Alternate Perceptions Magazine, January 2025
A Generational Journey into the Paranormal
by: Lori Drawl

Lori holding book she co-authored with Nicholas A. Reiter, The Bridges of Avalon: Science, Spirit, and the Quest for Unity (2005).

This is a tale of departure into the unknown and a return to an acceptance and understanding. My family’s story cannot be told with the focus only on one aspect of unusual experiences, because they each seem to represent a single strand on a web tacked together through synchronicities. This is but a smattering of some of our experiences that I hope will awaken others as they recognize similarities in their own life. I believe that consciousness and time seem to underly the architecture of this web, and I am anxious for science to catch up and solidify the connections between these effervescent strands!
As a youth in the 1960s and 70s, I was fascinated with ghost stories. At the time, I didn’t recall ever having any sort of personal experience with a ghost, so I was never sure why I obsessed on the topic. Much later in life, I came to recognize the events of my youth likely inspired my call to an adventure from some mysterious source.
At about the age of five, my family took a trip to Hocking Hills State Park in the rolling foothills of the Appalachian Mountains in southern Ohio. We visited a cave that had a profound effect on me. The cave was a natural history attraction with a hole in the center of the floor that terrified me. I was convinced that I would fall through the hole and injure myself. While my parents walked past it unaffected, I was frozen in place and refused to follow them. The floor looked wet and slippery, and I clearly recall envisioning the potential fate that awaited me. A sweet, elderly man with a cane saw my anxiety. He slowly hobbled over to me, took my hand and walked me past the ominous hole. I was so relieved and grateful! I often brought this recollection up to my parents. My parents insisted that there was no old man, and that I had made it up. I knew I didn’t. I later viewed this as my own personal induction into the analogy of Plato’s Cave. I returned to the area in my late thirties out of curiosity and discovered that it was called “Old Man’s Cave”. Legend has it that in 1796, Richard Rowe briefly lived in and was allegedly buried in the cave, thus providing the source of its current name. Was I aware of the cave’s name as a child and invented the old man to suit my needs at the time? It didn’t have a hole in the floor, but an indentation that I evidentially had mistaken for a hole in the darkness. So, if my perception about the hole was wrong, maybe my perception of the old man was wrong too. Or had I experienced his spirit as a child?
My hole-in-the-cave experience didn’t stop there. Interestingly, I have an unnatural fear of falling down holes or from bridges on into adulthood. In my late thirties, I fell through a hole in a barn floor, crushing vertebrae T-12 and L-3 in my back. I wondered if my lifetime fear of falling through holes might have been precognitive. Alexis Brooks, podcaster of “Higher Journeys with Alexis Brooks” claims that this fear is common among abductees as it relates to transcending through the portal of a UFO.
Also in my pre-kindergarten years, I experienced my most disturbing childhood memory: the sight of a very pale-faced, bald man with dark eyes peering into my bedroom window! He reminded me of Uncle Fester from the Addams Family - the resemblance was uncanny! This incident was to play an important role in later life events as of course, this could be indicative of a Visitor.
Two other odd, colorless memories that occurred pre-K have haunted me my entire life, as they beg for an explanation. These memories were not a dream. In the first scene, my mother and maternal grandparents are seated on a bench that is attached to a concave wall. They seem to be staring straight ahead and totally non-responsive to me. It’s as if they are frozen in place. The second memory takes place in a clinical setting where I am positioned prone on a table. I sensed a large light overhead, and an unseen individual is manipulating the palm of my hand. I am shown an object that looks like a wide ring with writing on it (Figure 1 Right). The ring does not go completely around, and I sense that it is used on my urethra. I am handed another object (Figure 1 Left) resembling drawings made independently by two experiencers reported in John Mack’s book Abduction (pg. 264) of a probing instrument. I was given this device to hold to calm my anxiety. In the years that would follow, I could find no mundane explanation from my own or my parents’ memory.

Figure 1: Long fringed instrument (L), and incomplete ring (R)
During my elementary school years, we moved into a newer house in a development built on vacant farmland. It was a split-level home, oozing mid-century modern décor right down to the orange and green shag carpet. My bedroom windows had blinds on them, and I was thrilled, because it would shield me from any strange faces that might appear in them during the night! My first experience in the new home involved an interaction with points of light, each about the size of an eraser head. These lights appeared on the wall next to my bed and interacted with me by moving around as directed by my pointed finger. This interaction provided a sense of wonder and an element of fun for me. Curious indeed!
Another experience in my new home involved my same-aged foster sister, Kathy. We would often covertly play after being sent to bed. One night, she and I began pulling small fiber loops out of our chenille bedspreads. They were wet with saliva, and we would remove them from our mouth and place them on the side and top of the dresser positioned between our beds. To our astonishment, they began to glow white and move, sliding across the top or moved up the side of the dresser, defying gravity! Again, a fun curiosity that filled us with wonder! I later contemplated if this event was psychokinetically generated by Kathy herself, because her life was in great turmoil. The connection between trauma and pubescent girls generating poltergeist activity is well documented in paranormal literature and research.
Through my middle school years, I read vociferously. My favorite books were those by British parapsychologist, Hans Holzer, which described his intriguing paranormal adventures with his frequent sidekick and medium, Sybil Leek. I lived vicariously through their tales and wanted to be a medium like Sybil!! I loved reading so much that I would write and illustrate my own small books, convinced that someday I would publish my own adventures.
When I was in eighth grade, I saw a UFO outside my bedroom window one night while peeking around the blind. The object was flying relatively slowly and silently, just above the tree tops and about 100 yards away. I saw red and white alternating lights rotating around the edge of the object in a counterclockwise manner, giving the impression that the object was round.
During my teenage years. I recall being very depressed and would isolate myself. I always felt like someone on the outside looking in. I wanted to go "home", wherever that was. Later in life, I found that the famed psychologist John Mack, discovered this sense of wanting to go “home” was reported by experiencers! Eventually, I came to recognize that my melancholy was exhaustion from sensing the mood or atmosphere of those around me. Psychologically maneuvering my family’s dysfunction contributed to my intuitive gifts that I sensed but had not yet realized.
In 1979, I had what I perceived as my first real ghostly encounter, not yet having recognized the old man in the cave as my possible true first experience! My fiancé, Wayne, and I purchased a house to fix up before moving in the following year. The house sat on a very small lot in a rural village. A local neighbor shared some historical knowledge about our future residence. The current house sat on the location of a former home that had been destroyed by a fire. The legend was that the old woman who lived there was witnessed frantically trying to save her quilts from the fire, although I do not have any knowledge that she perished in the event. One evening, we had finished scraping old wallpaper from the horsehair plaster walls and were quite tired. We sat on the floor of the upstairs hallway near the bathroom door. It was a large, room-size hallway. Four bedrooms, one bathroom, a linen closet, and an attic door all encompassed the walls of the rectangular hallway space. The bathroom door was about ten feet away from the top of the stairs. My purse was securely perched on the hallway landing at the top of the stairs, where it had been for hours. I jokingly commented that I thought it would be cool if we could get a glimpse of that old lady’s spirit trying to save her quilts. No sooner had I spoken those words when my purse flew down the steps! Stunned and shaken, we looked at each other in disbelief. We could not get out of the house fast enough, never even bothering to turn off the lights as we left!
