Alternate Perceptions Magazine, March 2025
An Overview
By Rey Hernandez
My name is Reinerio (Rey) Hernandez and I was a Ph.D. Candidate at the University of California at Berkeley where I was the recipient of a National Science Foundation Ph.D. Fellowship. I am also an “Experiencer” of the paranormal Contact Modalities.
I am writing to inform you that you can now download, for free, PDF files of all of my 9 academic books discussing the relationship between “Consciousness”, our greater multidimensional reality, and the “Paranormal” Contact Modalities. All of my 9 books are available for free at my website: AGreaterReality.Com. The following is a description of my academic books.
I am currently the Director of the Consciousness and Contact Research Institute, or CCRI, an academic research institute comprised of more than 25 Ph.D. academics, medical doctors, and researchers whose mission is to explore the findings of consciousness research and the phenomenology of “paranormal experiences”, what CCRI calls “The Contact Modalities,” a term I coined in 2013. The term “Contact Modalities” is defined as “all of the diverse ways that humans are ‘piercing the veil’ of our physical reality and having perceived contact with consciousness-based Higher Forms of Intelligence”, also called “Non-Human Intelligence”. Examples of the Contact Modalities are as follows: Near-Death Experiences (NDEs), Out of Body Experiences (OBEs), Astral Travel Experiences (ATE), (which are very different from OBEs), Conscious Aerial Phenomena (CAP-UFOs), (commonly called UFOs or UAPs), contact experiences with perceived deceased humans (commonly called Ghosts or Spirits), contact experiences via Hallucinogenic Journeys (via entheogens such as DMT, Psilocybin, LSD, etc.), contact experiences via Remote Viewing or other forms of clairvoyance, contact experiences via Channeling or Mediumship, contact via the many forms of Post Death Communications, contact experiences via Lucid Dreams, contact via perceived Poltergeists experiences or spiritual attachments, and many other types of “paranormal” contact experiences with tens of thousands of diverse forms of Non-Human Intelligence, whether they be perceived as physical or non-physical.
The researchers, Ph.D. academics, and Medical Doctors of the CCRI organization propose two major hypotheses:
1) That Consciousness, our Greater Multidimensional Reality, is “Fundamental” and not our perceived physical reality; and
2) That all of the paranormal Contact Modalities, need to be perceived as ONE integrated phenomenon under Consciousness, and not as separate and distinct phenomena.
In the future, the CCRI organization hopes to undertake a comprehensive academic statistical research study, in multiple languages, administered on a worldwide scale, to Experiencers of the Contact Modalities. We hold that it is the Experiencers of the Contact Modalities that may provide humanity with clues as to the question of "What is Consciousness-- What is the nature of our Greater Reality"-- a question that has been addressed by the academic fields of Philosophy, Neuroscience, Psychiatry, Psychology, Theoretical Physics, Theology, and by humanity at large since the dawn of human existence. This proposed academic research study, developed in 2020, is included in the CCRI website, AGreaterReality.Com.
My first book, co-edited by myself, Harvard Astrophysicist, Dr. Rudy Schild, and retired PhD professor of Psychology, Dr. Jon Klimo, was published in 2018 and is an 820-page academic book titled “Beyond UFOs: The Science of Consciousness and Contact with Non-Human Intelligence”. Beyond UFOs was the world’s first, and remains, the only comprehensive worldwide academic statistical research study on UFO Contact Experiencers. Over 4,300 individuals from over 125 countries participated in the research study’s 3 surveys. These research findings were published in several peer-reviewed academic journals including the Journal for Scientific Exploration and the Journal of the International Academy of Consciousness. The data findings from the Beyond UFOs academic research study contradict much of what is circulating in materialist Ufology.
My most recent project is the publication of a 6-volume book series (800 pages for each volume) titled “A GREATER REALITY: The New Paradigm of Nonlocal Consciousness, the Paranormal and the Contact Modalities”. These 6 volumes are co-edited by myself, Dr. Rudy Schild, Dr. Jon Klimo, a retired professor of Philosophy, Dr. Michael Grosso, retired MD ER Physician, Dr. Joseph Burkes, and Dr. Jeffrey Long, an MD Oncologist and one of the world’s leading researchers on the NDE phenomenon. Volumes 1 and 2 are theoretical and academic and contain articles by more than 30 Ph.D. academics, professors at medical schools, medical doctors, and lay researchers. Volumes 3 – 6, also 800 pages each, contain articles written by major “Experiencers” of the Contact Modalities. Each of these Experiencers has had more than 3 different types of Contact Modalities experiences. For example, Dr. Melinda Greer is a recently retired MD Pediatrician. Melinda has had 2 NDEs, has seen many deceased spirits, has seen 14 different UFOs in various forms, has had 3 up-close Big Foot experiences, has had various OBEs, and many other experiences via the Contact Modalities. Volumes 3 – 6 contain many similar experiencer-written chapters. All of the 6 volumes either have been published or will be published before May of 2025.
