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    An alternative way to explore and explain the mysteries of our world. "Published since 1985, online since 2001."

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Archetype Motion and Schematics

By Alexander Zikas
M.App.Sc Chemical Engineering


This article introduces two new concepts to the public. One is an analogy between supernatural (intelligent) and natural energies, and the other is a theory of motion explaining how paranormal beings move and change direction. Both offer a unique exploration of unusual phenomena.

The Archetype-Electrical Schematic Analogy

One of the flexibilities of Jungian Archetype theory is that it lends itself well to a schematic representation, since any aspect of unusual phenomena can be tied back to an archetypal experience. While archetype theory has never been charted before in a schematic, I found it very amenable to the same sort of categorization found in engineering. Lets consider some broad application categories, and a more comprehensive breakdown of one of these categories.

In the tangible sciences we have the broad categories of biology, chemistry, physics and pure mathematics. In the applied sciences, we have the classic categories of chemical engineering, civil engineering, electrical engineering, and mechanical engineering. By making an assumption that the intangible area of archetypes has equivalents in the tangible and applied areas of real science, let’s surmise what these might be.

Chemical engineering is the conversion of raw materials into usable commodities and the optimization of flow systems. A psychic archetype equivalent is best related to synchronicity. Just as chemistry is involved in sorting out the puzzle building of molecular dynamics and reactions, so too is the matching of puzzle pieces conveyed by synchronistic clues. I discuss synchronicity in Alternative Perceptions Issue 90 and the book Synchronistic Adventures http://SynchronisticAdventures.googlepages.com/home. Civil engineering is the design and construction of public and private works, such as infrastructure (roads, railways, water supply and treatment, and bridges). This field reminds me most to the work attributed to Viktor Schauberger who developed theories of “living water” based on fluidic vortices and movement in nature. Mechanical engineering is the design of physical or mechanical systems, such as engines and equipment. In my opinion this matches the systems found in mysticism to drive our spiritual energies via temples, churches, and religious dogma.

Electrical engineering is the design of electrical systems and circuits, as well as electronic goods. This is the most interesting of the classic engineering disciplines as it can offer a schematic modeling on the tapping of archetypes. Just as there are analogies between Electromagnetiic systems and the quest for the Unified Field Theory, so too there seem to be archetype analogies with electro-magnetic and electrical systems.

In 1982 a remarkable event took place at the University of Paris by physicist Alain Aspect. Aspect and his team discovered that under certain circumstances subatomic particles such as electrons are able to instantaneously communicate with each other regardless of the distance separating them. The problem with this feat is that it violates Einstein's long-held tenet that no communication can travel faster than the speed of light. Physicist David Bohm believes Aspect's findings imply that objective reality does not exist, that despite its apparent solidity the universe is at heart a phantasm, a gigantic and splendidly detailed hologram. This might offer some evidence that energy follows thought, and that thought can be instaneous in extrasensory perception travel. Thought and intention are the equivalent of potential difference between the circuit points in an electric circuit.

Theories of Motion

Before we proceed to the archetype electrical analogy schematic, it is imperative to first develop a theory on how intelligent energy (archetypes) travel. After all, there is no friction involved as there is in the physical world. I propose that intelligent energy travels by the bending of space, because thought is energy, and energy can bend space per Einstein’s Theories of Relativity. Energy (like gravitation) can warp space so that two points are closer. The mind, through thought, perhaps can do so too, allowing travel instantaneously anywhere in the universe. I believe, and will submit photographic evidence, that supernatural beings (archetypes) move by bending space, and flowing into that path of least resistance. Since the bending motion is not a straight line to somewhere, the archetype travels in a zigzag sine wave fashion, like an oscillating snake. In order to move, the intelligent energy being must bend space in front of it and fall into it, bending it back and forth to move in a particular direction. The Pine Bush phenomena recorded by Dr. Bruce Cornet dramatically shows this phenomenom, though Dr. Cornet did not realize his time-exposure photographs showed this, but rather his work documented it as a unusual phenomenon associated with the Pine Bush aerial mystery.

Zikas’ First Theory of Archetype Motion: An archetype propels itself in a sinusoid pattern by bending space back and forth and falling forward into the path of least resistance.

Zikas’ Second Theory of Archetype Motion: An Archetype propels itself in a coiling pattern by bending space in a spiral fashion and falling forward into the direction of the coiling effect, or the path of least resistance.

