• AP Magazine

    An alternative way to explore and explain the mysteries of our world. "Published since 1985, online since 2001."

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Alternate Perceptions Magazine, January 2025

My Personal Journey in the UFO field

by: Diane Tessman

It was 46 years ago that Coral Lorenzen made me a field investigator and contributor to the Aerial Phenomena Research Organization (APRO) Bulletin. However, my fascination with these topics began when my first encounter (abduction?) occurred. I was four, possibly five years old. It has profoundly affected my entire life.

Over the years, I have concluded that the UFO and Paranormal fields are full of contradictions, paradoxes, and confusion. To make matters more complex, these two fields may be of the same source or at least be connected - or not. Let’s face it, the UFO and Paranormal fields are illogical and often absurd, just like humanity itself. Therein may lie a clue.

In 2023, a ”UFO expert” announced that Ufology should die and only scientists and academics should be allowed to secretly study the phenomenon. This extreme view would exclude almost all experiencers, abductees, and “just people” who are mostly the ones who have seen, heard, and experienced the UFO phenomenon.

How can we be left out? It is implied that every one of us non-academics are full of nonsense and that the answer to the phenomenon can only be found in militarized, high security, aerospace research. Since the UFO phenomenon is obviously more advanced than our current aerospace research, this bright idea by “experts” is a loser from the get-go. Somewhere, somewhen in deep space or time, “they” are laughing at the experts. Isn’t it obvious that common people have always been the objects of most encounters? In defending the common people’s right to be intricately involved in reporting, researching, and reacting to the phenomenon (or phenomena), I remind you of the scene in Close Encounters of the Third Kind wherein the mountain man, his wife and children sit in the back of their pick-up, mystified and awe-struck, as a line of UFOs whiz around the curve in the highway. Those folks were experiencers, they too were invited as much as any academic or “expert.”

In CE3K, thousands of spiritual Hindu men point to the sky when asked “From whence do they come?” The common people, reacting to the spirit within and experiences from with-out, have created Earth myths for millennia, around which have been built entire cultures. Folklore and traditions are an integral part of civilizations. UFOs and the Paranormal are sociological phenomena. Scientific analysis is only one side of a two-sided coin.

Human consciousness also has two sides of one coin: logic and emotion. In slightly different terms, human consciousness has both science and spirit. I believe it is no coincidence that there is a mirror reflection of our own awareness and an evolutionary promise in the UFO and Paranormal phenomena. I feel that Jaques Vallee would agree.

Since I have been hard on the “experts,” let me add a note on “true believers:” Nothing annoys me more than a believer trying to impose the Ashtar Command or the Reptilian invasion or thousands of other half-baked scenarios and alien breeds, upon me. Also, there are the opportunists trying to make a buck, while others seek some kind of identity and importance, and so forth. However, I am convinced after years of research and experience, that there are forms of life in our skies, doing as they please, which we have yet to know anything about. These beings or this force, or this intelligence (artificial intelligence?), is not only in our atmosphere, it is under the surface of our large bodies of water and inside our mountains. I uncovered this clue early in life when my second encounter took place on the shores of Eagle Lake, Ontario, Canada, when I was five years old. The Canadian lakes have long been the stomping grounds of UFOs, UAPs, and strange lights.

I have published the notes which Dr. R. Leo Sprinkle took on my hypnotic regression sessions, I have given details and specifics on what I remember consciously of both encounters, and I have recounted that I have a missing membrane in my mouth which has no earthly answer except that “they” needed a tissue sample. This may be the only (or one of the only) pieces of evidence ever offered by an abductee. Yet, my encounter has never caught-on as one of the “big abductions.” However, that’s fine with me. I do wonder if it my abductions failed to be given serious attention by the “experts,” because I was never terrified and so, I never expressed horrific fear, writing of “demonic beings.” They were not demonic, nor was I terrified. But they did exist, they were real, and they performed a medical procedure. I might have been tranquilized; still, these were experiences I would not change. I feel a sense of wonder, always.

As to what I have concluded, I do think that “the others” are connected to Earth in some way. I don’t think they are aliens from incredibly distant planets. They are, I think, who we would call “time travelers with human roots.” They may be from thousands or millions of years ahead of us and so do not even consider “time” a valid term. I think their traversing is accomplished through wormholes which they can create and keep open, and/or through the extraordinary (in our view), warping of space/time. I feel they may have found quantum passages to the Paranormal Realm as well and sometimes work with it or use it, but I also think the Paranormal Realm is real unto itself and has many aspects, from fairies to ghosts to poltergeists, and more.

In 2025, humanity is in trouble, as is its planet. There are many threats of many kinds. The only way out of this mess is for our intelligence level to evolve upward – just one step. I explain this concept in my current work, listed at the close of this article. Homo sapiens is only one of many in the Family of Man. There have been human species before us, and there will be human species after we (Homo sapiens) are extinct. There will be echoes of us in the new species, just as the Neanderthals echo in our current human genes. We, the whole family, go on – if we can manage to survive. We rise and fall together, and I think the time travelers realize this. (Read my work!) I asked a well-known physicist in the in-crowd of reverse-engineering and UFO/UAP secret knowledge, who was a personal friend, if our visitors are indeed time travelers, and he said, “Yes they are, but it is more than that too.”

I love that answer! I want there to be more than that, I want the galaxy and the universe to be infinity diverse with amazing, astounding life-forms and extraordinary energies galore!

Contact Diane at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. On Amazon, my latest discoveries are in Weird Time: Exploring the Mysteries in Time and Space,” Weird Time: Exploring the Mysteries of Time and Space: Swartz, Tim My own recent book: “Beings from Beyond, They Are Here Now”

BEINGS FROM BEYOND: They Are Here - Kindle edition by Tessman, Diane

Wednesday, February 12, 2025