• AP Magazine

    An alternative way to explore and explain the mysteries of our world. "Published since 1985, online since 2001."

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Letters to the Editor—Alternate Perceptions Magazine, March 2021


I really enjoyed your interview with Paul Von Ward. He was my guest for my first two TV shows. I had seen him speak at Holiday Inn Vanderbilt along with Ray Minkler and others and was impressed. He also did presentations at our Factory mall Expos in Franklin for Health and Wellness magazine and Mystery Us television. Even though we had our event in a separate auditorium people complained because we had a whiteboard by the door where we listed scheduled speakers. Paul's presentation contained the word Reincarnation. The narrow mindedness of some who claim to be Christians never ceases to amaze me.

     Paul's final point in your interview encourages those of us in the UFO field to expand the scope of our research not only in terms of various sciences, but also to include other approaches within the paranormal such as out of body experiences.  It is hard to fathom how narrow people can be in examining evidence for unsolved mysteries. I mean I do understand why accepted authorities like Loren Coleman want to protect their turf from being invaded by usurpers like me who threaten the paradigm they are peddling. And, it trickles down to the masses. You would think those seeking answers to the unexplained would be open to more possibilities.      But, noooooooooooooooo! lol 


Tony Pratt
Nashville, TN


Brent, I especially like your Around & Around [Reality Checking]. I've been at it just a couple of years more than you, but we are at the same place. Washington Examiner: Confirmed: Navy's previously unreported 2019 Triangle UFO incident.

https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/opinion/confirmed-navys-previously-unreported-2019-triangle-ufo-inciden This has been going on for 50 to 70+ years. Reports like this are in the Blue Book Files, Condon Report, the UFO Evidence and many other reports made by military personnel that have never been made public but have been reported by the witnesses as pushed up the Chain of Command or hijacked by those mysterious MIBs from the CIA and/or NSA.

So the question is: Why Now?

I do not have an answer. The time is right? Right for what? Is it Smoke and Mirrors? Has enough time passed that the so-called Silence Group, MJ-12 or whatever have passed onto their reward and will not be blamed for a Cover-up.

I want your best guesses of why now or if this is another trip down the Rabbit Hole. I know the Disclosure Crowd is cheering, but they want some kind of Official Declaration that UFOs are Real. We know they are REAL! So.....?

Now we have this too:

https://www.newsweek.com/our-grandfather-first-person-roswell-crash-site-1551578 Again the question is: Why Now. Other than the History Channel Program with Lawrence Fishbourne.
Do they own Newsweek? Is this "soft disclosure?" Have those attending the Congressional UFO Briefings promised not to blame anyone for 70+ years of Cover-Up? Have most of the Silence Group died or have their Pensions and Legacies been protected?
Questions, but no answers. Nothing new on Roswell. I have talked at length with Don Schmitt. And I’ve heard his Roswell Lectures at Phoenix MUFON over the years. Again the question is: Why Now. other than the History Channel Program with Lawrence Fishbourne. Do they own Newsweek?
Is this "soft disclosure?" Have those attending the Congressional UFO Briefings promised not to blame anyone for 70+ years of Cover-Up? Have most of the Silence Group died or have their Pensions and Legacies been protected? Questions, but no answers. Nothing new on Roswell. I have talked at length with Don Schmitt. And hear his Roswell Lectures at Phoenix MUFON over the years.
This is what I want to know: WHY NOW?

Edward Biebel
Nogales, Arizona

Wednesday, February 12, 2025