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New Book Reviews

By Brent Raynes

The Lost Caves of Giza
Based on the book Beneath the Pyramids by Andrew Collins
Narrated and produced by Dr. Greg Little

ATA – Memphis Archetypal Productions
P.O. Box 9025
Memphis, TN 38190
Forgotten History Series #7
2011 DVD, 83 minutes, US $24.95 (includes priority shipping)
May also be ordered from Amazon.

Reviewed by Brent Raynes

Masterfully put together, this fascinating and thought-provoking documentary gives you a real glimpse behind the scenes with candid and exclusive interviews with the principles involved, as well as some never before shown photos and footage of this significant cave complex. Andrew Collins, Sue Collins, Nigel Skinner-Simpson, and Rodney Hale share all of the astounding and crucial details of how this awesome discovery came about, how they visited the site several times, documenting its existence at considerable risk to themselves (the cave system is a dangerous place), and how this stunning evidence had been missed through the years by all of Egypt’s leading archeologists, including the well-known Dr. Zahi Hawass.

Technically this crack investigative team from Britain utilized their scholarly research skills to re-discover this Egyptian site in 2008. Originally, the caves were entered back in 1817 by British diplomat Henry Salt and Italian sea captain Giovanni Caviglia. However, the written record of this discovery had for many years been stored and forgotten about in the British Museum until it surfaced again in 2003 and was later published in 2007.

This is a real scientific detective story with some mind-boggling twists and turns. Wait till you see how the ancient Egyptian monuments of the Giza Plateau were found to match up with the star constellation of Cygnus and how this aided these determined researchers to locate the ancient entrance to this underworld.

What potentially exciting new discoveries may there be lurking in the mysterious subterranean underworld beneath Giza? Andrew Collins certainly offers some truly amazing possibilities. Without question the rediscovery of this breathtaking site may be but a small stepping stone that may eventually lead to great truths that may change the history books forever!

Soul Trapper
By F. J. Lennon

Atria Books
A Division of Simon & Schuster, Inc.
1230 Avenue of the Americas
New York, NY 10020
2001, Hardcover, 256 pages, US $24.99/Can. $28.99
ISBN: 978-1-4391-8444-8

Review by Brent Raynes

Though this book is a novel, it’s a well-written supernatural thriller that will keep you riveted to each page from front to back. It concerns a dabbling 27-year-old classic rock musician named Kane Pryce, a Hollywood native who seems like a down-on-his-luck young man with a penchant for drinking too much.

In addition, to make ends meet, he and an unlikely colleague, a Caltech professor named Dr. Ned Ross, take on a few ghost hunts each year. However, these are not conventional ghost hunts for Kane’s father (who had died when Kane was ten) was a brilliant scientist it seems who worked on a top-secret project that created a device called the soul trap. With this technology Kane can track down, capture, and then send the ghosts from their earthly haunts onto an afterlife.

A phone call from a Father Demetrius of the Holy Family Mission Church in Lompac, California, launches Kane, his colleague Dr. Ross, and Eva Kells, a crack reporter with the Los Angeles Times, into what at first seems like a typical ghost case. However, extreme high-strangeness soon ignites and Kane realizes that this case is certainly not your typical paranormal fanfare. After all, the church is haunted by a 6-year-old boy and Kane falls hard for his mother…who has been dead for nearly fifty years!

Soul Trapper is actually this author’s first novel, which originally was an iPhone app (by the same name) that he developed back in 2008.

Thursday, February 06, 2025