• AP Magazine

    An alternative way to explore and explain the mysteries of our world. "Published since 1985, online since 2001."

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Archaeotrek—Alternate Perceptions Magazine, May 2016

The Great North Road ~ part 2

by: Jeanne Gripp

Many worldwide cultures had similar beliefs and practices, working with the materials on hand and adjusting to their specific environments. And at their core, these civilizations all wanted the same thing - for their crops to flourish so they might feed their families and to live in peace and harmony. But as civilizations do, once these goals are achieved, there will be those who want more - more power, more prestige, more wealth. And, usually, this case of 'more' is what brings about the demise of the civilization. I feel the Anasazi culture followed this pattern as well.

In the early 1990s, John A. Burke and W.C. Levengood did pioneering research into the effects of electromagnetic energy on seeds. They found that seeds exposed to a carefully controlled amount of what we would think of as static electricity, had an altered physiology. This exposure helps to inhibit oxidative stress - otherwise known as aging. These scientists made this discovery while researching crop circles and the effect of the crop circles on the plants within its boundaries. They found that the seeds taken from mature plants within the crop circles grew faster, produced a greater yield and the seeds were better able to withstand adverse conditions (insects, disease, extreme weather).

Researchers began looking into evidence that ancient civilizations, especially those which built megalithic structures, knew about and utilized natural earth energies to 'treat' their seeds with the same electromagnetic energy. These cultures recognized that these energies would enhance their seeds.  But how did they know?

All living organisms are sensitive to electric and magnetic energies; some more than others. But centuries, even millennium, ago people were more sensitive to these energies. In today's world our senses are bombarded by Wi-Fi, cell signals, and a multitude of other electric and magnetic signals. This exposure numbs most people to the naturally occurring energies found in the earth. But there are still those who are able to feel and locate these energy anomalies.

After realizing the break through achieved in seed enhancement, Burke and another researcher, Kaj Halberg, began to travel to various ancient sites throughout the world to test the theory of seed enhancement. They discovered that when native seeds were placed at the top of megalithic structures, pyramids or mounds or inside rock chambers, those seeds had a higher germination rate with high crop yields and had less of a reaction to stresses. These structures were transmitting an electromagnetic charge. What was causing this sort of transmission? And why only at certain locations?

It was discovered that the electromagnetic pulses found at ancient sites was not a constant thing but rather ebbed and flowed. Specific times of the year - late summer into fall - was prime time for the energies to be present and for the seeds to be enhanced. Weather conditions (thunderstorms) also played a role in the strength and transmission of the energy. The higher the structure, the stronger the energy and the more likely the enhancement would take place. But placement of these structures was crucial. They couldn't be located in just any location. They had to be located over a place of conductivity discontinuity.  

A conductivity discontinuity area is a region where two different types of land meet or intersect. Ground with a lot of metal or water content will conduct earth energy currents rather well. But drier ground is not a good conductor. Where these two types of ground meet, the natural earth energy is either magnified or weakened which often generates more electric current. These ground currents will attract electrified air molecules of the opposite sign - a positive current in the ground will attract negative air molecules and negative ground currents will attract positive air molecules. Positive ground energies would travel to the top of the structure (mound, pyramid, henge) and attract the negatively charged lightning. If there is no structure present, the positive ion will accumulate in treetops and thus attracting lightning. It is this earth energy and air exchange which powered the seed enhancement.

Early agricultural practices were not what we see today. Soil enrichment with fertilizers was not practiced. The land was simply cleared and seeds were planted. Locations near waterways were commonly the first places to be used for crops - water was nearby and the soil was generally fertile. But climates change over time and these changes can have a severe impact on crops. When an agricultural crisis occurs within a civilization, people begin looking for a way to improve their crop production. Seed enhancement was discovered and the civilizations began to flourish over time. Other tribes or bands of people would then hear about or see the wealth of food being produced by those who lived near the 'sacred place' and seek to have their seeds 'blessed by the gods'.  Those who had rule over the 'sacred place' probably sought payment for this 'blessing of the seeds' and eventually a class system would be established. 

The Anasazi and Chacoan Culture was no different than any ancient culture in Europe or Asia. They sought ways to increase the fertility and growth of their crops, especially in such an arid climate as the American Southwest. Once areas where seeds could be enhanced were located, the people began to make regular pilgrimages to these locations. Tribes began to flourish with the abundance of food to feed their own and surplus to trade to others. But as human nature will have it, there were those who desired more. A controlling group evolved, probably members of a priesthood. This controlling group took over the leadership of the seed enhancing site and thus had control of the local tribal groups.

In Chaco, it is evident that a priesthood held a tight rule over those who lived within its boundaries of influence. People would travel from far and near to the Chaco complex and even further along the Great North Road. Could these people have brought trade items to 'pay' for having their seeds enhanced? Were the pots found along the Great North Road specifically made to hold the seeds which they had brought with them? 

Investigations done by amateur archaeologists have found potsherds along the portion of the hillside where it is thought the stairway to the top of Kutz Canyon was located. Pieces of wood dating from before the occupation of Chaco Canyon have also been found in the stairway location in Kutz Canyon. I would also like to note that there is no evidence of trees growing on the walls of Kutz Canyon. Pilgrims perhaps stopped at the main Chaco complex to make payment and then were directed to follow the road north to the stairs. At that point maybe they were required to make the perilous climb to the top of the canyon to place the seeds at the shrine. A test of sorts, to see if they were worthy of the blessing. After the seeds were at the shrine for the necessary length of time (which varies by location), the seeds may have been placed in a leather pouch or a simpler container for the return trip home and the ceremonial pot would then be destroyed.

The portion of New Mexico where Chaco is located is dry but the combination of the Mesa Verde Aquifer which underlies this area and the water which drains through the limestone found in Kutz Canyon create perfect conditions for conductivity discontinuity. It has been found that many ancient sites are still capable of enhancing seeds. Is this one of them? Tests need to be performed to verify this. Perhaps in the future, I will return with a report on what energies can be found there.

Reference Sources:


Burke, J. & Halberg, K. Seed of Knowledge Stone of Plenty, San Francisco, CA: Council Oak Books, 2005


Jeanne Gripp is a freelance writer, dowser and subtle energy worker who lives in the shadow of Pikes Peak. A Colorado native, Jeanne explores the connection between unknown lights, strange creatures, ancient legends, and earth energy lines. Jeanne has spent a lifetime of searching for answers. Only to find more questions. Her articles and books are an attempt to compile and explain the relationship between many of the anomalies that she has experienced over time.

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