See photographs 1 and 2 for evidence of my theories. Likewise to remain still, an archetype either does nothing or revolves around itself (bends around itself). See Illustration 1 and Photograph 3 for this assumption. I also propose that this bending of space is what psychically sensitive people feel in ghost or spirit encounters. Likewise, this is what causes material objects to move in poltergeists, such as books flying off shelves. The material objects are merely gravitationally pulled or pushed by the bending of space. An intelligent energy entity cannot travel straight because a straight line is by fault, not bent. It must zig-zag back and forth or spiral forward if it wants to move. Interestingly, regular energy also moves in a wave pattern, though at a different frequency, as is well –known in physics by the wave-particle duality of energy. I speculate that future scientists will explain this wave particle duality mechanism in similar terms. From my first two Theories, additional theories can be developed to correlate to more complex photographic evidence uncovered by Dr. Bruce Cornet.

Zikas’ Third Theory of Archetype Motion: An induced force in any closed schematic can receive or repel an energy object in or out of the schematic by bending space around the object.

The Third Theory is how exorcisms are done, or how energy is received into a chakra point, or how a protective shield is set around our bodies in Out-Of-Body (OBE) travel, or why we have a silver (sine wave shaped) cord when we project as an OBE.

Zikas’ Fourth Theory of Archtype Motion: A pair of archteypes can travel in formation by reacting to each other in a double helix like movement.

Zikas’ Fifth Theory of Archetype Motion: A group of archetypes can travel in formation by creating node loops that gravitaionally keep the archetypes bound in cohesive formation.

Dr. Bruce Cornet’s website shows photographic evidence for the double helix formation of travel as well as the loop node phenomenon. The double helix pattern ( http://www.abcfield.force9.co.uk/b_cornet/Vol_1 and click double helix pattern link ) may allow faster and more stable travel as two archetypes are at work in the same spatial area. See Photographs 4 and 5 for evidence of the loop node patterns of my Fifth Theory of Archetype Motion. Since space is elastic and takes time to return to normal, nodes have momentary attraction, which again offers stability and more efficient travel. (Note: the elasticity of space elastic causes it to have a 45 billion light year radius even though it is 15 billion years old, and which would lead one to otherwise presume that it has a 15 billion light year radius.) If intelligent archetypes break their concentration, breaks in their formation patterns will be evident. See Photograph 6 for such evidence.

Interestingly, the ability to bend space and propel straight-moving natural energy in any direction may have been already accomplished by humans. Issue 44 of Alternate Perceptions featured a lengthy article by Berthold E. Schwarz, M.D., entitled “Unique Physical Psi Presumed Effects: Clinical Experiments with Joe A. Nuzum.” Page 44 describes an experiment to bend a laser beam, which was successfully done by Nuzum’s Psi abilities. While the experiment did not answer how this feat was possible, I cite it as evidence to further support my theory that energy (regular or intelligent supernatural) can change directions by bending the space through which it travels. This bending is initiated by applying thought to make it so. Thought energy can bend space, just as gravitational curved space can bend energy.

Archetype Parameter Systems and Modeling

In order to understand a schematic representation of archetypes, it is necessary to interpret and create new terminology. Understanding this new terminology will help archetype investigators design circuits to tap and interpret the experiences provided by archetypes. Let’s consider the new terms I am proposing for investigational study.

The most basic electrical components in a circuit are the cell (battery), the wire, and the output device. The cell provides the electrical energy in a circuit, and in archetype theory this will be the individual person involved in the transmission that initiates the archetype experience. This requires a person of a proper mindset. The flow of electricity could be positive or negative, just as the archetypal experience can be positive or negative. The wire is the equivalent to the archetype corridor and gateway, upon which archetypal objects travel and pass through. An example of an archetype corridor can be a UFO hotspot area such as Pine Bush, New York (or a supernatural area like a former battlefield). An output device in electrical circuitry can be a lamp or buzzer for example. In archetypal theory, the output device is what causes the archetype to appear visible to us (e.g., as an orb, or a UFO) or to become audible to us (e.g., as a clairaudient sound).

Energy Pivots as Energized Capacitor Locations

Consider some of the other circuit component equivalents. A capacitor stores electric charge. I consider these to be archetype anchors that can store psychic imprints and thoughts. Metals and minerals are good for this purpose, and this explains why mountains, rocky terrain, and buildings can become haunted or energized. Transformers are used to step up (increase) and step down (decrease) AC voltages. Moving water in an archetypal anchor area can play this role, as can continuous flowing thought by society. As the anchor breaks a certain threshold, it becomes an energy pivot whereby it begins transmitting. These transmissions become our social mythologies, metaphors, symbols, culture, nationalism, music, etc. Energy pivots can be exploited and applied by those who know how to tap them. Most people without archetypal experiences are like diodes, which are devices that only allow current to flow in one direction. Thus they are only able to feed energy pivots. A skeptic, however, is like a resistor who restricts the flow of current. This is why having skeptics on UFO nightwatches and paranormal investigations doom the events to failure. Conversely, high-energy people in a gathered group are able to contribute to the archetype experience, and behave like a transistor, able to amplify the current. This is how a congregation at prayer works. A circuit meter such as a voltmeter, ammeter, or oscilloscope, can register circuit information. Certain high-energy people also act like circuit sensors and meters. Psychics can behave like sensors to hone into an energy pivot. Usually in archetypal investigations a camera is the most important meter to verify psychic information. Understanding the process and carefully choosing the circuit components allows the circuit to be closed (and flowing) via a push switch, which is what I call the successful tapping of the archetype so that a reception is received. Logic gates process signals that represent true (1, high, +Vs, on) or false (0, low, 0V, off), which is a measure on how well an individual perceives the reception of the intelligent energy archetype. So, the presence of a transmitter, receptor, and perceiver is essential to tap an archetype. In other ways, one needs location, a proper mindset, and high-energy people (140mV biofield vs. normal 70mV biofield). The latter is a finding by my colleague, the late Joseph Holbert, author of To Boo or Not To Boo. As such, my investigations produce results more often than not.