In 2022 I published a book that introduces the A Greater Reality book series, titled “The Mind of GOD: A Spiritual-Virtual Reality Model of Consciousness & the Contact Modalities”. The book provides a theoretical introduction to the relationship between Consciousness and humanity’s paranormal contact experiences, the Contact Modalities. In this book, I argue that these contact experiences via the Contact Modalities can be seen as extensions of the Universal Mind of GOD, as an extension of “Consciousness” itself, our multi-dimensional reality, instead of the hypothesis that these are “physical beings who are visiting us from thousands of different physical planets”. The issue of whether these experiences are either physical or consciousness-based experiences was detailed in my book The Mind of GOD, which serves as the formal introduction to the A GREATER REALITY six-volume book series. The book is only 200 pages in length. Thus, if you want to avoid reading the 6,400 pages in my other 8 books, I highly recommend that you read The Mind of GOD.
I have recently published a 450-page book on my personal experiences via the Contact Modalities, titled A Greater Reality: One Man’s Journey of Discovery. This book discusses many of my personal experiences that I have kept hidden for many years because of fear that I would lose my law license and any academic credibility that I might have accumulated over many years of academic research. The book not only discusses the details of some of my most important bizarre experiences via the Contact Modalities, it also presents various theoretical hypotheses about the “Contact Phenomenon”, based upon my personal experiences, such as: 1) that all of the Contact Modalities, including UFOs, have the ability to manipulate Space-Time; 2) that the perceived physical beings we are experiencing, via NDEs, OBEs, UFO contact experiences, etc., and the telepathic communications we are receiving, are all “Holographic Projections” from an external non-physical source; 3) that the intelligence behind the UFO contact phenomenon has the ability to “control” your conscious thoughts and even to “project” mental images and thoughts into your “Mind”; 4) and many other hypotheses on the relationship between Consciousness and the Contact Modalities.
I, and a professional documentary team that has produced 10 Star Trek documentaries with William Shatner, have recorded hundreds of commercials, rock concerts, TV commercials, Super Bowl events, and other events, and have been working on a 2-hour documentary over the last 6 years. We have filmed and interviewed, across the United States, over 50 Ph.D. academics, medical doctors, researchers and more than 100 "Experiencers" of the Contact Modalities for our documentary. The documentary, which also shares the same name as my book, A Greater Reality: One Man’s Journey of Discovery, will be released in 2025. I am attaching a 3-minute trailer of the documentary:
Finally, I will be a featured speaker at two upcoming Spring 2025 conferences:
1. The 37th Annual Ozark Mountain UFO Conference, originally started by the late Dolores Cannon. The event will be held at the Best Western Inn of the Ozarks, in Eureka Springs, Arkansas. The dates of the event will be April 11-13, 2025. The link for the conference is:
2. The Contact Modalities Expo. The event will be held at the Lake Lawn Resort in Delavan, Wisconsin. The dates of the event will be May 2-4, 2025. The link for the conference is:
CCRI’s website is AGreaterReality.Com and contains free PDF copies of all of my 9 books. All of my books are also available in both paperback and E-book format from Amazon Press.
My email is: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Thank you,
Reinerio (Rey) Hernandez
In the beginning
An Energy Being & Miraculous Medical Healing
My life dramatically changed on March 4, 2012, when my ex-wife and I had a joint experience with what I now call an "Energy Being”. She in turn, has called it an “Angel” -- maybe she is correct. This astounding event happened in our living room when our paralyzed 15-year-old Jack Russel Terrier dog had a miraculous medical healing. This beloved pet was like a family member. She was named "Nena" (which means little girl in Spanish). She became paralyzed the night before and we made a painful decision to euthanize her the following day, the same day of my contact experience with the “Energy Being”.