In March1983, I had my almost daily phone call with my beloved seventy-three-year-old maternal grandmother. That evening, I went to bed, fell asleep, and began to dream. In the black and white dream, I was standing in the proverbial tunnel that you travel through when you die as reported by those who have had near-death experiences. It swirled with clouds. I did not see a light at the end of this tubular passageway, but instinctively knew it was somewhere in the distance. Off to the right side of the tunnel, my maternal grandmother stood looking at me. She was dressed in a long, white, flowing gown. I assumed she and I were both dead. This situation puzzled me, and I asked her if my parents were also dead. The vision was disrupted when the phone rang, waking me from my sleep. My father told me that my grandmother was being transported by ambulance to the hospital. My grandfather thought she likely had a heart attack. Based on my dream, I instinctively knew she had already died. That dream was indeed her final call to me from the other side. I have always considered that shared death experience to be one of the greatest gifts of love I could have ever received.
My sister-in-law, Carla, babysat my eight-month-old child, Pete, while we went to calling hours. When we returned home, I began telling her about the dream experience I had the night of my grandmother’s death. As if on cue, all the lights in the house flickered and went out. The spooky coincidence freaked us out! But logic soon returned, and our next thought was that there must be a local power outage. But as we looked down the street, it was evident that only our home was dark. After a couple minutes all the lights flickered back on. I liked to believe that it was my grandmother’s way of acknowledging the relevance of the dream. My grandmother always had amazing tales about her difficult life. Her grandfather, mother, uncle, and young sister died during the 1919 Spanish flu epidemic when she was about ten. Her father was an extremely abusive alcoholic. Whether a result of genetics or what was likely an ability to psychologically disassociate from trauma and go into a different sense of awareness, my grandmother seemed to have a heightened psychic ability. She told the story of walking home from work one day and seeing her brother standing by a bush. This confused her, because she thought he was in Europe, having been deployed for WWII. He seemed to vanish as she got closer, and she knew this was a bad omen. Shortly after arriving home, the family was informed of his death in a train wreck in France.
My grandmother also had a UFO experience sometime in the 1960s while looking out the bathroom window in her home in Atwater, Ohio, about ½ mile south of Route 224 as the crow flies. She noticed a strange-shaped object flying in the sky and was sure she witnessed a UFO. While I have no proof, I later suspected that she caught a glimpse of what became a well-documented Portage County UFO incident that occurred on April 17, 1966. This incident began around the nearby city of Kent, Ohio. The UFO, pursued by Portage County Sherrif’s Department Officer Spaur and his partner Officer Neff, followed Route 224 east through Atwater and eventually travelled over 85 miles on into Pennsylvania before shooting straight up into the sky. This sighting received the attention of Air Force Major Quintanella, the director of Project Blue Book. Major Quintanella decided that the officers were chasing the planet Venus or a satellite, but the officers never accepted this explanation. In fact, Officer Spaur had been a gunner on a bomber in the Korean war and was quite well acquainted with aircraft of time. He knew what he saw was not of this world. Within six months, he suffered an emotional breakdown, lost his job and his marriage from the stress of the experience. The famous movie director, Steven Spielberg, consulted Spaur and used details of this police chase as his inspiration for a scene in the blockbuster, Close Encounters of the Third Kind.
Familial experiences are evidently common where the paranormal is concerned. When my father was around eleven, he witnessed a UFO while looking out the south-facing living room windows. He saw numerous, small blue and white lights that moved in a northern trajectory. These lights moved around in unison in a circular-like fashion. The UFO was slowly and silently moving between his home and the railroad tracks that sat about 100 feet away. In the 1970’s, my father once had a mysterious experience possibly similar to bilocation. He has always been bothered by the recollection of working on a project in his garage, when suddenly he was transported into an unrecognized room, where he was seated with a group of African Americans in a circle. He did not know any of these individuals and was suddenly teleported back into the garage.
My father was also hypnotically regressed once in an attempt to locate the source of his persistent depression. He did discuss some problems with his father and bullies at school, but then came a strange tale! He mentioned seeing “clothespin” people. They were skinny with big heads, thus resembling the shape of an old-fashioned clothespin. A large “capsule” was near them. Decades later, an intuitive friend was visiting my home. She stated that she was sensing beings that looked like clothespins around me! She and I had never discussed my father’s hypnosis session. Did she really see something clairvoyantly? Was she pulling this information from my mind? Or were these beings real?
Strange stories from my grandmother, father, and myself were but a brief anomaly, quickly forgotten but filed away in the recesses of our minds. Unlike today, these topics weren’t in the forefront of the mainstream culture. This was about to drastically change as the next generation became involved.
In the spring of 1986, my two-and-a-half-year-old son, Paul, woke up about 8:00 a.m. While eating breakfast in the kitchen, he told me that he took a ride on a flying saucer during the night. I wasn’t unusually intrigued by his statement, because he was familiar with the concept of aliens from skits on Sesame Street. I wrote it off as a fanciful dream. About half an hour later, his older brother, Pete, awoke and came down the stairs to the kitchen. He was a consistently early riser, so sleeping in later than his brother was extremely odd. He was excited to tell me about his dream. His nocturnal tale also involved being taken for a ride on a flying saucer! He said that when the aliens brought him back, they went into Paul’s room and took him so that he could go for a ride too! He went on to explain that they landed their craft near the swing set and entered the house through our back door. This seemed to be exciting to him and in no way fearful. The brothers had a shared-dream experience.
After this, Pete had become inexplicably terrified of the flying saucer skit on Sesame Street. In fact, he would leave the room whenever it came on. The goofy alien Muppets were not threatening by any means. Pete referred to these silly creatures as the “Yep Yeps”, because they only spoke in very limited phrases like “yep, yep...uh huh, uh huh”. Likewise, he was equally fearful of what I seem to recall being a Taco Bell commercial featuring their famous Chihuahua mascot and a UFO. And, if I happened to be watching some episode of Unsolved Mysteries on the television that had a UFO story as a segment, he would immediately leave the room and refuse to return until I insured him that the story was over. The abduction scenario really hadn’t gone mainstream at this point in time, so Unsolved Mysteries was more focused on nuts-and-bolts sightings of craft. The whole reaction to this topic on TV seemed quite strange to me. And if all this frightened him so much, why did his UFO dream not seem to scare him?
A relatively short time after these episodes, I took my children to the local mall. As we walked along the store fronts, we passed the Waldenbooks store. Multiple copies of Whitley Strieber’s new book, Communion, were prominently displayed in the store’s entrance, which grabbed Pete’s attention. He tugged at my arm and pointed to the pyramidal shaped book display in the window, which showed the artwork of what would become the stereotypical gray alien on the cover. “That’s the one that took us for a ride!” he exclaimed. Well, this certainly didn’t look like the Yep Yeps, so I wondered why he thought this was the pilot of his UFO dream. I was even surprised that he still remembered the dream at all.