Table 1: Basic Archetype Flow Analogies

Table 2: Archetype Transmitter/Receptor Analogies

Table 3: Archetype Manifestation Analogies to Electric Circuit Output Devices

Table 4: Archetype Pivot Analogies to Electric Storage/Energizers

Philosophical Theories Behind Archetype Circuits – Anamnesis (Thought Experiments)

I find many of my answers to unusual phenomena in Greek philosophy. For example, the Platonic doctrine of recollection or anamnesis, is the idea that we are born possessing all knowledge and our realization of that knowledge is contingent on our rediscovery of it. The soul once lived in reality, but got trapped in our current body. It once knew everything, but forgot it. The goal of Recollection is to get back to true Knowledge. This doctrine says that all that we know already comes pre-loaded on birth and our senses enable us to identify and recognize the information buried in our mind. In his dialogue, The Republic, Plato drew an analogy between human sensation and the shadows that pass along the wall of a cave. Prisoners inside the cave can view only the shadows of puppets in front of a fire burning behind them. If a prisoner is freed, he learns that his previously perceived reality was merely a shadow and that the puppets are more real. If the learner moves outside of the cave, he/she learns that there are real things of which the puppets are just imitation. Thus, opinion is steadily replaced with knowledge and our mental circuit becomes complete.

Plato uses the term anamnesis in his dialogues Meno and Phaedo, and alludes to it in his Phaedrus. In Meno, Plato’s character (and old teacher) Socrates is challenged by Meno with what has become known as the sophistic paradox, or the paradox of knowledge. Meno asks Socrates about how he is going to search for the nature of virtue when he doesn't know at all what it is. He asks “Which of all the things you don't know will you set up as target for your search? And even if you actually come across it, how will you know that it is that thing which you don't know? In other words, if you don't know any of the attributes, properties, and/or other descriptive markers of any kind that help signify what something is (physical or otherwise), you won't recognize it, even if you actually come across it. And, as consequence, if the converse is true, and you do know the attributes, properties and/or other descriptive markers of this thing, then you shouldn't need to seek it out at all.” This is quite similar to the quest in the search of the true nature of supernatural activity.

I propose that synchronicity is a type of archtypal anamnesis. The completion of a closed cuircuit corresponds to this. Socrates' response to Meno’s challenge is to develop the theory of anamnesis. Socrates suggests that the soul is immortal, and repeatedly incarnated so knowledge is actually in the soul from eternity, but each time the soul is incarnated its knowledge is forgotten in the shock of birth. What one perceives to be learning, then, is actually the recovery of what one has forgotten. Thus Socrates saw himself, not as a teacher, but as a midwife, aiding with the birth of knowledge that was already there in the student. The theory is illustrated by Socrates asking a slave boy questions about geometry. At first the boy gives the wrong answer; when this is pointed out to him, he is puzzled, but by asking questions Socrates is able to help him to reach the true answer. This is intended to show that, as the boy wasn't told the answer, he could only have reached the truth by recollecting what he had already known but forgotten. Thus, by asking questions on certain types of evidence, like Dr. Cornet’s Pine Bush photography, one can interpret new insights.

In Phaedo, Plato develops his theory of anamnesis, in part by combining it with his Theory of Forms. First, he elaborates how anamnesis can be achieved: whereas in Meno nothing more than Socrates' method of questioning is offered. In Phaedo, Plato presents a way of living that would enable one to overcome the misleading nature of the body through katharsis or purification. The body and its senses are the source of error. Knowledge can only be regained through the use of our reason, contemplating things with the soul. Secondly, he makes clear that genuine knowledge, as opposed to belief, is distinguished by its content. One can only know eternal truths, for they are the only truths that can have been in the soul from eternity. Though it can be very useful to have a true belief about, say, the best way to get from Athens to Sparta, such a belief does not qualify as knowledge, as how could the human soul have known for all eternity a fact about places that have existed for less than a few thousand years?

