• AP Magazine

    An alternative way to explore and explain the mysteries of our world. "Published since 1985, online since 2001."

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June 2022

Issue 291

An interview with Jim Perry
by: Brent Raynes

Aliens, Angels, and Archetypes?
by: Brent Raynes

Origins of the Gods & More
by: Dr. Greg Little

In The Throes. Encountering Others.
by: James Edward Carlos

A Soul in Purgatory?
by: Albert S. Rosales

Reality Checking
John A Keel and the mainstream of ufology
by: Brent Raynes

Encounters with the Unknown
Attacks of the Hawaiian akualele
by: Brent Raynes

Classic Mysteries
ETs Healed My Mother
by: Linda Biafore

New Book Reviews
by: Brent Raynes

Electronic Letters to the Editor

We’re looking for Articles, Personal Stories, and Letters!



Andrew Collins – Origins of the Gods, Transdimensionals, Plasma Intelligences, Portals / Wendy’s Coffeehouse

Dr. Greg Little discusses his new book with Andrew Collins “Origin of the Gods” – plasma beings, transdimensional entities, etc. / Mysterious Universe

The Legacy of John Keel & The Mothman with Brent Raynes / New Thinking Allowed by Jeffrey Mishlove

Psychokinesis, Spirit World, Afterlife, ESP, Time Slips, Mandela Effect with Loyd Auerbach / Typical Skeptic with host Robert Kalil

GS-15 CIA Officer John Ramirez/Navigating The US Intelligence Community for UFOlogists

30 UFO Landing Trace Cases / Preston Dennett YouTube

Grant Cameron with Yossi Ronen on his new book ONE. Author is a UFO contact experiencer.

US Aircraft Carrier ‘stalked by 40 ft ball of fire UFO seen by HUNDREDS…’ / The Sun

Contactees & Contactee Research – A Guide for Students and Investigators / UFOARCHIVES.BLOGSPOT.COM

Thoughtography of Ted Serios with Stephen E. Braude / New Thinking Allowed with Jeffrey Mishlove

Saturday, July 27, 2024