• AP Magazine

    An alternative way to explore and explain the mysteries of our world. "Published since 1985, online since 2001."

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Alternate Perceptions Magazine, March 2021

What Archaeological “Ruins” Are Really Near Bimini?

by: Dr. Greg Little

While the mainstream archaeological community remains unwilling to consider that anything archaeological in nature exists in the Bimini area, the fact remains that there are many intriguing and genuine mysteries there. From Bimini to Andros there are many sites worthy of real investigation. Some of these are obviously “historical” era relics, but nonetheless they merit recognition. This is a list and brief summary of the most important finds, most of which have been shown in our dvd documentaries , articles, and books. Note that this is an updated version of a previously published article. Marble Ruins in 30-feet of water 7-miles North of Bimini

In a well-defined area is a white marble temple pediment and multiple layers of marble beams, slabs, and other marble pieces. These are apparently from a shipwreck in the early 1800s. This extremely impressive “pile” merits salvage and reconstruction on Bimini as a local attraction. This was shown in the dvd The Search for Edgar Cayce’s Atlantis.

The Bimini Road

While skeptics with questionable tactics assert the Bimini Road is a natural formation of beachrock our investigations with archaeologist Bill Donato have definitively shown it is the remains of a harbor formation dated to about 3000-4000 B.C. There are multiple layers of stone blocks in many areas, wedge stones under many large blocks, toolmarks on some stones, and some stone anchors there along with ballast stone, small marble, and other interesting artifacts. Complete details are on the dvd The Ancient Bimini Harbor.

Marble and stone columns near the Bimini inlet

Nearly 30 columns or cement cylinders were found with two fluted marble columns in shallow water near the inlet between N. and S. Bimini. The marble columns were taken but fully documented by geologists and others. Some of the supposedly lime-kiln cement columns are still there.

Paradise Point Pier—to the East of the Bimini Road

This is clearly a manmade jetty or harbor that is in some ways more interesting than the Bimini Road. It is a long line of huge stone blocks arranged vertically running for several hundred feet off the coast into deeper water. It is a long line of large blocks arranged about 10-12 feet in height running for several hundred feet.

Proctors Road—just off the north Bimini shoreline

This is a mile-long irregular line of stone that has 5 spaced stone circles that look identical to what are called “mooring circles” in the Mediterranean.

Stone Anchors near Proctors’ Road

In association with the line of stones called Proctor’s Road are dozens of stone anchors. These are of several types. Some are simple stones that have bore holes that were used as throw-away anchors. However, there are also multi-holed, well-carved stone anchors that are identical to Phoenician anchors. The largest we have found was a 600-pound stone in a heart shape. It was carbon dated to 30 B.C. Complete details are on the dvd The Ancient Bimini Harbor.

Rectangular Formations in 110-feet of water 5-miles off North Bimini

This curious set of 50 or so rectangular forms lying on a flat, sandy bottom was first found by Bill Donato in a side-scan sonar project. There are building blocks on and embedded into several of these. In 2012 we dove the site and found that the structures appear to be manmade but are covered in coral. They appear to have been buildings alon the ancient 10,000 BC shoreline with collapsed roofs.

Odd Bottom Formations in 150-350-feet deep water 6 miles off North Bimini

A large area has been side-scanned and filmed that shows intriguing paths, domes, and unusual shapes at this deep-water site. Many of the researchers who have investigated this site believe that it shows manmade features.

Building Ruins in 15-feet of water off South Bimini

We reported on this unexpected find in 2010 and it is shown in the Search for Edgar Cayce’s Atlantis dvd. This is a clearly defined building foundation with the walls extending down into sand at least 4-6 feet.

Basalt slabs and carved enclosures with steps in 15-feet of water 8-miles south of Bimini

This was also shown in the dvd The Search for Edgar Cayce’s Atlantis. Numerous carved slabs of basalt are located within what appear to be carved enclosures in this area. There is also what appears to be a long, multilayered wall adjacent to it and carved steps on a wall.

Andros Platform off North Andros

This is a harbor formation made from 3 separate lines of increasingly high slabs of stone in 10-15 feet of water. It dates to 3000 B.C. It was shown in the dvd documentary The ARE’s Search for Atlantis and has also been featured in several other documentaries.

Wall near Andros Platform

Well-hidden on high land near the Andros Platform is the remains of a stone wall that predates any local knowledge. It may be associated with pirate activity. It is near Morgan’s Bluff making it likely it was a concealed pirate fortification.

Joulter’s Wall—north of Andros

A definitive wall runs in shallow water between two Joulter’s islands in this seldom visited, difficult to reach location. The wall is made from cut limestone and is clearly manmade, but its function and dating are totally unknown. A large square platform of stone blocks is attached to the wall. Long-term locals state that it has “always” been there. The water leading to these islands is extremely shallow, essentially several miles with depths between one to 5 feet. This was also shown in the dvd The Search for Edgar Cayce’s Atlantis.

Temple remains on Andros at Mangrove Cay

As shown in the dvd The ARE’s Search for Atlantis we were led to the remains of a temple that once stood on a high limestone outcrop that runs down Andros. The local owner, Samuel Rolle, is now deceased, and regretted selling most of the blocks from the site to build the local government official’s residence. He was credible and related that there was once a stone temple structure there, but all that remained was evidence of a foundation. Huge arrangements of stone blocks off the Berry Island chain

This is an anomalous, multi-layered set of huge stone blocks in 30-feet of water off the main Berry Island. It has not been investigated.

Numerous plane and shipwrecks at Bimini and Andros

To date we have found the remains of 31 planes and several shipwrecks. Two of the planes were reported as missing in the Bermuda Triangle. One shipwreck off South Bimini is supposedly Phoenician. Many shipwrecks are found in deep water off Bimini as well as at the Moselle Shoal north of Bimini.

Curious arrangements of stone on the Great Bahama Bank off Andros

We have filmed about 4 places off western Andros showing odd arrangements of stone blocks. Nothing was definitive on any of these but they lie in shallow areas where large boats cannot travel. There are another 100 spots we identified in aerial surveys we have yet to visit.

Anguilla Arc at Cay Sal

On the remote island of Cay Sal is what definitely appears to be a harbor made from cut blocks of beachrock. It is at the same depth as the Andros Platform and the Bimini Road. One stone anchor has been found there.

Brown’s Ruins

Named for Eslie and Krista Brown who first found the formation, Brown’s Ruins is about 30 miles south of Bimini on an elevated bottom. It is a massive, teardrop-shaped pile of huge cut and polished stone blocks, beams, fluted columns, and flat slabs. It is nearly 600 feet in length and 150 feet wide and is surrounded by a white sandy bottom. It is now an officially recognized archaeology site.

Wednesday, October 23, 2024