• AP Magazine

    An alternative way to explore and explain the mysteries of our world. "Published since 1985, online since 2001."

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Alternate Perceptions Magazine, March 2024

Cold Lake Alberta, Canada – Bedroom Visitations

by: Susan Demeter

I originally received this first report in 2013, but the events described by the experiencer occurred in 2006 and earlier.

"I was asleep one night in about 2006 in my home in the Mackenzie area.  I was awakened by two human looking beings coming from the direction of the window and approaching my bed.  One was tall and slender, dressed casually and well kempt with an aura that illuminated the room.  He had short neat fair coloured hair and neat light coloured clothing.  The light seemed to emanate from behind him and enabled me to see pictures on the wall in a room.  The room was normally pitch black at night with the blind pulled down.  On this being’s right was a shorter less visible being who didn't have an aura and was not as well turned out.  They were talking to each other as they approached my bed.  As they reached the bed the taller kempt being turned from the shorter being and spoke to me in a calm voice and said, "Where are the stairs?”  Thinking to myself, "Where am I or why are there people walking here where I am laying down?"  I tried to assess the situation.  I gestured toward the bedroom door to my left with my left hand in response to his question.  They turned toward the door and walked through the closed door which as they walked through appeared open or see through in the aura light which made even the hallway and stairs visible to me.  They continued talking to each other and walked down the stairs and as they walked their footsteps and voices faded and the light faded until there was complete darkness and silence.  I was left wondering what just happened and wondering if I had left my downstairs house entrance unlocked.  I thought to myself of course I didn't leave it unlocked and I thought I'm not going downstairs as I'm a little fearful as i don't know what they were.  During the encounter I didn't feel scared.  It was only after when I started thinking about it that I became a little spooked.

I had a similar encounter about a year before or after where one of these beings came through the closed bedroom window again.  Again, I think they wanted to know where the stairs were.  As they came through the window, they moved the blind aside and popped their head in and looked at me and with recognition smiled and came in.  He approached the bed.  There was only one this time. The beings weren't from a different era or didn't appear to be."

In further correspondence with me the witness shared:  "I'm open to suggestions as to what these beings were. They weren't like the description of ghosts in ghost stories I'd read before of people in clothing from the olden days where an image is seen but no communication occurs. I think the one being with the aura could have been an angel.  I always recall the stain glass windows in churches showing angels with an aura around their head and one of the disciples going up on the Mount of Olives with Jesus and seeing Jesus and Moses and I think John the Baptist with an aura around them. I think the aura was what is described as a halo. The being with him who did not have a halo I'm not sure. They could have been extraterrestrial in nature.”

Before these encounters the witness experienced the following in the same home:

My dog died while I was living in the same house.  When I returned home that night I was laying in bed very upset over his death.  My dog used to occasionally scrape the carpet downstairs as he laid down I think.  The night he died (He died around 6 PM) as I lay there in bed at about 11:30 PM I heard the scrape on the floor downstairs as he had done when he was alive.  I thought to myself, maybe that wasn't him after all.  But then I thought, of course, it was him all those times I heard the scrape because he also used to do it in Trenton when I lived there before moving to Cold Lake.  The funny thing was I never heard the scrape again.  I think he came home to see me and couldn't get my attention after he died and went to bed where he always slept.

Later in October 2013 I received the following report in response to the first one. I used to live in Cold Lake, in the Mackenzie area, one block from Mackenzie River School, and I think the street was Oak.

We moved away from there in 2001.

I can recall seeing a woman with a white aura who would come to me when I was a child. She came to my room twice, and all I did was hide under the covers. I did not address it. I paid no mind to it as I was about 8 and 10 years of age. I think both happened in the winter. (1996 and 1998)

My mother simply assumed it was the young girl child entity that has been attached to people in various generations of my family, and comforted me when I told her, assuring me that sometimes she is scary but she never hurts anyone. This was likely dismissed due to my entire family having frequent experiences with the paranormal and it was seen as something familiar, or previously encountered. This woman was very tall, and very slender, and appeared to have a generic rose coloured dress. I wanted to share my experience which seems to mimic things that were reported to you earlier in 2013.


My thanks goes out to the witnesses who have shared their encounters with me. I would love to hear from others who have experienced similar things. I can be contacted through my website at susandemeter.com or through my social media channels.

Saturday, October 26, 2024