• AP Magazine

    An alternative way to explore and explain the mysteries of our world. "Published since 1985, online since 2001."

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Alternate Perceptions Magazine, November 2022

Interviews with Fortean Peter Jordan

by: Brent Raynes

Peter Jordan interview, Part 1

Peter Jordan interview, Part 2

M.A., Psychology, New School for Social Research, New York
B.A., Philosophy, Drew University, New Jersey
Certification, Hypnosis, Ericksonian Society for Hypnotherapy and Psychotherapy,

New York

Member, American Society for Psychical Research (A.S.P.R)
Member, Association for Past-Life Research and The
Member of the Faculty, New School for Social Research (1981-83)

1976-Present: Field Investigator, Psychical Research Foundation, Durham,
North Carolina.
Investigated numerous cases of alleged hauntings and poltergeistry under guidance of
noted parapsychologist Dr. William Roll. (to date, I have conducted more than a hundred
such investigations).
1978-1980: Research Parapsychologist and Co-Founder, Association for the Study of
Unexplained Phenomena (A.S.U.P), New York.
Coordinated and directed psychics, photographic experts and physical scientists
in on-site investigations of claims ranging from Bigfoot sightings and UFO
abductions to hauntings and spirit communication. Group's work lead
to the debunking of the infamous Long Island "Amityville Horror."
1978-present: Research Director, Parapsychology Division, Vestigia, Stanhope,
New Jersey.
In collaboration with computer, electronic, geophysical and psychiatric
specialists, organized multi-disciplinary investigations of reported hauntings
and poltergeistry as part of a scientific, non-profit research group. Also helped form an
international network of scientists devoted to a "rational exploration" of anomolistic
phenomena. Group's work was featured on ABC's "20/20". (website: www.vestigia.org)
1983-Present: Research Specialist in Psychology, State-Section Director, Mutual
UFO Network (Mufon) Seguin, Texas.
To date, I have conducted more than sixty investigations of alleged UFO sightings and
abductions here in the United States and Europe.

PUBLICATIONS, MEDIA 1976-Present: have written articles for Science Digest,
Omni, Parapsychology Review, Medical News, Fortean Times, Flying Saucer Review,
Fate, UFO Magazine, and many other publications and journals. TV appearances have
included Unsolved Mysteries, CBS, ABC and Fox News.
TEACHING/LECTURING: From 1981 to 1983 taught a three-credit college course
on parapsychology at the New School for Social Research; offer courses at adult
schools on psychology and its relation to the paranormal. Since 1993 I have presented a
variety of multimedia lectures on the paranormal at more than three-hundred colleges and
universities throughout the country.

Wednesday, October 23, 2024