Thus the challenge is the accurate modeling of the archetype curcuit to determine the true form. Pythagoras used the method of numerology and mathematics to seek the universal truths, but the power of advance language, culture, thought experiments, and metaphor should not be underestimated either. The Greek language, upon which English is modeled, gives a glimpse of the linguistic importance. For all its breadth and versatility, English cannot beat Greeek when it comes to accuracy of meaning stemming from the etymology of root-words, prefixes and suffixes making up construct words which very precisely designate meaning and a series of thoughts and ideas inherent in that meaning. In this way, Greek is the root numerological equivalent, the binary system equivalent, of all Western languages. Greek is the literary equivalent of the Pythagorean numerology. An example is the word meaning Man in Greek; ‘anthropos.’ It is in fact a construct of the three words ano-throsko-opa, which in turn mean ‘he who gazes upwards.’ This precisely designates and explains the qualities of Man well beyond his physical appearance, and encloses in it a number of layers of meaning from the upright stature of man to the fact that, because Man is the superior being on this planet, he gazes upward towards the higher planes and God, where he aspires to reach. Hence all the possible synchronistic symbolisms to the word “man,” which can be revealed through a knowledge of Greek. Many names also hold such long and involved etymologies in Greek, which can play into synchronicities. And there is one thing we can be certain of, as the old saying goes, the Greeks have a word for it, and often a symbol too. By knowing Greek, one essentially knows all European languages, which were originally mere 1,000 word vocaburaies before they were developed in contacts with Greeks and their Roman students. Homer was the first, and arguably the greatest, user of similes and metaphors to aid in the creation of vivid language imagery and archetypes in the minds of the audience. Throughout the Iliad and the Odyssey, the gods and archetypes enter the human realm in order to implement their desires for the outcome of particular events. However, they are careful to never appear in divine form, instead appearing in the likeness of specific archetypal characters or of various forces of nature, to help our minds tap into the divine realm. See Photograph 7 for an example of numerological and symbolic archetypes manifesting themselves.

This entire article was created via philosophic mind experiments. Many readers of this article will no doubt have seen orbs, and ecto-ribbons, and unidentified flying lights. Yet, nearly everyone relegates these experiences to belief, rather than seeking the simple self-questioning and reflection that lead to genuine knowledge as noted in the philosophic discussion above. Perhaps by understanding the archetypes and their mechanisms, we can explain unusual phenomena in better detail.

Photograph 1: A time-exposed sine wave archetype motion I captured in Frackville, PA on July 7, 2007. Such photographs are typically assumed to be “ghosts” or spirits, as it was assumed at this allegedly haunted location.
Courtesy: Alexander Zikas

Photograph 2: Typical coiling or spiral archetype motion. Such photographed objects are known as ribbons and can be commonly found posted on paranormal research websites.

Illustration 1: The author at a nightwatch in Mt. Carmel, PA saw a stationary plasma. It was about 1-½ feet across, 3 feet above the ground, and whirling around its long axis. This suggests that archetypes must bend space around themselves to stay stationary.
Courtesy of: Alexander Zikas

Photograph 3: After the passing of a family friend Carlos Colon, a stationary object is photographed in his home. I surmise that stationary motion is accomplished via a lack of bending of space, or bending of space around itself, i.e., revolving within itself. Notice the coiling around itself effect in the stationary mass near its bottom.
Courtesy: Colon Family, Spain.

Photograph 4: Time exposure of a night flying archetype masquerading as an airplane with navigational lights, Middleton, NY, 24 Sep 1994. Notice the sine wave travel pattern and the nodal loops.
Courtesy of: Dr. Bruce Cornet, http://www.sunstar-solutions.com/AOP/SOW/transfor.htm

Photograph 5: Close-up: Nodal loops within a flying archetype, Middleton, NY, 24 Sep 1992
Courtesy of: Dr. Bruce Cornet, http://www.sunstar-solutions.com/AOP/SOW/transfor.htm

Photograph 6: Pine Bush time exposure of a moving object and a formation break. Is the break in formation a break in concentration of the intelligent energy?
Courtesy of: Dr. Bruce Cornet, http://www.abcfield.force9.co.uk/b_cornet/Vol_1/figures.html

Photograph 7: In June 1967, 50 people saw this UFO, dubbed the UMMO UFO by Antonio Ribera. This is a typical 3 in 1 Trinity symbol (3 bounded by 1), also found in triangle (UFO) symbolism, trident synchronicities, and the animus-anima-shadow tripartite. The round shape of the UFO is also symbolic of a Mandala.

Ref: Antonio Ribera & Flying Saucer Review

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