Communion was the book that changed my life. Normally, I would read a couple books a week. This book took me months to finish. I could only read a few pages at a time, because it seemed to be stirring some sort of recognition in my mind. My boys’ shared experience and my subsequent reading of Communion would become the defining moment of my life. Much like the scene in Close Encounters of the Third Kind, when Richard Dreyfus becomes obsessed with shaping a mountain out of his mashed potatoes as he tries to understand vision of Devil’s Tower that he is perceiving in relation to his UFO encounter…I, like Dreyfus’ character, became obsessed as I headed down an endless rabbit hole of ontological shock as I attempted to integrate events of the past and present into a new worldview. My paradigm was shifting…but into what?
Encounters described by Strieber had a ring of truth and familiarity that I couldn’t quite comprehend. I knew that what he was saying was true, because of those buried or dismissed memories from my past that were coming forward into my consciousness. Strieber refers to the aliens as “Visitors”, because he doesn’t really know what they are or where they come from. I agree with this and will also use this term throughout my tale. Strieber, and later Mike Clelland (author of The Messengers), show a connection with owl imagery and experiencers. There is the supposition that the aliens may be able to present themselves frequently as owls, wolves, or deer in what has been coined a “screen image” to trick the experiencer and reduce the level of fear when there is an interaction with a Visitor. As a youth, I had an owl collection. Why?
Strieber’s tales reminded me of two dreams from my childhood. One involved wolves trying to enter through an upstairs window to get me. It scared me to death, and I remember awakening and being totally unable to move. The other disturbing dream involves a nautical ship floating in the sky and an octopus, but I don’t recall the details. I just remember being scared. Strieber didn’t mention anything about an octopus motif, so I assumed the dream must be irrelevant. However, while in my 50s, my mother unexpectedly started talking about how “weird” I was as a child. She said that I talked about seeing babies in test tubes on a spaceship. I have no recollection of this exchange with my mom. Mom refused to elaborate on her memory of this event, believing that to do so would encourage my weird nature. Imagine my surprise when I saw a drawing of babies resembling octopuses in tubes on a spaceship! (see Abduction by John Mack pg. 142)
I began to read anything I could find on the topic to understand what was happening or if I was going crazy. I was greatly influenced by Jacques Vallee’s views in the classic Passport to Magonia. The connection to archetypal symbolism espoused by psychologist Carl Jung, were revelatory! Eventually, books by John Mack, Budd Hopkins, and David Jacobs made it into the mainstream and their overall views of the visitor experience seemed to range from benevolent to malevolent respectively. And the more I read, the more unsettled I became as I recognized commonalities in my experiences with those reported in books and periodicals. Even random, weird factors like experiencers reporting having extra vertebrae and being of Scottish descent were mentioned in some researcher’s findings of ….and coincidentally I also have those common denominators. Maybe it’s a freakishly mutated gene responsible for these experiences or hallucinations. Surely there was a scientific explanation.
Between the ages of three and six, Paul interacted with some strange beings. He enjoyed the company of an imaginary friend named Cha Cha, who had gray skin, blue eyes, and scant wisps of white hair. He wore a purple coat. I much later came to recognize the similarity to the descriptions of hybrids. Interestingly, Michael J. Hallowell’s book Invizikids: The Curious Enigma of Imaginary Childhood Friends discusses how approximately one third of invisible friends have double-word names in cultures around the world! Paul also feared a faceless, hooded being that allegedly attempted to capture him and cut his cheek one night. Interestingly, dismemberment and cutting by otherworldly beings are a common motif in shamanistic experiences worldwide. He also has a vague memory of a “gumball friend”. Shockingly, Dr. Mack investigated an experiencer who also reported an event involving a gumball machine. Were these beings relevant or just childhood fantasies?
Much like my owl fascination, Paul was obsessed with panda bears. He loved them! Paradoxically, as a child, I had a very large stuffed panda that I hated. I disliked the way it stared at me and would often find the need to keep it in my closet, face down at bedtime. And as I think about it today, the visitors are whitish-faced beings with big black eyes. Are the general similarity of panda and gray alien faces a coincidence? Simple childhood fantasies and fears? Maybe.
Around the time of Paul’s nightmares and invisible visitors, I began having nights plagued with high strangeness and sleep disturbances in my bedroom, frequently awakening me at 3:15 a.m. Once, I was awakened at night by my room being lit up, however no lights were on. I frequently felt a presence in my room but would suddenly and inexplicably feel tired as if suddenly drugged and would drift off to sleep. Another time, I felt as if I had been dropped from about a foot above my bed, the act of which woke me up. I sometimes would smell a cardboard-like odor and would feel frightened whenever this aroma presented itself. This smell seemed to invoke and almost anesthesia-like tiredness, and I would shortly be rendered unconscious. Was the house haunted? Maybe, but it seemed like something more.
One night, I was awakened by Paul’s stuffed, musical bear spontaneously playing songs. This bear required you to touch a pad on its paws whereupon it would randomly play one of several programed Christmas songs. I assumed he was sleeping with it, and he had accidentally pressed one of the paws, thus applying pressure to trigger a song. I went into his room, and found the bear at a location that seemed too far away to make that scenario seem likely. Nonetheless, I took the precaution of moving it out of his bed entirely. I returned to my room, and another tune began to play! I stayed in my bed and pondered this situation. How is this happening? Simply thinking about one of the randomly programmed tunes would cause it to be the next one to play. This happened three or four times and began to freak me out. I returned to his room and removed the batteries from the seemingly possessed bear. But when I returned to my room, again the bear began to play! At this point, I went back to Paul’s room, grabbed the bear, immediately took it to the garage, and placed it in the garbage can.
One evening, I was watching TV in the den. I knew the children were fast asleep upstairs, having recently checked on them. Shockingly, I distinctly heard what sounded like several small children running in the upstairs hallway. I was too paralyzed with fear to explore the commotion. I feared it was not a manifestation of our potential haunting, but Strieber’s “Visitors”. My fear was literally paralyzing, and I felt like a horrible mother for not be able to overcome my terror and investigate and intervene.
In 1987, I was pregnant with my daughter, Chelsea. Odd electrical things seemed to happen quite frequently in relation to pregnancy milestones. I was convinced that my grandma was behind the poltergeist activity as a way of being involved, and I welcomed it. As Chelsea grew, she soon followed suit with her own anomalous experiences! Between the ages of two and six, she routinely refused to sleep in her own room, often reporting that witches would come through her second-story window.
In the spring of 1991, I had a precognitive dream where I saw a blinking traffic light with red and yellow lights. Upon awakening, I was convinced there was going to be a horrible accident and was paranoid whenever driving. A few days later, Pete’s classmate, Jimmy Krabill was hit and killed while riding his bike near an intersection that had a traffic light with red lights on one side and yellow on the other.
That summer, Chelsea woke up in the middle of the night and ventured into the dark hallway, where she witnessed a dim glow. She saw several pastel-colored balls of light, changing their hues from green, to blue, to pink, and then yellow. These balls of light were somewhere between a softball and basketball in size. She was not afraid, and in fact, they seemed to play with her. She would ask them to change colors, and they followed her request. She showed them pictures in a Disney book, and they somehow produced various faces of the characters inside their opaque sphere. After a couple minutes of play, they telepathically bade her goodbye as they left down the stairs. I totally discounted this story as a child's fantasy at the time, but she reminded me of it when she was in her 30s insisting it actually happened. Interestingly, I heard a podcaster interviewing Terry Lovelace (author of Incident at Devil’s Den), who recounted a similar experience in his childhood!
