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Book Reviews Perceptions Magazine, May 2024

Sorcerers of Stone
Architects of the Three Ages
By Camille M. Sauve

Inner Traditions
Bear & Company
One Park Street
Rochester, Vermont 05767
May 2024, 304 pages, 6 x 9 Paperback, U.S. $26.00
Includes 16-page color insert and 134 b&w illustrations
ISBN: 978-1-59143-508-2

Reviewed by Brent Raynes

A resident of the Sacred Valley in Cusco, Peru, Camille M. Sauve is an independent journalist, photographer, and a graphic designer. She’s invested hundreds of hours researching and visiting many amazing Peruvian archaeological sites. Photos of many of these remarkable sites grace the pages of this book, including pictures taken of extraordinary sites in Egypt, Turkey, Iran, Lebanon, Palestine, Israel, Jordan, China, Japan, Southeast Asia, India, Italy, Greece, Sardinia, Portugal, Bularia, and here in the Americas. And besides Peru, there’s photos from Bolivia, Mexico, and our American Southwest that displays rock drawings of the Ant People done by the Hopi. Remarkably, as the reader examines the mesmerizing photographs and detailed information about these sites from all over the globe, one begins to see how these scattered ancient cultures and their incredible remains bear many noteworthy similarities. The author justifiably speculates and reviews compelling evidence of the existence of a long-forgotten, worldwide civilization that the sands of time have for so long well concealed.

Thankfully, due to inquisitive, probing authors like Camille Sauve, a bigger picture, an expanded perspective, is emerging for us to thoughtfully consider. Some of the data presented in this book ponders unusual physical properties and the possible purposes behind these ancient sites, exploring the sophisticated science or technology behind their construction, trying to understand how hard stone was seemingly reshaped with primitive tools (was there organic material used to soften stone?). Were some sites purposely constructed over earth power spots, and were stones chosen that had piezoelectric properties due to quartz and silica content? And what of evidence that a ceramic paste was placed on rock and then somehow subjected to a tremendous heat, a vitrification process?

All of these puzzling aspects and more are explored in this thought-provoking book. In addition, the author also delves into the esoteric side of forgotten history, examining what famous clairvoyants such as Rudolf Steiner, Madame Blavatsky, and Edgar Cayce described of the forgotten past by tapping into the mysterious Akashic records. She also probes and ponders the legendary claims regarding Lemuria and Atlantis and touches upon the three ancient world ages represented by three distinct building styles and construction methods of these ancient sites as described by noted Peruvian researcher Alfredo Gamarra.

Sunday, September 08, 2024