Before this date, Nena was very ill and like many other 15-yearold dogs, she was taking various medications to keep her alive. She was like a very sick 95-year-old elderly lady. The night before, she became completely paralyzed below her neck and she could only bark. She tried to move but was only able to move her neck but not the lower parts of her body. Before the paralysis, she walked like an old lady with arthritis-- very gingerly and very slowly. We just could not bear to put her to sleep because we considered her a family member. During the many months of her chronic illness, instead of putting her to sleep, we constantly took her to our veterinarian. Her medical treatment included taking Viagra for her bad heart and a diuretic to flush out the excess liquid in her body. Within hours of her paralysis, I called our family friend and veterinarian, Dr. Phil Cruz, who told us that Nena probably had a cerebral hemorrhage, a stroke. Dr. Cruz recommended that we euthanize her the next day. The following day was Sunday but he informed us that he would open up his office so we can euthanize Nena. My ex-wife, who was a devout Roman Catholic, began praying all night for Nena. As a good atheist, I ignored her prayers but was deeply saddened by Nena's life-ending illness and her upcoming death.
After Nena’s paralysis, my ex-wife began PRAYING all night for a miracle. She was a hardcore Roman Catholic, having been born and raised in Mexico where she practically lived in her church. I had to accompany her to Sunday mass and attend Thursday group prayer meetings and if I refused it was “World War III.” That night she went to sleep very late after many hours of praying to “La Virgin de Guadalupe”, the Virgin Mary saint of Mexico. I, as a good atheist, totally ignored her prayers and went to sleep while she continued praying all night.
The next day, Sunday at 6 am, Nena began to bark. We checked her out and we determined that she was still paralyzed. There had been no improvement in her paralysis. My ex-wife then decided to carry Nena downstairs to see if she could go to the bathroom outside in the back yard. Because it was 6 am I went back to sleep. When she arrived downstairs, my ex-wife saw a glowing object (shaped like an upside-down letter U). It was approximately 2 ft in width and 3 ft in height. The object was silver in color and had two vertical small round lights inside which blinked two green pulsating laser-like beams aimed directly at my ex-wife. These light beams were
narrow. When my ex-wife saw this object, she immediately got down on her knees and started praying. Being a hard-core Catholic raised in Mexico, she immediately thought that this object might be an angel or a spirit. She stated out loud that if you are a bad spirit then leave but if you are a good spirit, or an angel, or even the Virgin Mary (Mexicans report seeing the Virgin Mary a lot), then “please stay and do not let my Nena suffer.” As she started praying, the object’s bottom left side emitted bursts of very bright florescent white light, some long and some short. This object at times appeared very physical and at other times seemed to slowly dematerialize. Most of the time it was semitransparent, and she could see the couch behind the object. The object appeared to be at times a physical object and at other times the object appeared to be transparent and made of energy. It appeared to be manipulating our physical reality. The object was located near a corner wall and appeared to be floating about 4 feet off the ground. Below is a graphic rendering of the object my ex-wife saw in our living room. The graphic rendition contains a photo of our living room.

Object seen by my wife in our living room. Credit to Jatta Redman for this graphic display. Thank you Jatta!
After one minute of communicating with this object, she started to yell for me to come downstairs. I was in my bedroom upstairs and I was trying to fall back asleep. I heard her yelling at me, but I ignored her because it was Sunday morning, and I wanted to sleep. After several minutes of her yelling at me, and because I did not respond to her calling me, she came upstairs and literally pulled me from the bed. I asked her what is going on, but she only said, “You will see, you will see.” She did not tell me what she had witnessed-- she just wanted me to go downstairs and that it was an emergency. I was upset because it was 6 am Sunday morning. I thought she had seen a water bug or a small mouse.
At that time, I was a pure rationalist, a materialist. I was also an agnostic regarding a belief in God or religion and I had little to no spirituality. I wanted to believe in a GOD but my materialist upbringing did not allow any room for spirituality. All of this would soon change. I had never read any UFO literature, and I thought all the “Ancient Alien” shows were bull shit (I still do). I had never read nor was I interested in materials related to the “paranormal”, “consciousness studies” or “new age” metaphysical topics. I was a total materialist and skeptic. I was a pure rationalist and any “metaphysics”, paranormal, or UFO related themes were pure baloney. On that day, my entire world view came crashing down.
Let me describe to you what happened when I got downstairs to my living room. Please keep an open mind with what I am about to tell you-- my explanation is not logical and physically impossible but all topics associated with the “paranormal” are also considered by society to not be logical and physically impossible. Yet millions of individuals every year are having diverse paranormal experiences via the Contact Modalities. I walked right behind my ex-wife going down the stairs. She stopped next to Nena who was on the floor, still totally paralyzed lying on her back. When my ex-wife got to the bottom of the living room, I was still on the last step of our staircase leading to our living room. Once I reached this location, my ex-wife and Nena DISSAPEARED right in front of my eyes! Almost immediately, I entered an altered state of consciousness. I can describe it as being in a hypnotic trance.