Frequent, psychic events and anomalous nighttime experiences began my decent into a decade fraught with debilitating anxiety attacks. Could this really be happening to my family? My health was faltering, and I had all the markers of PTSD. Was I going insane? Brain tumor? Some sort of psychic opening like awakening kundalini? Was it a spiritual emergency described by psychologists Stanislov and Christina Grof? Hypnopompic hallucinations? Temporal lobe epilepsy? Ocular migraine symptoms? Charles Bonnet syndrome? I needed answers, and I considered all options. I went to an endocrinologist to see if this could be hormonal and had a bizarre experience. She examined me, then looked at me in a very queer way before saying, “Don’t worry. There’s no such thing as time.” And then she left the room! I got no clear answers or directions! What was that about? I felt as if I was interacting with an automaton. I just left feeling totally perplexed
I didn’t realize it immediately, but I had been swallowed whole by a strange force. I would learn that the only way out would involve a metamorphosis of everything I thought I understood and believed. Caterpillars morph into a glob of goo before they transform; this was my glob-of-goo period. I was living the proverbial “hero’s journey” described by mythologist Joseph Campbell as I traveled on an odyssey towards some semblance of psychological wholeness. All of this was accompanied by tons of synchronicities that I viewed as small nods from the universe that I was on the right course. I somehow felt guided; I just didn’t know where.
As a form of catharsis, I wrote a multi-page letter to Whitley Strieber and received a newsletter in receipt. I hoped that something I shared would add a piece to this paranormal Visitor puzzle. In 1995, I sent a letter to researchers David Jacobs and Bud Hopkins. Bud’s assistant, Peter Robbins, did respond with a kind letter.
On election night of 1992, I attended a psychic party and had an amazing reading! The woman gave the actual name of my grandma (Helen) and named individuals (Nick and Alicia) who would prominently appear in my future! She said that she recognized that I was on the verge of a nervous breakdown because of my fear of aliens!! How could she know this? Then she laughed, and said that they weren’t aliens, but some sort of interdimensional-like entities. Then she said, “You will also do mediumship someday!” I’d love to be a medium...but I just couldn’t see it as a possibility.
I sought non-conventional holistic help as traditional doctors were not having success treating my anxiety. I took classes from an herbalist, Alicia, who helped me immensely to suppress my symptoms. The psychic’s prediction came true...Alicia! Unbeknownst to me initially, she was a near-death experiencer, known not only for her healing skills but also her intuitive abilities that came online after her NDE! She became my mentor. Thus began my foray into such skills as iridology, reiki, and hypnosis, eventually obtaining certification! I shared my family’s experiences with the Visitors, and she believed that they were not aliens, but inter-dimensional beings. She had a session with Pete to try to get to the bottom of what he was experiencing, and during the entire time, a series of poltergeist activities commenced in the room! She felt that he was being influenced by mischievous entities.
I also began intensively meditating, which seemed to unlock some suppressed potential. I began seeing clairvoyant images, frequently in the morning upon awakening. It is not like imagining a picture while daydreaming. It’s like looking at a photograph with my eyes were closed. These images would fly by, barely giving me time to grasp what I was seeing. And even more frustrating, I didn't know what to do with the image or who it might be meant for. I also began very frequently seeing a close up of an eye or mandala-like geometric images that moved and morphed spectacularly. But what did they mean?
In the summer of 1994, we moved to a new home that we built just a couple miles down the road. I hoped this change might bring an end to all these peculiarities. It didn't, and in fact it got worse.
I became obsessed with a variety of teachings focused on archetypes, collective unconscious, shamanism, antediluvian history, mythology, and comparative religion. In fact, I felt as if I heard a voice in my head one morning saying, “the Bible has been misinterpreted.” And all this was connected to the Visitors in some way.
I learned how to see auras, but the conditions had to be perfect. Pete could see auras in an instant. Once, my parents were visiting, and I spontaneously saw two layers of aura colors around each of them. I shared my perception, and they didn’t believe me. I called Pete indoors to read their auras. He was quite irritated with me for disrupting his summer play time, but he quickly called out the color layers that verified my analysis! Pete was diagnosed with Scotopic Sensitivity Syndrome (SSS) also known as Irlen Syndrome. SSS is a perceptual disorder in the brain’s ability to rapidly process incoming visual information. I pondered whether Pete’s uncanny ability to readily see layers of auric colors around individuals is a symptom of SSS.
Chelsea once reported a colorful angel on her ceiling during the night. She also had an invisible friend, whose name would be phonetically spelled “She-Gee”. Interestingly, twenty-five years later, I watched a YouTube video where author Peter Slattery described his relationship with a being of light that he channels named “Shi-J
i” (The Book of Shi-Ji), and he pronounced it the same way! Chelsea’s intuitive abilities seemed to be very strong. One afternoon, I was daydreaming about a possible past life scenario where I was a monk in an orphanage. The building was on fire, and I was attempting to save the children. Breaking my trance, Chelsea entered my room with her arms full of baby dolls and asked me to save the babies from the burning building!
By 1994, Pete’s experiences were frequent and profound! Below is a list of the descriptions that he reported:
Visitor silhouetted in his bedroom doorway
Visitor looked in the window of the front door. Its eyes got wide, and it waved. It appeared that it was holding a piece of paper.
Visitor peered in the second story hall window
Glowing Visitor first stood in the back yard and then ran along the fence row towards the house. He remembered the moon being very bright.
Visitor in his bedroom. He felt tense, paralyzed (except for his eyes), uncontrolled sleepiness, burning heaviness in his head, and a floating sensation
Visitors described as: black eyes, triangle pug-bump nose, slit mouth; 3.5 - 5 feet tall; white or bluish white or grayish blue skin; Skin texture was soft, but other times more reptile like. The shorter ones were thinner. They have a weak, leathery odor. The small ones sound like chirping mice, while larger ones make mumbling sound.
Had a conversation with his doppelgänger
Remembered missing time from his bedroom and knew that he had been on a ship, but his memory had been erased.
On September 1, 1994, I finally had confirmation that we weren’t going insane! Paul woke me up at about 2 a.m. very upset and needing to tell me about “a dream within a dream” that went like this: Our entire family was in the van, and a fat man wearing a brown, park-ranger type suit with a yellow badge was seated in the back. There was a police officer following us who witnessed a UFO hit our hubcap and pulled us over to see if we had any injuries. We did not. We told him there was a park ranger in the back, only to find that he had disappeared. Paul said he fell asleep within the dream and awoke into the next dream where empty vehicles of construction workers, police, and firemen were in a circle beneath a blue, cup-shaped UFO about three feet tall. Paul looked up into it and saw microchips and lights. He thought it must be remote controlled, because it doesn’t have enough room for an alien.
I wish I had looked outside. But I was annoyed by yet another middle-of-the-night experience and sent him back to bed. A couple days later, I discovered that a UFO was seen by numerous workers getting off a shift at a factory down the road. An acquaintance saw the UFO and told me that it looked like a small, multi-colored blimp which shot down a beam of light. She said it followed the high-tension power line that cuts across our back yard! Police reports from the officers of two townships who followed the craft were mentioned in the local paper, The Alliance Review! This rules out insanity and hallucinations!
