the point that we have the ability to make changes by controlling what we do with our mind and body.

With the exception of illness and disease, we control what we do with our mind and body throughout our life. If we treat our body and mind well, they will develop in positive ways. On the other hand, if we mistreat our body by consuming unhealthy foods or engaging in extreme risk-taking behaviors, there’s a chance that we will force our body into a state of decline much earlier than expected. The mind can be affected in a similar way. If you consume media and materials that do not stimulate your mind, intellectual growth will be stunted. And if you abuse alcohol and drugs, the same can happen. The good news is that if you treat your mind and body well, there’s a very good chance that when you experience decline it will be more gradual. By treating your mind and body well, you can delay when decline occurs and even prolong the process.

It is a smart idea to treat your mind and body well, no matter your age. You can do this at any time. You control what you read, watch, eat, and do. You have the power to make changes that can improve your quality of life now and in the future.

Freedom To Change offers a way for you to create positive change in your life by learning to control what you can control now and making a plan for your future. For more information on the Freedom To Change materials, visit www.freedom2change.org.

Wednesday, February 12, 2025