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    An alternative way to explore and explain the mysteries of our world. "Published since 1985, online since 2001."

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Book Reviews Perceptions Magazine, January 2025

Mysteries of the Round Towers:
The Subtle Energies of the
Stone Structures of Ireland
by Christopher Freeland
Foreword by Jeremy Massey

Bear & Company
a division of Inner Traditions International
One Park Street
Rochester, Vermont 05767
2025, Paperback, U.S. $22.00
ISBN: 978-1-59143-528-0

Review by Brent Raynes

The author, who started out as a former British Gurkhas in the late 1960s, in Zambia became a guide on photographic safaris, later becoming an orthodox Hindu monk for four years, studying Vedanta, Sanskrit, Ayurveda, and Indian culture. He came to travel quite widely, spending time in the United States, Europe, Asia, and the Far East, eventually settling in France for a while, working as a technical French-English translator. He spent eleven years in Thailand where he became a full-time radiesthesist (also known as a dowser), which is defined as someone who has the "sensitivity to radiations of all kinds emanating from living beings, inanimate objects, mineral ores, water, and even photographs."

Today Freeland alternates living in Ireland and Thailand, doing workshops, writing, and offering instructions and insights on radiesthesia detailed on his website radiesthesia.online.

In this book, Mysteries of the Round Towers: The Subtle Energies of the Stone Structures of Ireland, Freeland applies his knowledge of radiesthesia and the Earth's telluric forces, as well as cosmic forces and their healing properties with special attention to the ancient enigmatic stone towers of Ireland, (and to a lesser extent Scotland) often 90 feet high or taller, which have been considered electromagnetic antennas that collect and store wavelengths of magnetic and electromagnetic energies from the skies above. Monks meditating in these towers would reportedly be energetically affected, and other ancient structures around the world, like obelisks and stone circles, are felt to have been used for similar purposes.

Though the majority of mainstream scientists dismiss radiesthesia, use of the pendulum, orgone energy, psi phenomena, paramagnetism, diamagnetism, cosmic and telluric vortexes and pathways within the bodies of the male and female human, and many other terms and concepts described in this volume, Freeland shares and bases his knowledge, guidance, and insights on his many years of personal research and experimentation. Thus, it is up to the individual reader to decide if they wish to delve into this author's unique information and thoughtfully research and experiment on their own what he has claimed and documented within its thought-provoking pages. Certainly, there are many across the world who have for centuries attested to the reality of such things in spite of the skepticism of modern academia.

Wednesday, February 12, 2025