On 6 Feb 1995, Chelsea woke me, claiming she saw a gray head with a little bit of crazy hair flying in her room. Interestingly, about a half an hour prior to her sharing this experience, I had been awakened by the sensation of a soft, Kleenex-like touch on my cheek. (Figure 2; lower half)
A couple days later, we were once again thrown into a nighttime commotion. I noticed Pete checking bedrooms in the middle of the night. When asking him what he was doing, he replied “I wanted to make sure everyone was still here, because the aliens came.” Also that same night, Chelsea came into our bedroom claiming she saw a white alien looking into my second story bedroom window. It had a red hat and an O-shaped mouth and striped clothes (Figure 2: upper half). (Whitley Strieber has mentioned the O-shaped mouth in one of his books. In his Archives of the Impossible lecture, he shares an experiencer’s story that also mentions a Visitor in a red striped outfit.)

Figure 2 (Chelsea’s Drawings)
From mid-March through mid-April, we received numerous phone calls with nobody on the other end of the line.
On the 21 or 22 of March 1995, the children and I saw a large, red-orange glowing UFO in the farm field behind our house. It was about half a mile away. It was dinner time, so there was still plenty of light outside, yet we could not make out a form due to the intensity of the light. It got larger and then smaller before disappearing. Pete wanted to investigate, but I wouldn’t let him leave the house.
On 24 Mar 1995 I for some reason decided to bring up an event that occurred years before. This curiosity involved a large boom that shook our prior home. I thought gas tanks had exploded. It shook the house. Interestingly, he didn’t recall the incident. Later that night, another boom and house-shaking incident occurred!
I went to bed and dreamed of a UFO with a white light coming down. I was awaked from this dream by being forcibly pushed into a sitting position. I saw a short, shadowy figure on the other side of the footboard. I could only see the top half of its large, round head. (Figure 3) I feared it was a Visitor, but thought I would prove to myself that I must still be dreaming. So, I reached out to touch it (three times), and had to admit it was solid! “It’s an alien!” I screamed. Suddenly, I found myself laying on my side, staring at the clock on my nightstand, which read 12:54 a.m. I had no recollection of moving from the sitting position to laying on my side, which confused me.
About five minutes go by, and one of my boys moaned loudly. I felt like a terrible mother, because I am too terrified to move and check on him. Fifteen more minutes go by, and my husband, who was asleep on the coach downstairs, came running upstairs yelling “what was that noise?” It takes an act of God to wake him up once he is asleep, so this stunned me. He couldn’t understand how I didn’t hear anything, because it shook the house! I later described this experience to Alicia, and she felt that when something moves from one dimension to another, a loud, audible sound is heard.

Figure 3
In the first couple days of May, I had a dream that included the phrase “ask for protection”. On 5 May 1994, a 911 call was coming from our house to the county sheriff’s office, but nobody was home. The police officer responding said this had never happened before! I mentioned this incident to my mentor, Alicia. She said, “ask for protection from the spiritual realm”. The escalation of these experiences was getting out of control!
On 14 June 1995, I wrote a letter to Professor John Mack of Harvard University who was studying the UFO phenomenon. I later received an invitation from his assistant, Roberta Collasante to meet with Dr. Mack in Boston! Other than my immediate family, nobody knew about our experiences! How could I go? How could I possibly explain this need to go there? Who would watch the kids? Would my family want to commit me to an institution? I turned down the offer. This is one of my biggest regrets in life to have had the opportunity to meet Dr. Mack before his death.
Later in June, I decided to try to put Pete into a relaxed state so that he could try to better remember one of his experiences with the Visitors that involved the use of an instrument. The shape and purpose of this device was blocked from his mind, and he wanted to remember. In the relaxed state, he reported seeing short, white beings in his bedroom. They had a line mouth, no ears, small nose, long skinny fingers, large eyes that are all pupil, and were four to five feet tall. He can’t see their feet. He realized that he is being taken to the left side of the back yard and up a ramp-type device into a UFO as large as our house. It is grayish blue with yellow lights on the outside, and one large central white light. Inside, it has a yellowish candescence. Next, he remembered being reclined onto a block-like, uncomfortable table with no legs surrounded by about ten beings. A female with long, thin hair comforts him saying “it’s alright.” A being pulls his pajama pant legs up and makes a cut about five inches long on the inside shin on both legs. The device that he was trying to recall was brought out and looked like an upside-down house that could be pulled apart. The being on his right side ran half of the device up his left leg, and the being on his left ran the other half up his right leg. The device’s inner edge (visible when pulled in half) had dots that glowed a dim orangish-white light and was used to repair the cuts. (Figure 4) He sensed three other operating rooms and can hear adult men screaming. A gas rendered him unconscious, and he believes about an hour went by. He was returned to his bedroom by two beings.

Figure 4
In July of 1995, my husband and I were awaked by a beeping noise coming from what sounded like the smoke alarm downstairs. We just went back to sleep! Why didn’t we check further? Chelsea came into our room later that night and said she was afraid of the popping noise downstairs.
While at the grocery store that we owned, a patron began talking about paranormal experiences with me, because she was aware of the fact that I attended a psychic party. She told me that her sister once saw an Uncle Fester face in her bedroom window!!! What??? Why is this happening? I shared that I, too, had an Uncle Fester experience!! A few days later, she gave me an article that appeared in the Cleveland newspaper about a gentleman named Nick Reiter who was a scientist in the field of photovoltaic energy by day. In his spare time, he was doing research on experiencers and searching for clues to anti-gravity. Nick occasionally worked with Lefty Levengood and Nancy Talbot of BLT Research in analyzing the soil from crop circles formations. He also did analysis for Linda Moulton Howe on a piece of metal from the Roswell crash. He was on an episode of Art Bell explaining this analysis of “Arts Parts” along with TV appearances. The Prince of Lichtenstein funded some of his research prior to our meeting. If Nick couldn’t figure out our situation, I felt that nobody could!
Here was the psychic’s second prediction coming true... Nick just entered my life! While his main interest was understanding anti-gravity, he figured that if he could understand poltergeist activity, he would get a clue to solving this mystery. And during the process of analyzing ghostly activity, he recognized the commonalities between hauntings and those who experienced the Visitors. He currently was researching the effects of whether an EMF field on the brain (potentially generated by a UFO) could trigger a magnetic response resulting in hallucinations. Maybe this was a prosaic explanation for our experiences! I had to follow this lead! We corresponded for a while, and eventually I met him in person at a lecture he was giving in a Cleveland suburb. We continued to correspond, and he eventually visited my home to place a device that would detect any sort of magnetic disturbance. Then, if this correlated with an experience, we might find an intriguing link to a solution. We tried. It didn’t work.
This is my opportunity to describe one of a multitude of synchronicities that appeared during this time of my life. I was a big fan of the charter played by actor John Corbett on a TV show called Northern Exposure, because of his philosophical ramblings and Jungian bent. One day, a man looking just like Nick came in our grocery store! His appearance took me aback! The name on his check was “John Corbett”.