In college I once saw a show by “The Amazing Kreskin”, whose real name was George Joseph Kresge. It was 1975 and I was a freshman at Rutgers College. He appeared in the college auditorium and had college students walking like ducks and chickens and he was putting students to sleep and waking them up at his suggestion. It truly was a mind-blowing experience. Their minds were completely influenced by this hypnotist, George Joseph Kresge.
That morning my mind was also completely influenced. It was as if I was waking up from a dream, half of my mind was conscious and the other half was in a dream world. While this experience was taking place, I sensed that I was somewhat aware of my conscious thoughts but my mind was being totally influenced. This astounding change in my state of consciousness is very difficult to explain. It was a condition in which I could not act rationally. It was as if you are partially conscious, yet in a mental state as if you are slowly waking up from having general anesthesia. As previously stated, my mind was completely influenced. I did not care that my ex-wife and dog had disappeared right in front of me. Instead, I turned my head toward the left, looking at the corner of the living room. I saw an object very different from what my ex-wife would later describe to me. I did not see the upside-down U-shaped object but a completely different object--something that I now call an “Energy Being”. I do not believe that it was a physical “alien being” but something much more profound, a multidimensional Non-Human Intelligence. What I witnessed did not appear to have edges. It seemed like a gas-like energy object with constant movement both inside and on its edges. Within the object were multiple translucent colors similar to a plasma. Each color was not unique and separate like a rainbow. Instead, the colors meshed together, like swirling colored water and the colors were constantly mixing. Floating in the air, it seemed to be pure energy with colors. This Energy Being appeared to be about 2-3 ft in width and 2-1.5 feet in height. It was floating about 4 feet off the ground in the same corner wall location where the U-shaped object was seen by my ex-wife.

Object seen by me in our living room. Graphic depiction of the Energy Being - credit to Jatta Redman
What I am describing to you is not rational. In fact, it probably sounds crazy, but you must understand that I was under some type of mind control and my actions could not be considered “rational.” As I previously stated, it is very difficult to properly describe this altered mental state because I was not acting “rationally.” I looked at this object for a few seconds and realized that I had “tunnel vision”. I simply could not see any other areas around the living room-- everything except the floating object was blacked out. Idid not see the rest of the living room including my ex-wife nor my dog who had just disappeared. Everything greater than 2 feet from this bizarre object could not be seen because it was all dark. It was a complete tunnel vision! I could only see that Energy Being that was approximately 5-6 feet in front of me and the part of the living room directly behind it because the object was also transparent.
This is how I strangely reacted. In my mind, I thought that this object was nothing special, it was not important-- I waved my hand at it, dismissing what I was seeing, and thought to myself “This is BULL SHIT-- this is why she (my ex-wife) got me up for-- she got me up for this junk?” I realized that seeing this object was not important and I then inexplicably turned around and went upstairs. I then entered into my bedroom and lied down on my bed. While in this semi-conscious state, I stared up at the bedroom ceiling and folded my hands on my chest. I immediately was put to sleep. When I woke up, about one hour later, I was fully conscious and aware of what had just occurred.
After awakening from this semi-conscious hypnotic-like trance, I thought, “holly shit what the hell just happened.” I immediately ran down the stairs. I stopped in the exact location, on the last step right before you enter the living room. I then saw my ex-wife and Nena pop back into our physical reality in the right side of the living room in the SAME EXACT SPOT where they had DISSAPEARD one hour before. Our dog began to rapidly run around the living room and my ex-wife then looked down and saw Nena running around. My ex-wife began jumping up and down, raising her arms and screaming in Spanish, “The angel cured her, the angel cured her!” She was laughing, smiling and picking up our beloved pet Nena, repeatedly kissing her, and putting her down to continue her celebrations. Nena continued to run rapidly around the living room.
My reaction to this series of events was literally mind-blowing-- I felt like an ATOM BOMB had just exploded in my head-- my reality was totally blown away. I could not cope with what had just happened. I was speechless. For the first time in my life, I was completely lost for words. When I recovered, I asked my ex-wife what happened and she repeatedly stated that “the Angel cured her, the Angel cured her” -- “El angel la sano, El angel la sano”. I asked my ex-wife “where did you go? It is 7 o’clock now and you were gone for one hour. Where did you go?” She stated, “I did not go anywhere and that the clock must be wrong”. When I first woke up that morning my bedroom clock showed 6 am. I was certain that we woke up at 6 am and now my kitchen wall clock registered 7 am. So, she was gone for one hour, yet she had no recollection of what happened to this missing time of one hour.
