• AP Magazine

    An alternative way to explore and explain the mysteries of our world. "Published since 1985, online since 2001."

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March 2019

Issue 252

Alternate Perceptions Audio Interview
"Afterlife Encounters"
Bret & Julie Oldham
by: Brent Raynes

Alternate Perceptions Audio Interview
"Rock Music, Saucers, and Ancient Mysteries"
Merrell Fankhauser
by: Brent Raynes

The Jigsaw Puzzle of Ufology
by: Dr. Greg Little

Mound Bottom Mound Complex of Tennessee
by: Jim Windisch

Journal of Exceptional Experiences and Psychology
"Transpersonal and Transformative Potential of Out-of-Body Experiences"
by: Julia Sellars

by: Steve Erdmann

A brief journey to hell?
by: Albert S. Rosales

Reality Checking
The Geller Effect, UAP injury cases, and More
by: Brent Raynes

Encounters with the Unknown
U.S. Forestry Service Employee in Puerto Rico’s El Yunque Rain Forest had an Encounter with Multiple Humanoid Beings
by: Jorge Martín Miranda

Classic Mysteries
Balls of Light In Extreme Northeastern Ohio
by: Rick R. Hilberg

New Book Reviews
by: Brent Raynes

Electronic Letters to the Editor
Panel Interviews

We’re looking for Articles, Personal Stories, and Letters!



Siberia’s ancient ghost clan starts to surrender its secrets

Bio-markers, Brain Structures and Embracing the Strange by M.J. Banias

UFOs: Looking Beyond the ET Theory by Nick Redfern

Will a Hidden Treasure Chamber Discovered Under Machu Picchu Finally Be Revealed?

Jacques Vallee: The Software of Consciousness and the Secret (Psychic) History of the World Wide Web

Tuesday, October 22, 2024