I didn’t know where this adventure was taking me, but it was too late to go anywhere but forward.
Based on our family’s experiences, I was beginning to question whether dreams were actually dreams or possibly memories from a Visitor experience. In November of 1995, Paul had a dream where he and his siblings witnessed a UFO with yellow and blue lights. Its yellow rim is visible as it hovered over the woods and brush pile area in our back yard. There was a man with blue edges (light being?) on the other side of the driveway who enters the UFO. Interestingly, Pete had a similar recurrent dream where he was outside doing chores and heard a pulsing tone. He saw a UFO with small blue and yellow lights. One of the small lights produced a beam that sucked him up into a large, white-lit center hole on the bottom of the ship. Were they recalling a shared experience or dream? (Figure 5)

Figure 5a

Figure 5b
Sometime in late 1995 or early 1996, Pete saw a tall, shadow form in his bedroom that reminded him of Abraham Lincoln, because of the hat it was wearing. This seemed ludicrous to me at the time. Sometime later, while thumbing through David Jacob’s book The Threat in Waldenbooks, I read the entry describing an experiencer’s contact with a shadow figure in a top hat! Rosemary Ellen Guiley also discusses the hat motif in her book The Djinn Connection. I couldn’t believe it!
In the spring of 1996, we had a couple more incidents. Pete reported a white vapor coming out of Chelsea’s room towards him. It reversed course and went out the second story hallway window! I saw a softball-sized, violet-blue glowing orb to the left of me one afternoon. It followed me to our pheasant coop, then disappeared.
In May of that year, I was dreaming of a praying mantis in the basement of my childhood home. I was awakened by the sensation of the blanket being over my head and pressure being applied to each of my eyes. The pressure expanded towards my ears, and I began to feel woozy. I unsuccessfully tried to awaken my husband. The sensation subsided but then returned. Again, I unsuccessfully tried to awaken him. I opened one eye and then the other. I saw mysterious lights and heard a strange humming or purring sound. Then, I saw a fingerprint design in my field of vision.
By mid-summer, the frequent oddities started to wane. On August 22, Pete was awakened by a Visitor feeling his face. The clock was blinking 4:03 a.m. In September, he had a dream where he asked the Visitor why it was here. It replied, “to serve the human race; to protect the innocent.”
Nick and I stayed in close contact, and he eventually convinced me to test my intuitive abilities in the field. He felt that I was very psychic, but I wasn’t convinced. We were provided haunting cases by Chris Woodyard, the author of the Haunted Ohio series of books. She would send us to an address to investigate a haunting and report back to her. I was never allowed to know the details. To my amazement, I was very accurate! I surprised myself! The clients frequently had historical documents to back up my findings. I was becoming a paranormal investigator like Hans Holzer!
We found that the vast majority of hauntings were explainable as residual energy in conjunction with psychological stressors with the client. However, on rare occasions we had to question the possibility of actual spirit communication. We went on to develop a taxonomy of the different types of ghostly encounters we witnessed: the human earthbound spirit, the human transitional spirit, non-human entities, potential multi-generational bloodline spirit, and the tulpa. A greater description of this can be found in our book.
Police cases were another area of psychic testing. Nick involved me in the very cold case of a young boy, Leon Mackling, who disappeared decades ago. Interestingly, one of my favorite books as a child was The Mysterious Disappearance of Leon. Coincidence or precognitive in some way? I produced enough correct evidence that the Seneca County sheriff’s office released prisoners from jail to dig in an area that I indicated. While no remains were found, I was still proud of the correct information that I was able to share!
In 1997, Nick invited British author and researcher, Albert Budden to investigate my family’s case. Budden studied the effects of environmental sensitivities on the brain, such as hypersensitivity to electric pollution, electromagnetic fields, geographic factors, etc. Mr. Budden believed that I may indeed be affected by these factors as a result of my close proximity to a lightning strike when I was a toddler. My case (with some errors) appears in a chapter of his book Electric UFOs. While I appreciated his input, I didn’t feel as if this even began to explain everything.
On Valentine’s Day of 1997, Pete awoke to the sounds of floorboards settling, as if someone was walking in his bedroom. He looked and saw the outline of a Visitor kneeling on the bed. Then it just disappeared.
Sometime in the late 1990s, I felt compelled to go out on my deck in the middle of the night. I noticed a lightening bug along the wood line. This was unusual, because fireflies seemed to stop their nightly display much closer to midnight. The bug lit up its tail but did not turn it off! I have never seen this before or since. It flew the approximate fifty yards towards me with its light on the entire time! It landed at my feet and fell between the cracks in the deck flooring. For some reason, this experience feels very important to me.
Other incidents occurred sometime in the 1990s involved my husband. He had been at the back of our property when he spotted a UFO in the shape of a football over the power lines! He came running in the house to tell me about it. He was as white as a sheet. I immediately looked, but did not see a thing. Another incident involved a time when he was in the woods bordering our property at night. He quickly returned to the house describing the red, glowing eyes of something very large! I eventually met Robert Morgan, a well-known bigfoot researcher at a local UFO lecture. Between the red-glowing eyes story and our experiences with UFOs, Mr. Morgan became a regular at our home for a period of time to no avail in solving our mystery.
In 2001, Pete left for college to pursue his undergraduate degree in Geology. He says that he had a couple Visitor experiences but can’t remember the details. However, in 2005, while traveling to Kansas to scout out a grad school for his master’s and doctoral programs, he had very interesting experience! While in his hotel room, he had the thought that he would be safe from any weird experiences in this well-lit, metropolitan area as opposed to his normal wooded, country surroundings. He was very wrong. In his room, he suddenly found himself transported into a UFO. There was a female being who exuded a loving, maternal presence. He felt as if he was a guest being taken on a tour and shown a map of the cosmos. There are smaller beings around, but they ignored him as they went about their own agenda. He was given the message that he is where he is supposed to be. And this message solidified his decision to finish his schooling there.
And with that, the Visitor phenomenon came to a near standstill for a very long time.
On the infamous date of 11 September 2001, I awoke to a clairvoyant image of a tall structure with flames coming out the side. I sensed it had something to do with the Middle East. I went downstairs where my husband was preparing to leave for work. He said to me “do you ever wonder why no one has ever crashed a plane into the Pentagon?” It wasn’t until a couple hours later that my image and his seemingly bizarre question suddenly made sense! We were only a couple out of a multitude of people that related telepathic tales about that day! Is precognition a psychic ability or a slip in time?
Nick and I began winding down our ghostly investigations. We never charged for our services and all expenses came out of our pocket. It didn’t feel like we had learned anything new in quite a while. We lived several hours apart, so this was also an obstacle. I lost interest in lecturing as I had just started a new, more demanding job. The CW television network asked us to make a paranormal TV show way before this became a hot ticket! We told them that we couldn’t guarantee anything would be caught on camera. They said we could “fake it” if nothing interesting happened, and that elicited us to decline the offer. I’ve always been highly skeptical of paranormal investigation shows since then.
