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    An alternative way to explore and explain the mysteries of our world. "Published since 1985, online since 2001."

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Book Reviews Perceptions Magazine, January 2018

Cosmic Womb:
The Seeding of Planet Earth
by Chandra Wickramasinghe, Ph.D., and Robert Bauval

Bear & Company
One Park Street
Rochester, Vermont 05767
2017, 408 pages, 6x9, US $20.00
ISBN: 978-1-59143-307-1

Reviewed by Brent Raynes

Noted author Chandra Wickrfamasinghe, Ph.D., director of the Center for Astrobiology at the University of Buckingham and the editor-in-chief of the Journal of Astrobiology and Outreach, and Robert Bauval, a well-known Egyptologist and co-author of The Orion Mystery and Black Genesis, together compile a new thought-provoking book entitled Cosmic Womb. Wickramasinghe had worked back in the early 1960s with famed astronomer and astrophysicist Sir Fred Hoyle developing a theory called Panspermia that postulated how interstellar dust, riding on comets, seeded life here on earth, and no doubt many other locations throughout the universe.

In this new collaborative volume, the authors breath new life into this intriguing theory, pondering the implications of organic molecules that have been found to exist in deep space and how microbes have been found to be incredibly resistant to even the harshest of conditions of outer space. They even go so far as to speculate on the transference of genetic knowledge through which ancient cultures like the Egyptian pyramid builders and the temple builders of India were able to incorporate within those structures universal knowledge that was stored in their DNA and cells. As an example, many detailed illustrations and scientific data is provided regarding the Egyptian pyramids from various scientific disciplines like architecture, engineering, and mathematics, demonstrating that highly advanced knowledge and understanding went into their design and construction. The authors ponder if some physicists like Isaac Newton and Paul Dirac (early quantum physicist) possessed a kind of nature that would be somewhat that of savant syndrome. They wondered what is it about the number 137 that could lead physicists, some feel, to a theory of everything, and could such people be prone to what is known as synchronicity? They even described how one of the early founders of quantum physics, Wolfgang Pauli, was perhaps the most obsessed scientist when it came to 137. He became a friend and colleague of the famed Swiss psychologist Carl Jung, who put synchronicity on the proverbial map, and who had an intriguing and complex theory about a collective unconscious (not just a personal unconscious) and how this collective psyche could at times zero in on hidden patterns and concepts that were part of what Jung called “archetypes of the collective unconscious.” Bauval described how he had read of how America's legendary psychic Edgar Cayce entered thousands of self-induced trance states and gave readings allegedly by gaining access to a hidden, alternate dimension of reality he called the “Akashic Records.” Cayce revealed that a highly advanced civilization existed in Egypt way back in 10,500 B.C. Bauval admitted he had doubts about such a psychic process, but nonetheless in 1995, when he used astronomical computer software to analyze the astronomical alignments of Giza's pyramids and Sphinx, the same 10,000 BC period emerged. He was very surprised at this. I know of others, like Greg and Lora Little, who have also been impressed at the accuracy of many of Cayce's statements about the ancient world made prior to science being in a position to confirm them.

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