• AP Magazine

    An alternative way to explore and explain the mysteries of our world. "Published since 1985, online since 2001."

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Encounters with the Unknown

Timeslip in Smyrna, Tennessee

By Paul Dale Roberts

My ringtone goes off, the song Somebody's Watching Me by Rockwell plays.

I answer my cell phone.

Paul: "HPI Paranormal Cellular Hotline, how can I help you?"

The Caller says:
"My name is Magus Holloway, I am from Smyrna, Tennessee. This is going to sound crazy, but on January 18, (2012) at around 1am, I was with my gal Tanya and we were having a romantic rendezvous by the railroad tracks near the railroad station, when all of a sudden this green mist appeared out of nowhere. The mist rolled in and actually engulfed us. Then all of a sudden my gal and I were hearing gunshots all over the place. I have seen enough Civil War pictures to tell you, I was looking at Confederate soldiers fighting some of them Union boys!

I saw two soldiers getting blasted and I was looking at a train sitting there on the tracks, when there was no train there before. This one soldier ran right past me, but didn't seem to know I was there.

Then again the green fog came in and we were engulfed by the fog and when the fog lifted everything was back to normal and quiet again. Have you ever heard of anything like that? What the hell could that have been?"

Paul's answer:
Magus, the green fog is known as electric fog. The same kind of fog seen in the Versailles's Timeslip Incident and the same kind of fog seen in and around the Bermuda Triangle. This electric fog seems to disrupt the space/time continuum, causing time slips. It appears you went into a time slip that lead you and your significant other into the past, into the time of the Civil War, the time of your hero Sam Davis. What you experienced is a rarity, but it has happened to many people around the world. For you and your girlfriend to experience something like this, I must say I am very jealous. The reason why the soldier did not see you is because if you travel into the past, you cannot disrupt anything in the past, it would alter our future. When going into the past, you are merely a phantom or a ghost in the past.

Monday, January 13, 2025