But I did have one nagging desire, or maybe I should call it a compulsion. I knew that we had to write a book about our thoughts and findings regarding all things paranormal. If I ever felt like I may have received some sort of otherworldly download, this was it. It became an obsession. In 2005, we published the majority of our chapters in a book entitled The Bridges of Avalon: Science, Spirit, and the Quest for Unity. As I have re-read it later, I clearly recognize portions of the books that I am primarily responsible for, but the level of depth seems beyond my capabilities. I even thought to myself: “who wrote this?” My childhood belief that I would become an author came true! After the publication of our book, our lives gradually took different paths, though we remained forever connected.
By late in 2009, I had divorced, remarried, and moved sixty miles away. Just prior to my second marriage, I lived in an old Victorian house with extreme poltergeist activity! My daughter lived with me, and she seemed to get the brunt of the activity. We even called the police once, thinking an intruder was in the house. Upon researching the property, we found that the previous owner committed suicide in the sunroom. Nothing felt like involvement from the Visitors.
My new husband was very supportive of me, although he didn’t initially believe anything involving the paranormal. He arranged a reading with a local psychic for a surprise birthday present for me. The psychic was a registered medium at Lily Dale, home of the Spiritualist Church in New York. For those not familiar with mediumship, this is a very big deal. She gave me a reading and said that I was highly intuitive and needed to follow her path. She encouraged me to take a course at Fellowships of the Spirit in Lily Dale! So, I took the two-year course! Here was my opportunity to fulfill another be a medium like Sybil Leek! Things were lining up and coming true!
During my mediumship training, I also developed a business doing readings and classes in Iridology and Reiki. I recognized that my abilities in these modalities along with mediumship were enhanced if I could be near or touching my client. Distance mediumship, psychic future predictions, and the identification of distant items were rarely fruitful for me. I must admit, however, that I always questioned whether mediumship was sometimes just the mind reading of the client.
I had literally hundreds of readings and reiki sessions. On only four occasions did I sense a Visitor connection with a client. One was a young boy with severe ADHD. I asked his mother if he was obsessed with outer space as a way to gently lead into the topic. She admitted that he interacts with beings! Due to other experiences, I highly suspicion that ADHD may be an indicator that the individual experiences openness to another realm.
I had one client who I found very disturbing. Initially, I did an iridology reading for him. During the reading, bizarre poltergeist activity kept happening. So much so, that I excused myself and phoned my mentor, Alicia, to get her opinion. She stated that I was interacting with a spirit that was attached to him. She instructed me to get back in there, ask for protection, and sort it out. I returned to my client, and he started describing actions that I had taken that morning! There is no way he could have known this! I knew I was dealing with something dark, and I knew he was about to teach me something. A couple months later, he and his daughter took a Reiki class from me. He volunteered to be the receiver of the energy during a demonstration. While working on him, I suddenly received the imagery that I recognize as “sexual abuser”. He had fallen asleep on the table, and I pulled his daughter aside. I was so overcome by what I saw that I knew I had to broach this subject with her. She began to cry and said that there is a police order against him; he is not allowed to be near his grandchildren!
A rewarding Reiki client was a school psychologist named Dianna. I didn’t know why she wanted the session, but afterwords, I shared that I sensed what felt like an energetic tangle over her left breast. She confirmed that her doctor had just found a lump and scheduled a biopsy. She wanted to try this approach first before pursuing surgery. After her second session, I had the impression that this involved an adoption in some way. She told me a sad story about her adopted niece who was returned to the orphanage about 15 years prior. She wanted to adopt her, but her brother wouldn’t let her. I felt the breast lump was related to this emotional trauma of not being able to mother the child. By the third session, the adopted niece had found Dianna on Facebook! She felt it was a miracle, and the coincidence in timing was amazing! By the fourth session, she reported that she went for another scan prior to scheduling the biopsy, and the lump was gone! Whatever the source of this energy, it has the potential to be very powerful!
My mediumship was coming along very well. One of my more memorable readings involved a client who was traveling quite a distance to meet me, giving me extra performance anxiety. I had been receiving a clairvoyant image and clairaudient message all week prior to her appointment. This involved several individuals all in very close quarters...literally squished together. They were surrounded by metal, and I sensed water everywhere. I could hear the phrase “it’s going down!” repeated three times in succession. I sensed this was a very important, newsworthy event. As I shared this with my client, she burst into tears. Her fiancé had been with a group of his fellow servicemen on a helicopter. They were flying over the ocean off Hawaii. The helicopter went down, all men perished. She said this had been on the news a couple months prior, and I recalled seeing it!
In fall of 2011, Chelsea was driving to my house after a night class at the college. While crossing the causeway over Mosquito Creek Lake, she witnessed a triangular shaped UFO with three central, yellow lights. The side view exposed yellow, red, and greenish-blue lights. The top was convex. Other vehicles pulled over to get a better look. She was only about a half a mile from my house when she called to tell me what she was seeing! I told her to hang up and take a picture. She was not successful in getting any image. I went outside and even drove up and down the road but saw nothing.
About a year later, I had received an email from Nick. He said that he had been meditating and saw the image of the grim reaper. He was concerned that someone he knew was going to die. Two weeks after that, he went for a routine colonoscopy, and a malignancy was found. Alicia did an iridology reading on him years prior, she prophetically stated that he would someday die of colon cancer. However, after much treatment, he went into remission. It was my understanding that he was planning to go to the hospital for some routine scans on 19 November 2013. I offered to do distance Reiki on him that evening, in the hopes it would have some positive effect, and I would let him know my impressions later that day. However, I felt compelled to do it in the morning instead. During the session, I sensed his deceased father and grandmother. I sensed Nick telling me he could watch over his granddaughter better from the other side. Later that afternoon, I went to my computer and saw that his wife posted that he died that morning! I few nights later, I was awoken by the distinct sound of his voice saying my name. I searched the house, hoping to see a spectral image of him...but I didn’t. That audible summons was a gift that I will forever treasure.
In February of 2015, I was out to dinner with friends at a dive bar. A man who looked exactly like Nick walked into the bar and then to the end of our table. He awkwardly stood there staring up at a blank wall. He even wore a sort of trench coat that Nick had. I was stunned and didn’t know how to react. I began to wonder if anyone else even saw him. One of my friends spoke up and asked the mysterious man if he needed something. He shook his head and left the bar.
On 5 May 2015 I recorded the following in my diary: “energy beings in my bedroom. Watched them until I fell asleep.” It’s weird, because I now have no recollection of this event at all.
In the spring of 2016, I was getting ready for bed when I had the overwhelming feeling that there would be a Visitor experience that night! I hadn’t had that sort of sensation in almost two decades. I said to my husband, “for the record, something weird is going to happen tonight.” At 3:00 a.m., I got a text from Pete, who was now living in Massachusetts. It said: “They were here!” He later told me that he searched the house looking for a sign of the Visitors but found nothing! Were things ramping up again after a long hiatus?
On 1 June 2017, I was driving from Ohio to Massachusetts to visit Pete and his family. I tend to unintentionally go into a sort of open-eyed meditation while driving. I suddenly had the thought that if Visitor contact was ever going to happen again, it would be perfect if I was with Pete. I arrived at his home, and I seemed to have a perfectly good rest that night. The next morning, Pete came downstairs confused, because his watch had lost a half an hour of time. I wondered if his battery was simply dying, but that proved to not be the case.
