• AP Magazine

    An alternative way to explore and explain the mysteries of our world. "Published since 1985, online since 2001."

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Audio Interviews—Alternate Perceptions Magazine, July 2021

Hosted by Brent Raynes


Bio: Orville and Cheryl Murphy were born and raised in California. They both earned Associate of Arts degrees, while working and raising their children. Orville worked in mechanical engineering, residential construction, and with U.S. Dept. of Homeland Security, FEMA, assisting with disaster recovery. Cheryl worked in Social Services, serving persons with disabilities, and with Job Services, assisting persons with job search and training.

In 2003, after their children were grown, they checked out Mena, Arkansas, which offered them the mountain living that they were accustomed to having lived in Northern California for 30 years, but with less cold and snow. In 2008, they purchased their land, and upon discovering quartz crystals on the property, they developed and opened Board Camp Crystal Mine in 2012. The Murphy’s opened the mine to the public for old fashioned rock-hounding, not for commercial mining with heavy equipment, because they wanted to retain the natural beauty and energy of the land.

The night of February 18, 2017, the Murphys witnessed a mystifying light event in the mine that changed their lives forever. As Cheryl puts it, “We are just normal people who had a paranormal experience… and the experiences keep going and growing!” This news attracted the attention of a MUFON investigation, assigned to Chase Kloetzke and Race Hobbs. Later, Josh Gates of “Expedition Unknown" came to film at the mine. Gates caught an actual UFO on camera during the filming which viewers will see in the show! To this day, the phenomena continue, resulting in frequency of manifestations, both celestial and terrestrial, and actual contact in the form of mutual gifting and other tangible signs! Crystal energy? Portals, wormholes, other dimensions? Visitations by Spirits? Aliens? Sasquatch? Board Camp Crystal Mine has become a definite “hot spot” for paranormal activity! The Murphy's went public with their story hoping to find answers for themselves, as well as for others. In addition to crystal digging, the Murphy’s host the "UnXplained Tours" for the public to have an opportunity to come experience the phenomena for themselves!

Since 2017, the UnXplained Tours has hosted hundreds of visitors who have witnessed phenomena! For more information, and for links to watch Josh Gates' show “Expedition

Unknown: Hunt for Extraterrestrials, Episode 4” and the Board Camp Crystal Mine YouTube Channel, visit: boardcampcrystalmine.com

Wednesday, October 23, 2024