• AP Magazine

    An alternative way to explore and explain the mysteries of our world. "Published since 1985, online since 2001."

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Alternate Perceptions Magazine, September 2021

Crystal-Composed UFO or what?

by: Brent Raynes

Here’s one of those UFO stories that’s way stranger than most! On a clear blue, sunny July Sunday in 1985, around 3 o’clock in the afternoon, a pilot flying a camouflaged Grumman Yankee TR-2 (N1650R) airplane was making his approach to the Port Columbus International airport of Columbus, Ohio, when he saw something unusual in the sky. It was like a second sun, a bright sphere of light, located on the back side of a large cumulous cloud. It was at about 4,000 feet and some five miles North-northwest of the airport. Nothing was on radar in that area, except his plane.

Coming within some 200 yards of the brilliant orb, it was now hundreds of times larger than the real sun itself, which was still clearly visible above. Trained by the U.S. Navy in radar operations, the pilot was quite mystified why only his plane was showing up on the ground radar. Curious and taking stock of the anomalous situation, the pilot decided to overcome his fear and fly in for a closer look. Squinting through his sun glasses, he began to initiate a slow left turn toward the brilliant orb. Then, about half way through the turn, it was as though the bright light had been switched off, and in its place appeared a “huge medium grey sphere.” What was really strange was that the sphere was, in the words of the pilot himself, “made up of millions of clearly visible, perfectly flawless identical pentagon shaped translucent/opaque crystals about 6 inches long, with pointed ends, and all spaced identically about one foot apart and NOT moving.”

A very curious sight indeed! Seeing that the huge object was not actually solid, but composed of these thousands of evenly spaced crystals, he decided to make contact with his left wing, figuring that he could dislodge many crystals that might fall to the ground and could be later analyzed in a lab. If things went badly he still had his parachute, he decided. So he did it, and when his left wing sliced into the crystals the sound was comparable to that of an “intense hale storm on tin roof.”

“The hundreds of contacted crystals broke cleanly over the leading edge of my wing (strange but no fragments) and I could clearly see that the severed surfaces were of a light smooth frosty texture,” the pilot noted. “At this time, I could see approximately 40 to 50 feet deep into the crystals (UFO) where it became totally dense and black with nothing but the crystals. I also noticed that those crystals my wing did NOT contact were NOT effected by the turbulence of my wing. They never moved or even quavered. Another observation that was ‘not possible.’ ...The sound and the drag created by my wings collision with the crystals was consistent with the solid weight of ice (or the like) and caused my aircraft to cartwheel, which caused a 60 degree CCW roll. I remember this because I became instantly concerned about gyro damage and then just as instantly realized how insignificant that was considering what had just happened.”

Afterwards the pilot carefully examined the wing for fragments imbedded in it, but found none, though the leading edge of the wing was missing paint and fiberglass. “I didn’t think until much later that there might have been microscopic evidence in the fiberglass,” the pilot added. “I’ve been kicking myself for that ever since then. The good news is that the wing was repaired and repainted so it is possible that microscopic fragments still exist imbedded underneath the new paint. I recently checked the ‘N’ number and the plane is still flying and in California. I’m seriously thinking about buying it back for this reason.”

Source: Filer’s Files #12, 2005, located at: www.georgefiler.com

Wednesday, October 23, 2024