Later in June, I awoke to the audible sound of an unknown female calling my name! As I left for work, the song “She Talks to Angels” came on the radio with the lyrics stating, “says they call her out by her name.” Was this a coincidence or synchronicity to wishfully explain who I might be in communication with? Were the Visitors simply the angels of old?
In mid-October I again went to visit Peter and his family. On the first night there, my grandson Colin was very fussy during the night. I went into his room and held him. While doing so, I heard an audible voice that sounded like Pete, only mechanical. It repeatedly said “You -? -Oh” Three distinct syllables, but I couldn’t make out the middle sound. I could count to nine between each repetition of the phrase. This went on for a couple dozen repetitions. I didn’t make the connection until the next morning that maybe it was saying “UFO”. The following night, I dreamed of a right-angle shaped UFO. And a few days after that, I found Pete sitting on the kitchen floor experiencing his first nosebleed.
In mid-March of 2018, I was contacted by “Linda” who got my name from the Edgar Mitchell Foundation for Research into Extraordinary Experiences (FREE). I was listed as a hypnotist from northeast Ohio who was willing to assist contactees recover buried memories. I agreed to meet with her, and to my surprise, she lived in my hometown! In fact, she lived just a couple doors down from the home I lived in when our family first began this weird journey in the 1980s and early 1990s! And her daughter and my daughter were in the same class in school with side-by-side lockers! She indicated that she believed that she was a hybrid! What was the chance of this?!
From 2017-18, I became disillusioned with mediumship. The more adept I became, the more drained I felt. It was not a skill that was entirely effortless for me, as intense meditation was always required for a client reading. I would be kept awake most of the night with clairvoyant images. My health began to suffer again as my anxiety levels rose the point of the panic attacks that I experienced in the 1990s. I gradually began shutting down my practice of readings and healings. I have become very avoidant of most social interactions, as my nervous system continues to feel on high alert.
On October 18, 2018, my daughter who was now living with her family near the Lakes community in Las Vegas. She awoke at 3:30 a.m. to unexplained sounds emanating from the living room and kitchen areas. It sounded like small, fast footstep. The cat and dog could hear the sounds too, although oddly did not go to investigate. My grandson, Liam, was asleep in bed with her but slept through everything. Fearing an intruder, she considered getting her gun. Chelsea was then distracted by an extremely bright light outside that lit up her bedroom. Peering outside, she could see the underside of an enormous, low-hovering craft, reminding her more of Star Trek's USS Enterprise than the typically described UFO. Grayish cream in color with multiple white lights around a square section, there were also round sections. The craft had a hazy appearance surrounding it. (Figure 6)

Figure 6
She had an intuitive sense during the entire UFO incident that it “wasn't meant for her,” and she heard someone scream outside during the sighting. As it began moving away, she could see the entire football-field sized craft. She viewed it for about 20 seconds until it exited at a high rate of speed in a southeastern direction. As it left her field of vision, there was a flash of light in that area. She wanted to investigate the apartment but instead went easily back to sleep, which she found odd and disturbing, under the circumstances. She awoke around 6:50 a.m. and found a lower kitchen cupboard door wide open, which was definitely closed earlier. She was surprised and frustrated that the local TV news wasn't abuzz with reports of a massive UFO. She was certain other people had to have seen it. Afterwards, she complained of all sorts of electronic problems going on in her apartment. Chelsea has always been prone to causing electrical problems and may be considered a “slider”. This was reported to MUFON (case 95688).
As Chelsea relayed this tale to me, I suddenly recalled searching the internet a couple weeks prior for a clairvoyant image that I saw. It was a spaceship with a reminiscent of the Star Trek Enterprise, but from a top angle. Why did I see this image? Was it a premonition of her incident? Brent Raynes (publisher of Alternate Perceptions) put us in touch with Bret Oldham, experiencer and author of Children of the Grays for further investigation of Chelsea’s home, but she was to too fearful to proceed with this, not knowing how her husband would react. Mr. Oldham believed that she may have witnessed the UFO exiting through a portal. I came to discover that Bret Oldham once lived in an area of northeast Ohio not terribly far from my home prior to my divorce! Small world!
In January of 2021, after being in persistent pain for a couple months from a tooth that needed a root canal, I had the distinct image of what I can only describe as an energy being in my room. (Figure 7) The outline glowed with yellow and blue sparkles. After that, the pain completely went away! Had it healed me?

Figure 7
Incidents may have continued on to the next generation of my family. My grandson, Liam, has reported a couple incidents. One involved three small, hooded, faceless beings taking him from his bedroom into an area with many beds. (Figure 8) Another time, he claimed some sort of surgery was done on his back by beings.

Figure 8
In December of 2024, he reported getting up in the night to use the restroom. It sounded like furniture was moving downstairs. He returned to bed and fell asleep, wondering why he didn’t report the fact that intruders might be downstairs to his mom. He was awakened by what felt like a punch to his chest. He couldn’t open his eyes until he had the sensation of something forcibly exiting his mouth! What felt like an hours-long event actually only lasted a few minutes. Then, he witnessed bright, flashing lights in the mirror, reflecting something coming from outside, but he was too afraid to look out the window. Next, he tasted blood!
Our family’s paranormal oddities continue on, though never as intensely as the 1990s. One of the most recent experiences happened in 2024 to Pete while he was camping with his youngest son on the Colorado Mesa. He witnessed a doughnut shaped, purple glowing object very briefly in the sky before it disappeared.
I don’t know who or what the Visitors are that interact with us, but I am convinced that psi abilities factor into our ability to interact. I tend to think they may have been here for ages, guiding us as we continue to evolve to a higher level of consciousness. And, because of precognitive or time slip experiences, I believe that they may be from our future as described by Dr. Michael Masters (who also hails from the Amish country of northeastern Ohio, close to where I lived with my second husband). Or maybe individuals around the world are seeing extraterrestrials, ultraterrestrials, interdimensionals, extratempestrials, living plasma beings, AND tulpa projections. Are we incorrectly trying to combine a multitude of experiences into only one type of entity or experience?
There are brave souls pushing the envelope of understanding! Dr. Gary Nolan discovered that a thickened caudate putamen within the brain could possibly be an indicator of a genetic link to psychic abilities or as a byproduct of Visitor contact (I volunteer for a scan!). Dr. Colm Kelleher found that a cluster of individuals affected physiologically at Skinwalker Ranch went on to develop autoimmune issues like Hashimoto’s disease (my daughter and I have both been diagnosed with this). Dr. Diana Hennacy Powell researches profound telepathic gifts displayed in non-verbal individuals in the podcast: “The Telepathy Tapes.” Kudos to all!
I always felt that my purpose in life was to open minds. Maybe sharing my experiences will allow someone else to recognize Visitor influence in their own lives. Maybe I was just meant to open the minds of my children to a far grander universe that traditionally accepted. Reading my book co-authored with Nick Reiter will provide you with an analysis of our understanding of the link between science and spirituality. I pray for clarity and guidance as I hopefully continue to learn as I traverse the endless rabbit hole. It has opened my mind and my soul to boundless possibilities and to the awe of the Source.