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    An alternative way to explore and explain the mysteries of our world. "Published since 1985, online since 2001."

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Book Reviews Perceptions Magazine, March 2017

The Nine Waves of Creation:
Quantum Physics, Holographic Evolution, and the Destiny of Humanity
by Carl Johan Calleman, Ph.D.
Foreword by Barbara Hand Clow

Bear & Company, a division of Inner Traditions International
One Park Street
Rochester, Vermont 05767
2016, 320 pages, 6 x 9, US $20.00
72 b&w illustrations
ISBN: 978-1-59143-277-7

Reviewed by Brent Raynes

The author, a scientist and philosopher with a Ph.D in physical biology from the University of Stockholm, considered an expert on the Mayan calendar, puts forth a thought-provoking concept to substantiate his theory that the universe is of intelligent design, that before the Big Bang an estimated 16.4 billion years ago the geometry of a Cosmic Axis (depicted as a World Tree by Mayan's and many other ancient indigenous cultures around the world) was already in place. Rather than life on our tiny little planet being a local happenstance phenomenon, Calleman believes that this Cosmic Axis allows for universal life systems to emerge in many distant quarters.

Citing modern discoveries of an axis discovered in the cosmic microwave background, the so-called mirroring effect of spiral galaxies rotating clockwise on one side and counterclockwise on the other of said axis; how ancient cultures depicted the World Tree as showing a daulity, like the circular Aztec hunab-ku symbol, one half dark the other light, or the similar Chinese yin-yang symbol, along with the Mesopotamian dingir symbol, all circular and all with eight equally spaced divisions, and all representing the Tree of Life. The author also finds it significant that all three of these similar symbols originated in such distant parts of the world and during what he calls the Sixth Wave, which began around 3115 BCE.

Calleman explains how the Mayans had created a calendar showing nine waves that create nine levels of evolution in the universe. Ancient cultures emerged worldwide clearly reflecting similar ideas that revolved around the number nine. For example, Calleman sites how the Hopi believed in nine universes, the Aztecs in nine underworlds, how the nine great gods of Assyria were associated with a Tree of Life, as were the nine worlds of the Vikings, while many of these ancient cultures, inspite of being isolated from one another, also perceived the universe as being organized into nine different levels.

Calleman believes that Jung's synchronicity and the paranormal world may all be interconnected with this controversial Cosmic “World Tree” Axis. The author delves deeply into modern science and ancient shamanic and spiritual belief systems, offering his readers unique new information and insights that, while it may not absolutelty convince you on every point he strives to establish here, it all certainly does cause some very serious ponderings.

This review is only a very abbreviated description of some of the significant informational highlights I came across as I thumbed through this indeed very thought-provoking book.


The Great Pyramid Hoax:
The Conspiracy to Conceal the True History of Ancient Egypt
by Scott Creighton
Foreword by Laird Scranton

Bear & Company, a division of Inner Traditions International
One Park Street
2017, 224 pages, 6 x 9 US $16.00
75 b&w illustrations
ISBN: 978-1-59143-789-5

Reviewed by Brent Raynes

Author and engineer Scott Creighton of Glasgow, Scotland, is something of an authority on ancient Egyptian history. The author of “The Secret Chamber of Osiris” and coauthor of “The Giza Prophecy,” as well as the host of the Alternative Egyptology forum for AboveTopSecret.com, has in this latest book, “The Great Pyramid Hoax,” chosen to undertake a meticulous and controversial investigation that seriously questions what Egyptologists have long held as solid evidence that the Great Pyramid belonged to the Fourth Dynasty pharaoh Khufu, placing its construction back around 2550 BCE.

It was ancient aliens author Zecharia Sitchin who first proposed that the painting marks reportedly uncovered in the Great Pyramid were faked by Colonel Howard Vyse. Carefully following up on Sitchin's suggestion, studying and reviewing all available evidence from Colonel Vyse and his team's initial 1837 discoveries of crudely painted marks located in the Great Pyramid's hidden chambers that pointed to the Fourth Dynasty period of Khufu, Creighton poured through photos, drawings, surveys, Colonel Vyse's private field notes, even uncovering a diary entry wherein Vyse provided forgery instructions to two of his assistants, and Creighton even uncovered an eyewitness account of a man who had worked with Vyse at Giza back in 1837 and claimed that he had actually seen forgery take place.

In addition, the author presents other evidence, in the form of recent chemical analysis of the markings, as well as delving into Col. Vyse's background, including his electoral membership fraud to the British Parlament, offering up an explanation as to why he was motivated to commit fraud at the Great Pyramid of Giza.

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