• AP Magazine

    An alternative way to explore and explain the mysteries of our world. "Published since 1985, online since 2001."

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Alternate Perceptions Magazine, October 2024

An interview with Jeremiah Horstman on the high strangeness of Sedona, Arizona

by: Brent Raynes

Interview: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I65Vb1gAHLs&t=485s
Bio- Born and raised in Southwestern Pennsylvania. Canonsburg, Perry Como’s hometown. My first years were on a farm with livestock, then by the time third grade came about, we moved to my Grandmother’s home on the outskirts of Canonsburg. In my youth, I became an absolute student of history, as South Western PA was the hotbed of conflict during the French and Indian War, reading about it, the American Revolution, American Civil War, and World War 2. My hobbies revolved around my love of history, such as three years on a competitive black powder muzzle loading team. Then Civil War Living History Reenacting and World War 2 reenacting.

In September of 1991, I had the life changing experience there behind my Grandmother’s home on West McMurray Road near Canonsburg, when two Bigfoot creatures ran out of the forest, and in front of myself and two investigators from Stan Gordon’s prestigious P.A.S.U. Terrified and exhilarated by what I had witnessed with two seasoned investigators, a life changing moment in which it occurred to me that much of what we are told in our youth is false. We are told that monsters don’t exist, little green men from outer space don’t exist, but in fact, they sure do…and I want to know more about them. From that night in 1991, I knew that I wanted to investigate these sightings just as the chief field investigator of PASU, Mr. John Stasko was doing. He shared a lot with me in those early years in my teens on the do’s and don’ts of field research.

In 1999, I moved to Sedona, Arizona with my Mother, and my twin brother. Within months of moving here, a back pain I had was discovered to be stage 3 cancer. An aggressive cell, which prompted the doctors to give me three months of time left. A very good Oncologist talked me into trying to beat the cancer. Over a long period of time with surgery and a lot of chemotherapy, I came out of the other side cancer free, contrary to the predictions of the other Doctors. It was during slow recovery, that I met Alexandra. I was so fatigued that I couldn’t work long days, so I took up pet sitting and house sitting. A chocolate Lab named, “Sedona,” was my job for some time. The dog herself came down with cancer, and was given to a British family up the street, a single mother with three teenage daughters, one of whom was Alexandra. I would meet her upon visiting them to say my goodbyes to the dog Sedona. Alexandra and I have been together since.

We picked up a book, “Merging Dimensions” by Tom Dongo. That started up the investigator in me. I met Tom, and over time we became good friends. Alexandra started our investigation of Bradshaw Ranch. Our first visit produced a very personal contact experience, and that vivid encounter caused us to go back to the Ranch every week for twelve years, sometimes twice a week. Our investigation was kept private and shared only with Dongo until two years ago, when Tom asked us to assist him with a History Channel investigation. Since then, we have assisted multiple investigations, authors, scientists, and others in the investigation of the plethora of anomalous high strangeness of the region. UAPs, cryptids, Portals, and an ever present Government presence that seemed to turn up everywhere our own investigation took us.

In time, we realized that all of the things we were looking into, were all related. The Anomalous activity, and Government presence, and even the Ancient Anasazi who vanished from this region 750 years ago, all partook in certain paranormally active places in the Sedona region. Some of those areas now fiercely protected and hidden by private Government agencies.

Now, 12 years into this saga of high strangeness in the Sedona region, more questions arise with every witness we meet, or every government whistleblower who contacts us. It’s very consuming. Consuming of time, and funds, but in the search for truth, it is fulfilling. We have found that where science leaves off, there’s a fine line in which the human spirit and mind can carry on, and open doors/portals to another realm. The portals in the Sedona area are very real. ETs and interdimensional beings use them at will, making the Bradshaw’s nickname for their ranch very fitting, “Galactic Park.” However, where there are doors that admit highly advanced intelligence with highly evolved technology, are those who deem those areas a high National Security threat. The Goverment, having seized many of those properties with these portals, can monitor, and intercept advanced tech, then expedite them to their underground engineering firms hidden in the Sedona region.

All of this activity, has kept us busy in recent years. It only seems to be getting busier, and that’s good, because our goal of disclosure comes a bit closer to happening as the high strangeness continues.

By day, both I and Alexandra work in Boynton Canyon at a world class spa that we are very proud of. At home, we spend time reading, with our pet rabbits on our laps. We never know what we will witness when we step out of the door. We travel a great deal, the South Pacific, Europe, Africa, and due to experience always tend to be inquiring about the high strangeness of each location. It has made life a wonderful journey, and best of all, we have made the best of friends with similar passions along the way.

Monday, October 07, 2024