Several months later, after my ex-wife and I had various up-close CAP-UFO sightings, I sent an email to MUFON, a UFO organization. We were highly traumatized, confused, and needed help from someone that can try to explain what was happening to us. Several days later I received a phone call from a MUFON representative in Miami named Mary Margaret Zimmer, a retired school teacher from Miami, Florida. Her husband had recently retired as a scientist with the National Hurricane Center, also in Miami. She visited us alone for her first visit and on the second visit she brought her scientist husband. Mrs. Zimmer asked my ex-wife and I numerous questions. She later explained to me that what my wife experienced was called “missing time”, a very common occurrence among UFO contact experiencers. I had no idea what this concept was. At that time, I just could not process her explanation-- how can someone have missing time? This was physically impossible! She was not shocked with the many experiences we were having. She even acknowledged various other cases she investigated in the Miami area of miraculous medical healings and even missing time cases associated with UFO sightings. We were completely blown away from the information she was telling us. Our dog, “Nena”, was previously diagnosed with an enlarged
heart and she had kidney problems. She was taking Viagra for her heart condition and diuretics for her kidney problems. She also had severe arthritic problems and had difficulty walking, let alone the ability to run. She was like a 95-year-old lady in a nursing home, barely ambulating around. Now she was like a young teenager, jumping very high in the air and running around very rapidly. I was compelled to conclude that Nena had a “miraculous medical healing” by this Energy Being. After many years of having experiences via the Contact Modalities, and after interviewing hundreds of many other “Contact Experiencers”, I now consider this Non-Human Intelligence a messenger of GOD-- a “Modern Angel”. This intelligence was able to manipulate space-time, making me believe that my ex-wife and dog dematerialized in front of me, bringing them to another multidimensional reality, and curing a major total paralysis of our dog, in less than one hour. If this was not a “MIRACLE” then I do not know the definition of the term.
We cancelled our appointment to have Nena euthanized later that afternoon with my friend, Dr. Phil Cruz, and we scheduled an appointment to see him the following week. About a week later we took Nena to Dr. Cruz and she seemed to be completely cured of her ailments. He checked her out and saw that she was very active and very healthy. Nena was jumping up and down like a puppy. He asked us what happened to her. We were too embarrassed to tell him what really happened. Instead, we told him that we changed her diet. He could not believe us because it was not rational that a change of diet would cause a miraculous medical healing of her health. Besides her paralysis, she was also cured of all of her other previous ailments. He was deeply perplexed with her major change. We asked him if we should continue to give her Viagra and the diuretic medicine, and he said “NO” because she now appeared very healthy. He told us to monitor her and if she returns to being lethargic and sick to resume the administration of her medication. We stopped giving her all of her medications. We did not have to take her out at all hours to go to the bathroom and she lived for about another year, having almost 12 months of living life like a “teenager”. She lived to be an old lady in a teenager’s body for one additional year. 12 months later, for the last 2 weeks of her life, she descended rapidly to the point where Dr. Cruz had to put her to sleep. It was like the Cinderella story-- once it was 12 midnight, Cinderella’s coach turned into a pumpkin and Cinderella was once again dressed in rags instead of like a princess.
When we went to euthanize Nena one year later, we finally told Dr. Cruz the details of what really happened-- Nena was miraculously healed of a total body paralysis by an Energy Being that appeared in our living room. Dr. Cruz looked at both my ex-wife and I with a weird expression and totally ignored our statement of why Nena was really healed-- the Miraculous Medical Healing by this Energy Being. We realized how crazy he thought we both were, and he quickly changed the subject. He then continued his conversation as if nothing had happened. We did not press him to continue discussing the subject. That is exactly how almost all our close friends reacted when we told them of our initial “paranormal experiences”. We quickly learned to keep quiet. My ex-wife does not want to speak much about this initial incident nor any of her subsequent “paranormal” experiences and she acts like nothing of consequence happened-- to her this Energy Being was merely an angel that had answered her prayers.
Maybe she is correct.
[Editor’s Note: The above “Energy Being” encounter is what Rey Hernandez claims initially changed his worldview. This account and others that soon followed in his life set him off on a dramatic new direction, bringing together many hundreds of researchers, scientists, and contact experiencers to pool their data and resources together to try and better understand the meaning and implications behind these extraordinary incidents, which are detailed in Rey’s massive volume A Greater Reality, Vol. #3: Experiencer Chapters (2024), co-edited with Rudy Schild, PhD, Michael Grosso, PhD, Joseph Burkes, MD, Jon Klimo, MD, and Jeffrey Long, MD. Available on Amazon.