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Book Reviews Perceptions Magazine, March 2019

The Healing Power of UFOs
300 True Accounts of People Healed by Extraterrestrials
By Preston Dennett

Blue Giant Books

2019, 536 pages, Paperback, U.S. $19.95
ISBN: 9781792986208

Reviewed by Brent Raynes

Back in 1996, after nearly 10 years of UFO research, the author had his first book on the subject published. Entitled “UFO Healings: True Accounts of People Healed by Extraterrestrials,” it consists of 103 cases involving people who claimed UFO-related healings from various types of injury and illness.

In the beginning of his research, Dennett was under the impression that UFO healing cases were very rare occurrences. After the publication of his first book he received letters and emails from readers worldwide, and as he spoke on numerous radio and TV programs and at conventions and other public venues and his research into UFO healing cases became even more widely known, he was approached by more and more people who described instances of healings related to UFO encounters.

Dennett’s new book contains over 300 UFO healing cases, including the ones in his first book. “I am currently convinced that UFO healings are a fairly consistent feature of UFO contact,” he wrote. In the book “Beyond UFOs” (2018), compiled by a number of researchers and authors for the Dr. Edgar Mitchell Foundation for Research into Extraterrestrial and Extraordinary Experiences (FREE), it is reported how in that organization’s extensive survey of UFO contact experiencers, out of 1,465 surveyed 50% responded that they believed that they or a member of their family had experienced a UFO related healing event. In addition, Dennett and Joseph Burkes, M.D., in chapter six of this FREE book, investigated and reviewed in-depth ten of these thought-provoking FREE cases of alleged UFO healing. This book is certainly a unique and significant contribution of a seldom recognized and researched aspect of the UFO encounter phenomena. It should be added to every ufologists library!

Friday, February 14, 2025